Kerry Shows No Signs of Quick VP Decision


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
Puyallup, WA
Hopefully we'll find out in the next month or so...

Kerry Shows No Signs of Quick VP Decision
By MIKE GLOVER, Associated Press Writer

(from the tail of the story)
Potential running mates most often mentioned by Democrats interviewed by The Associated Press are:

_North Carolina Sen. John Edwards. Kerry's final major rival in the primary race is mentioned by virtually all after a relentlessly upbeat campaign that impressed many. Working against him is the difficulty of making an argument for change with two senators on the ticket. Edwards told reporters last week, "I don't think we ought to prejudge" a decision by Kerry.

_Bob Kerrey. The former Nebraska governor and senator is, like Kerry, a decorated Vietnam War veteran. Though he has impressed many with his work on the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks, Kerrey has said he's not interested in joining the ticket. Retired Gen. Wesley Clark (news - web sites) would also burnish the ticket's military credentials.

_Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius. Adding gender balance to the list, she also is a moderate elected in a Republican state and could offer Kerry a bridge to groups like the Democratic Leadership Council.

_William Cohen. The Maine Republican served in the Senate, then as defense secretary under Clinton. His selection could be seen as a bold stroke and a nod toward bipartisanship.

_Virginia Gov. Mark Warner. A fresh face after winning election in 2001, Warner could help in important Southern states. Like all governors, he has struggled with budget problems, and his plan to close the deficit relies partially on tax increases.

_New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson. He would bring a Hispanic flavor and a nod to the nation's largest and fastest-growing minority. A former U.N. ambassador, Richardson also would provide foreign policy experience.

_Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack. He is in the middle of his second term in a state that narrowly went Democratic in 2000. He has pledged not to seek a third term and has left little doubt about his interest in higher office.

_Rep. Dick Gephardt (news - web sites). The longtime Missouri congressman saw his bid for the nomination fade early, but he maintains strong ties to organized labor. There is pressure on his behalf.
Not Bob Kerrey. Who would vote for a Kerry/Kerrey ticket? lol

Clark? Wes or Dick? lol

Wes Clark bashed Kerry for not being a general "like me." Wesley Clark was the worst speaker.

It could be Edwards or even Gephardt.
Hillary has it in the bag. she controls the purse strings and the lockbox.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Hillary has it in the bag. she controls the purse strings and the lockbox.

Kerry may choose Hilary - or the other way around.
He may feel a woman could bring in the vote he could not. On the other hand, she isn't the most popular choice around.

Also - is vp good enough for her? It may be her one time shot at commander and chief?

I feel like I am watching one of those cheesy soap operas...stay tuned for tomarow for the next episode of:

Kerrys world
Hillary Clinton will NOT be Kerry's running mate. My money is on Richardson, Edwards or Gephardt. I really like Bill Richardson. I think he'd be a great choice.

I say its Hillary. She will innoculate herself from critism and be close enough to sabatoge the Kerry campaign firsthand. and on the off chance kerry does get elected, he wont survive the first year.

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