Kerry, Golda, Anwar and the Occupation


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
John Kerry's latest "attempt" to bring Netanyahu and Abbas together reminds Uri Avnery of a sincere attempt at peacemaking launched in the early 1970s by a Swede named Gunnar Jarring:

"Jarring took his historic mission very seriously. He shuttled tirelessly between Cairo and Jerusalem. His name became a joke in Israel, and probably in Egypt, too.

The protagonists in those days were Anwar Sadat and Golda Meir. As we disclosed at the time, Sadat gave Jarring a momentous message: in return for getting back all of the Sinai peninsula, conquered by Israel in 1967, he was ready to make peace.

"Golda rejected this proposal out of hand. There was, of course, no meeting.

(A popular joke doing the rounds had Golda and Sadat facing each other from opposite banks of the Suez Canal. Golda shouted: 'Make Love not War!' Sadat looked at her through his binoculars and replied: 'Better war!')

"Everybody knows how this chapter ended. After Golda had rejected everything, Sadat attacked, won an initial surprise victory, the whole political world started to move , Golda was kicked out, and after four years of Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin came to power and agreed the same peace with Sadat that had been proposed before the war.

"The 3000 Israeli soldiers and around 10,000 Egyptians who died in the war did not see it.

"Jarring, by the way, died in 2002, unsung and forgotten."

Kerry and Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Kerry, Bibbi, and Abbas all come from an economic class that profit$ largely from the deaths of soldiers that Israel's eternal occupation of Palestine requires.
"The profit for Netanyahu would be clear and immediate. He would be seen as the Man of Peace. The present government, the most rightist and nationalist Israel has ever known, would be rehabilitated.

"The people around the world who preach a boycott of Israel in all spheres would be shamed and disarmed. The growing alarm in Jerusalem about the 'de-legitimization' and 'isolation' of Israel would be relieved.

"What would the Palestinian side get out of it? Nothing. No stop to the settlements. Not even the release of old prisoners who have been incarcerated for more than 20 years (like those who were released to Hamas in return for Gilad Shalit). Sorry, no 'preconditions'”!

Kerry and Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

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