Israeli flag burned as protests sweep Egypt


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
....Acording to Al Yom Al Masri paper, the protesters even went as far as burring an Israeli flag in response to what they call "Zionist and American involvement in Egyptian affairs."

The paper also published a picture of a huge Israeli flag placed next to the building housing the defense ministry a minutes prior to its burning.


Israeli flag burned as protests sweep Egypt - Israel News, Ynetnews


What a bunch of baboons!
Phil, why do you persist in trying to justify the murder of one of our fellow American citizens who was there trying to help Egyptian children?
Burning a national flag?

Who do they think they are?


They are people who are filled with extreme hate ! That's who they are
Israel occupies E. Jerusalem, mistreats the Palestinians, attacks all her Muslim Neighbors, Did you expect love and flowers?"

Attacks her Muslim Neighbors ??? That's a very bold and vague statement Pbel.
Why has Israel attacked her neighbors??? Just for fun ?? Maybe to test out their new weapons ???
When Israel attacks her neighbors like you keep saying, you can be damn sure theres a good reason for.
Don't poke the bear and you won't get hurt !
MHunterB, et al,

This is a result of the inability of the culture to focus on the domestic issue.

Phil, why do you persist in trying to justify the murder of one of our fellow American citizens who was there trying to help Egyptian children?

There are political forces in Egypt that find it to their advantage to refocus the general populations frustrations on Israel, rather than focusing on the internal domestic issues that would make Egyptians much more prosperous and productive.

The Egyptians are being lead around like sheep.


The US, always attempting to show that it is somehow relevant, should slowly back away. It needs to disengage; not just from Egypt, but all Arab Nations. If the Arabs want to burn down their corner of the Earth, --- let's give them room. Stop all aid to the Arab world of any kind, except possibly to Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

Most Respectfully,
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Phil, why do you persist in trying to justify the murder of one of our fellow American citizens who was there trying to help Egyptian children?

The opening post is addressing the burning of a flag.

So that makes TWO posters here who are unable to care about an American being murdered in the rioting - an American who was trying to help build understanding between Egyptians and Americans. : ((

I find that really very sad...... I've seen Phil's posts before about claiming Jewish Americans are 'disloyal', and Sherri's 'thanks' for such words, But I really had thought they were just exaggerating as they so often do.

Now it's starting to look as though they really meant it : ((
Can't agree more. What is interesting is that Egypt has taken a page out of German History, distract internal unrest and failed domestic policy by focusing attention toward an outward threat, real or imagined.
MHunterB, et al,

This is a result of the inability of the culture to focus on the domestic issue.
I agree: a lot of Egypt's problems derive from their heavy-handed central planning and a kind of 'disconnect' between the university courses and the skill sets needed to build up the nation's economy.

There's a bigger threat to Egypt than Israel: two, in fact. HAMAS in Gaza and the growing lawlessness in the Sinai, which is only 'de jure' under Egyptian rule.

Phil, why do you persist in trying to justify the murder of one of our fellow American citizens who was there trying to help Egyptian children?

There are political forces in Egypt that find it to their advantage to refocus the general populations frustrations on Israel, rather than focusing on the internal domestic issues that would make Egyptians much more prosperous and productive.

The Egyptians are being lead around like sheep.


The US, always attempting to show that it is somehow relevant, should slowly back away. It needs to disengage; not just from Egypt, but all Arab Nations. If the Arabs want to burn down their corner of the Earth, --- let's give them room. Stop all aid to the Arab world of any kind, except possibly to Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

Most Respectfully,

I can see giving Jordan support, at least the current King. But KSA? We should stop treating them like we can trust 'em - and why do they need money from us anyway?
Can't agree more. What is interesting is that Egypt has taken a page out of German History, distract internal unrest and failed domestic policy by focusing attention toward an outward threat, real or imagined.

Sadly, the Egyptians are far from unusual in so doing: just about every Muslim-majority nation's government seems to fixate on Israel and 'Zionism' whenever anyone asks about domestic issues...... The 'Zionists' are being blamed for the continuing friction between Sunnis and Shi'as - never-mind that they've had nothing whatsoever to do with any of that mess! And some of the Sunnis who screech the loudest, are also on record calling Shi'a 'animals' and worse.

As someone else pointed out recently, this is a 'mindset' which claims Israel only exists because of the Holocaust - but simultaneously insists the Holocaust never happened. :eusa_shhh:
MHunterB, et al,

Aid is not just money.

MHunterB, et al,

This is a result of the inability of the culture to focus on the domestic issue.
I agree: a lot of Egypt's problems derive from their heavy-handed central planning and a kind of 'disconnect' between the university courses and the skill sets needed to build up the nation's economy.

There's a bigger threat to Egypt than Israel: two, in fact. HAMAS in Gaza and the growing lawlessness in the Sinai, which is only 'de jure' under Egyptian rule.

Phil, why do you persist in trying to justify the murder of one of our fellow American citizens who was there trying to help Egyptian children?

There are political forces in Egypt that find it to their advantage to refocus the general populations frustrations on Israel, rather than focusing on the internal domestic issues that would make Egyptians much more prosperous and productive.

The Egyptians are being lead around like sheep.


The US, always attempting to show that it is somehow relevant, should slowly back away. It needs to disengage; not just from Egypt, but all Arab Nations. If the Arabs want to burn down their corner of the Earth, --- let's give them room. Stop all aid to the Arab world of any kind, except possibly to Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

Most Respectfully,

I can see giving Jordan support, at least the current King. But KSA? We should stop treating them like we can trust 'em - and why do they need money from us anyway?

A thousand years ago, what we call Arabians and Iraqis today were at the central of the world for culture and learning. It has only been since the rise of Islam that these once noble and intellectually advanced cultures took the nose dive into depravity. While I've seen the modern day Iraqi of today, and have zero faith that they could ever recover the grandeur that was once Baghdad, I still have some faith that the Arabian can still emerge as an advanced culture. I think the House of Saud can still turn them into a something spectacular. But I doubt that the Court of Sheiks (Kuwait) and Iraq, or even Egypt can ever recover. I think the genetic prerequisites and gene pool so necessary for intellectual accomplishment are depleted.

The only people today, regionally, besides Israel, that shows any spark left in the gray matter that is so critical to cultural advancement are the Saudi's and Jordanians.

Just My Though and Observations,

Most Respectfully,
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Burning a national flag?

Who do they think they are?


They are people who are filled with extreme hate ! That's who they are
Israel occupies E. Jerusalem, mistreats the Palestinians, attacks all her Muslim Neighbors, Did you expect love and flowers?"

We don't get involved in Egypt!

Fact that they draw swastikas show how very much bloodthirsty monsters they really are.

What harm did the Jewish peace activist caused that they brutally murdered him??

Because he was obviously killed for simply being Jewish and American
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As I said the other day, Camp David was a non-aggression pact thinly disguised as a peace treaty.

Despite the embassies, the economic ties,... most of the time you have government, media and population united... barbecuing the jewish state together. :razz:
José;7457020 said:
As I said the other day, Camp David was a non-aggression pact thinly disguised as a peace treaty.

Despite the embassies, the economic ties,... most of the time you have government, media and population united... barbecuing the jewish state together. :razz:

Call it whatever you want, but since the signing, there have not been any major altercations between Israel or Egypt, except for several skirmished involving underground militants.
Just because some Egyptian civilians have expressed their deep hatred for Israel, it doesn't mean the peace treaty is null. As far as I know, peace treaties don't saying anything about civilians feeling hostile towards the other state. Also, part of the deal was for the Sinai to remain de - militarized, which it has.

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