Ken Starr: I haven't seen Trump commit anything 'close' to an impeachable offense

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
But, but, but, but, orange man racist, orange man sexist, orange man fascist...

Need I add: </sarc>

Read much more at
The Hill ^

Former independent counsel Ken Starr said that he has not seen President Trump commit any offense that is "even close" to being impeachable.

John Catsimatidis in an interview airing Sunday on AM 970 in New York asked Starr, who led the investigation into former President Clinton's sexual misconduct with Monica Lewinsky, if Trump had committed any "impeachable offenses."

"Not even close," Starr replied. "I know of no evidence … that would suggest that [Trump] has committed high crimes and misdemeanors."

"You can hate the way he tweets … you can disagree with his policies ... but be very careful before you move the country toward impeachment," he added. "It’s inherently divisive."

Starr has increasingly appeared on cable news shows over the past year to discuss special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

The former independent counsel added that there was not a consensus over impeaching Clinton.

"Essentially, you need a consensus among ‘we the people' [for impeachment]," he said. "We the American people need to agree this president should go. We had that with Richard Nixon. We did not have it with Bill Clinton."

"We certainly don’t have it with Donald Trump," he said. "We have a nation divided, but a nation divided does not mean let’s get rid of the president."

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