Ken Burns Roosevelt Documentary

Has anyone been watching? It's fantastic and incredibly informative, even if you think you are familiar with their presidencies.

Every conservative should watch it (especially @PoliticalChic ). It will debunk all the garbage and revisionist history that dopes like the ones on this site continually try to sell.

Thanks for the heads-up.

But you have that backwards.

Haven't you noticed that none of your Roosevelt groupies have been able to contend with my posts?
I back up everything I post....with quotes, links and documentation.

So, my posts would do the 'de-bunking.'

Go back and read them after you watch the hagiography, and get off your knees.
Burns is good at these documentaries. Most of the Roosevelt stuff I've seen many times, so none of it is new, but it's nice to have it gathered in all together like that and in sequence and narrated.
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

The people who love or admire FDR are the uninformed and the indoctrinated....same with Truman and Obama.
The taxpayer funded PBS station plays it over and over. I can't imagine Americans swooning over the legacy of a president who was so arrogant that he disregarded the long standing gentlemans agreement by every president since the 1700's not to run for more than two terms and forced an Amendment to the Constitution. I can't imagine support for the legacy of a freaking president who incarcerated American citizens on the basis of their ethnic appearance. If Japanese Americans were really a threat to the United States during war with Japan why didn't he lock them all up? Why didn't the government lock up all the Japanese in Hawaii which was a hot bed of espionage? The sleazy answer might be about democrat real estate speculators who pounced on confiscated Japanese American property. Was Roosevelt even in his right mind during WW2? His medical records disappeared from a locked safe after he died. Indications are that he was the victim of several strokes before he finally died.
The taxpayer funded PBS station plays it over and over. I can't imagine Americans swooning over the legacy of a president who was so arrogant that he disregarded the long standing gentlemans agreement by every president since the 1700's not to run for more than two terms and forced an Amendment to the Constitution. I can't imagine support for the legacy of a freaking president who incarcerated American citizens on the basis of their ethnic appearance. If Japanese Americans were really a threat to the United States during war with Japan why didn't he lock them all up? Why didn't the government lock up all the Japanese in Hawaii which was a hot bed of espionage? The sleazy answer might be about democrat real estate speculators who pounced on confiscated Japanese American property. Was Roosevelt even in his right mind during WW2? His medical records disappeared from a locked safe after he died. Indications are that he was the victim of several strokes before he finally died.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting budget is about $445 million dollars. That’s less than $1.50 per person per year — or about one one-hundredth of one percent of the federal budget.
Five Things That Cost Taxpayers More Than PBS
The taxpayer funded PBS station plays it over and over. I can't imagine Americans swooning over the legacy of a president who was so arrogant that he disregarded the long standing gentlemans agreement by every president since the 1700's not to run for more than two terms and forced an Amendment to the Constitution. I can't imagine support for the legacy of a freaking president who incarcerated American citizens on the basis of their ethnic appearance. If Japanese Americans were really a threat to the United States during war with Japan why didn't he lock them all up? Why didn't the government lock up all the Japanese in Hawaii which was a hot bed of espionage? The sleazy answer might be about democrat real estate speculators who pounced on confiscated Japanese American property. Was Roosevelt even in his right mind during WW2? His medical records disappeared from a locked safe after he died. Indications are that he was the victim of several strokes before he finally died.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting budget is about $445 million dollars. That’s less than $1.50 per person per year — or about one one-hundredth of one percent of the federal budget.
Five Things That Cost Taxpayers More Than PBS
Half a billion dollars in taxpayer money is considered chump change. It shows how decadent the concept has become.
I watched this show, loved it. But I was left wondering about the media NOW. TMZ and every paparazzi under god's green earth would have shouted out every failure, every indiscretion and the fact FDR had a physical disability since 1921....Why did the media have so much discretion then and none NOW?
The people who love or admire FDR are the uninformed and the indoctrinated....same with Truman and Obama.

Hmmm...well why don't you inform and un-indoctrinate me then, I mean insofar as FDR and Truman are concerned. You can skip Obama. I'm waiting.

If you really want "the dirt" on FDR you're asking the wrong poster. I see you're a newer member of USMB so I'll direct you to the resident "expert" on all things related to FDR and Truman. Tom, meet PoliticalChic. PC has gifted us with much arcane knowledge of the Dark Side of Franklin's administration through what must be her occult-like power to divine evil where most rational people see greatness, or at the very least a modicum of good intent. Here, I'll give you a taste of PC's version of reality concerning FDR;

"Roosevelt followed Stalin's every instruction, and ceded Europe to him before his troops even moved into same.
That is critical: Anglo-American Common Law might be invoked if the Red Army had occupied Eastern Europe at the time.
They did not.
Bottom line: sans FDR's support....communism would have remained the material of soap-box orators."

This is from one of her threads here in which she informed us how Roosevelt extended WWll by two whole years. I know...Wow! you must be thinking, what an evil Bastard! For more of her mystical pronouncements on the subject just search "FDR PoliticalChic" and you'll be inundated with a veritable river of sewage on that whole era. Who knows, maybe you'll end up being, as another poster labelled them, one of her "sychofans".
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.
Roosevelt was greatly hated by the Right Wing and Republicans when he was President.
Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.

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