Keep your guns-you're going to need them.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Too many teen pregnancies?-Go into the schools and stretch condoms over cucumbers or better yet just exterminate the illegitimate offspring with an abortion. Too many mass killings?-take away all the guns. It’s so simple why can’t the people see it? Reactionary solutions are always front and center whenever serious societal issues arise because many of those issues sprouted out of the seeds of someone’s pet ideas about how to run a society.

Mass killings in the 1950’s were almost unheard of even though millions of American men had only recently returned to peaceful existence after the violent kill-or-be-killed experience of World War Two. No one was crusading against guns or gun ownership in those times because gun violence was rare in the general population.

Even during the 1930’s mass killings on anonymous innocent civilians was nonexistent and the nine mass shootings that did occur were gangland inspired during America’s criminal phase. In the days of the ST. Valentine’s Day Massacre no one was just walking into crowded venues and killing innocent people because they felt entitled to do so under the influence of some ideological indoctrination.

All that began change in the 1970’s when government took a larger, planned role in directing the behavior of citizens to achieve a more fair and equitable society. Almost immediately marriage rates dropped and out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. After Daniel Patrick Moynihan was marginalized and ostracized for speaking out against the welfare state and its propensity to create a dangerous underclass, the last reasonable voice had been silenced.

Intellectuals and political operatives have created a Pandora’s Box of central planning unleashing the damaged, psychopathic children of the village into the midst of our cities and towns. Their rudderless, loveless, unsupervised and morally bankrupt upbringing keeps them fed but instills in them a hateful and vengeful urge to strike back at what the government has robbed them of.

Many turn to drugs or petty crime but some go big and kill their fellow citizens in one fell swoop. It’s not the guns; it’s not even the shooters that are really to blame for the carnage-it’s the government that took away flesh and blood and replaced it with the government love of a monthly check. The intelligentsia has created a problem it can’t fix.

The Soviets were smart enough to take away the guns first. No American who wants one should ever give up the right to own a firearm.
Too many teen pregnancies?-Go into the schools and stretch condoms over cucumbers or better yet just exterminate the illegitimate offspring with an abortion. Too many mass killings?-take away all the guns. It’s so simple why can’t the people see it? Reactionary solutions are always front and center whenever serious societal issues arise because many of those issues sprouted out of the seeds of someone’s pet ideas about how to run a society.

Mass killings in the 1950’s were almost unheard of even though millions of American men had only recently returned to peaceful existence after the violent kill-or-be-killed experience of World War Two. No one was crusading against guns or gun ownership in those times because gun violence was rare in the general population.

Even during the 1930’s mass killings on anonymous innocent civilians was nonexistent and the nine mass shootings that did occur were gangland inspired during America’s criminal phase. In the days of the ST. Valentine’s Day Massacre no one was just walking into crowded venues and killing innocent people because they felt entitled to do so under the influence of some ideological indoctrination.

All that began change in the 1970’s when government took a larger, planned role in directing the behavior of citizens to achieve a more fair and equitable society. Almost immediately marriage rates dropped and out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. After Daniel Patrick Moynihan was marginalized and ostracized for speaking out against the welfare state and its propensity to create a dangerous underclass, the last reasonable voice had been silenced.

Intellectuals and political operatives have created a Pandora’s Box of central planning unleashing the damaged, psychopathic children of the village into the midst of our cities and towns. Their rudderless, loveless, unsupervised and morally bankrupt upbringing keeps them fed but instills in them a hateful and vengeful urge to strike back at what the government has robbed them of.

Many turn to drugs or petty crime but some go big and kill their fellow citizens in one fell swoop. It’s not the guns; it’s not even the shooters that are really to blame for the carnage-it’s the government that took away flesh and blood and replaced it with the government love of a monthly check. The intelligentsia has created a problem it can’t fix.

The Soviets were smart enough to take away the guns first. No American who wants one should ever give up the right to own a firearm.
Actually it began in 1964 when God was kicked out of public schools.
Too many teen pregnancies?-Go into the schools and stretch condoms over cucumbers or better yet just exterminate the illegitimate offspring with an abortion. Too many mass killings?-take away all the guns. It’s so simple why can’t the people see it? Reactionary solutions are always front and center whenever serious societal issues arise because many of those issues sprouted out of the seeds of someone’s pet ideas about how to run a society.

Mass killings in the 1950’s were almost unheard of even though millions of American men had only recently returned to peaceful existence after the violent kill-or-be-killed experience of World War Two. No one was crusading against guns or gun ownership in those times because gun violence was rare in the general population.

Even during the 1930’s mass killings on anonymous innocent civilians was nonexistent and the nine mass shootings that did occur were gangland inspired during America’s criminal phase. In the days of the ST. Valentine’s Day Massacre no one was just walking into crowded venues and killing innocent people because they felt entitled to do so under the influence of some ideological indoctrination.

All that began change in the 1970’s when government took a larger, planned role in directing the behavior of citizens to achieve a more fair and equitable society. Almost immediately marriage rates dropped and out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. After Daniel Patrick Moynihan was marginalized and ostracized for speaking out against the welfare state and its propensity to create a dangerous underclass, the last reasonable voice had been silenced.

Intellectuals and political operatives have created a Pandora’s Box of central planning unleashing the damaged, psychopathic children of the village into the midst of our cities and towns. Their rudderless, loveless, unsupervised and morally bankrupt upbringing keeps them fed but instills in them a hateful and vengeful urge to strike back at what the government has robbed them of.

Many turn to drugs or petty crime but some go big and kill their fellow citizens in one fell swoop. It’s not the guns; it’s not even the shooters that are really to blame for the carnage-it’s the government that took away flesh and blood and replaced it with the government love of a monthly check. The intelligentsia has created a problem it can’t fix.

The Soviets were smart enough to take away the guns first. No American who wants one should ever give up the right to own a firearm.
Actually it began in 1964 when God was kicked out of public schools.
View attachment 177713

And then roe v wade in 73. We're reaping what we sow.
Too many teen pregnancies?-Go into the schools and stretch condoms over cucumbers or better yet just exterminate the illegitimate offspring with an abortion. Too many mass killings?-take away all the guns. It’s so simple why can’t the people see it? Reactionary solutions are always front and center whenever serious societal issues arise because many of those issues sprouted out of the seeds of someone’s pet ideas about how to run a society.

Mass killings in the 1950’s were almost unheard of even though millions of American men had only recently returned to peaceful existence after the violent kill-or-be-killed experience of World War Two. No one was crusading against guns or gun ownership in those times because gun violence was rare in the general population.

Even during the 1930’s mass killings on anonymous innocent civilians was nonexistent and the nine mass shootings that did occur were gangland inspired during America’s criminal phase. In the days of the ST. Valentine’s Day Massacre no one was just walking into crowded venues and killing innocent people because they felt entitled to do so under the influence of some ideological indoctrination.

All that began change in the 1970’s when government took a larger, planned role in directing the behavior of citizens to achieve a more fair and equitable society. Almost immediately marriage rates dropped and out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. After Daniel Patrick Moynihan was marginalized and ostracized for speaking out against the welfare state and its propensity to create a dangerous underclass, the last reasonable voice had been silenced.

Intellectuals and political operatives have created a Pandora’s Box of central planning unleashing the damaged, psychopathic children of the village into the midst of our cities and towns. Their rudderless, loveless, unsupervised and morally bankrupt upbringing keeps them fed but instills in them a hateful and vengeful urge to strike back at what the government has robbed them of.

Many turn to drugs or petty crime but some go big and kill their fellow citizens in one fell swoop. It’s not the guns; it’s not even the shooters that are really to blame for the carnage-it’s the government that took away flesh and blood and replaced it with the government love of a monthly check. The intelligentsia has created a problem it can’t fix.

The Soviets were smart enough to take away the guns first. No American who wants one should ever give up the right to own a firearm.
Actually it began in 1964 when God was kicked out of public schools.
View attachment 177713

Yeah you have to wonder, they all say pray for the school shooting victims...after they kicked God out of schools
poor paranoid RussianWinger's .. must really suck to live life not having a life to live.
They kicked unConstitutional proselytizing from the schools.

Myth belief was never restricted in any way.
Funny, because I've never seen God block bullets. Is He a superhero now? Is He "the One"?
poor paranoid RussianWinger's .. must really suck to live life not having a life to live.

We have plenty of life to live because we have plenty of guns to protect that life.

You on the other hand are nothing more than a potential statistic.

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