Kavanaugh and Gorsuch are not in a judicial lock step.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
The thing is, "conservatives" or basically anyone who opposes global collectivism, are the only independent thinkers in the country. They can not be expected to THINK the same way, because no one does.

You can count on the 4 loons that remain on the court to consistently side with each other on every issue. You can't count on Roberts at all because he's obviously compromised through some corruption, but in terms of clear legal matters the other 4 sane judges may come to different conclusions, and that is very important in the highest judicial house.

I really can't wait for Ginsburg to go away, or for Breyer to die. Once we have a couple more judges that are more inclined to rule on the COTUS as written the better off we will be.

Supreme Court throws out murder conviction of black inmate as Kavanaugh, Gorsuch split again

Now... to address the link in the thread and the case involved I'll give you my opinion if you give a shit and are still reading the thread.

A "jury of their peers" in this case ought to have had some black people. One thing I am disgusted by in our system is that we usually don't get a "jury of our peers". hen I had a DUI charge 20 something years ago, I talked to my lawyer about why I couldn't get a jury of 20 something year old construction workers because I knew they would reject the law itself, not just the charges. He laughed and said I'd get the same result with 12 criminal defense attorneys.

Anyway... Lets say we reformed the jury selection process and that juries had to "look like" or at least reflect and be a part of the same community as the accused. You could almost guarantee MUCH LOWER conviction rates. The problem with that being guilty people walking away free much more often, making prosecution of crimes like DUI, drug possession, and other crimes that don't have victims impossible to win.

So you end up with a whole set of different problems. I guess the point of this thread, and I will be the first one to assert this, is that in black communities specifically, you're looking at a circumstance where blacks could not be convicted for anything but the most heinous crimes and the lawlessness in their communities would explode beyond the insane levels they're at now.

That said, at some point I think the communities themselves would eventually begin to police themselves. It's my perspective that they're in the conditions they're in because they're dependent upon people other that their peers to provide justice.
They may disagree on minutae but are strong supporters of the constitution being the supreme rule of the land.
I like Gorsuch's decision on vague laws:

Supreme Court rules ‘crime of violence’ law is unconstitutionally vague.

Justice Gorsuch:

“Only the people’s elected representatives in Congress have the power to write new federal criminal laws. And when Congress exercises that power, it has to write statutes that give ordinary people fair warning about what the law demands of them.”​

Justice Kavanaugh disagreed, saying this will make it harder to prosecute criminals. I’m with Gorsuch on this.

Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the majority opinion on behalf of Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

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