Katie Hobbs Lawyer tries to get Kari Lake Witness to Agree that a Ballot is not Unlawful "if someone inserts it into the stream."

What Lake has failed to prove is the basic question

If not for this happening, I would have won the election.

She failed miserably
What Lake has failed to prove is the basic question

If not for this happening, I would have won the election.

She failed miserably
Laurie Roberts, Arizona Republic
Fri, December 23, 2022 at 9:01 AM CST

Kari Lake’s trial is over. The Big Reveal about Arizona’s election is, well …. revealed.
Turns out there was no bombshell evidence proving that some nefarious soul over at Maricopa County schemed up a plan to rob Lake of victory.
There wasn’t even a small firecracker. Not even a party popper.
There was just Lake’s attorney, clinging to a theory that somebody shrunk the ballots to cause Election Day mayhem and cost Lake the election.
How ccan anybody even look at Kari and not see that she won the election?

She's as American as apple pie and AR-15's!

She's John Wayne in a skirt!

If Trump doesn't call out his 'boys' to action for Kari then ya'all don't have a country anymore.
Sorry Lake did not prove her case, there is no smoking gun . Yeah some mistakes were made but it not a conspiracy plot to change the outcome. She has loss the case as well as the election. She will never admit it but she may be a little bias.

Star witness testified about 19 inch ballots causing ballots to be reject which was supposedly done on purpose

Yet on cross examination he was asked if this happen then the ballot could still be duplicated and entered manually and his response DUh, mmm, I suppose so

Another credible witness was a pollster Rich Baris, whose polling methods is banned by FiveThirtyEight’s pollster ratings due either to bad methodology or poor results. Oh yeah he was predicting that red wave. His testimony that he polled about 800 people and concluded from this sample that anywhere from 15,603 to 29,257 who coincidentally would all be lake supporters could not vote.

Another (stolen election promoter) bites the dust. Looks like this lake is all dried up.
sure it does, RETARD....you failing miserably every time you type----to stupid to figure that out on your own, huh?
like i keep saying:


You seem to be stumbling here
Schoolyard taunts don’t really cut it

You need to pick up your game
Sorry Lake did not prove her case, there is no smoking gun . Yeah some mistakes were made but it not a conspiracy plot to change the outcome. She has loss the case as well as the election. She will never admit it but she may be a little bias.

Star witness testified about 19 inch ballots causing ballots to be reject which was supposedly done on purpose

Yet on cross examination he was asked if this happen then the ballot could still be duplicated and entered manually and his response DUh, mmm, I suppose so

Another credible witness was a pollster Rich Baris, whose polling methods is banned by FiveThirtyEight’s pollster ratings due either to bad methodology or poor results. Oh yeah he was predicting that red wave. His testimony that he polled about 800 people and concluded from this sample that anywhere from 15,603 to 29,257 who coincidentally would all be lake supporters could not vote.

Another (stolen election promoter) bites the dust. Looks like this lake is all dried up.
Kari Lake wasn't given the leeway to prove her case because the judge barely allowed her the right to inspect ballots. She wasn't allowed much else. It was all a lost cause once the bought and paid for judge decided what could be presented as evidence.
If we are going to stop the Democrooks from cheating, we will have to secure elections before they take place. Lawsuits after the fact will never go anywhere.

How exactly do you propose to "secure elections before they take place"? Are you saying to hell with the voters and just declare who you want to win as the winner? And, if lawsuits after the fact will never go anywhere, does that mean you want the results to be determined before the voters have a say? Explain yourself.
How exactly do you propose to "secure elections before they take place"? Are you saying to hell with the voters and just declare who you want to win as the winner? And, if lawsuits after the fact will never go anywhere, does that mean you want the results to be determined before the voters have a say? Explain yourself.
I want photo ID to register, with eligibility checked at that time, and the same photo ID to vote.

That's what Canada does, and they are still able to elect progressives.
What Lake has failed to prove is the basic question

If not for this happening, I would have won the election.

She failed miserably
Wrong. It was proven in court the law was broken. But according to the law, it has to be proven that an individual did the law breaking. Which is bullshit when it comes to an election. This essentially means you can cheat all you want, if you can’t prove certain individuals intended to, and did do those crimes, then it doesn’t matter. So this leaves the door open for rampant cheating. Since there is so little time to do a full investigation between Election Day and when the candidates get sworn in, it’s virtually impossible to stop. I guess the GOP should just start ballot harvesting themselves.
Wrong. It was proven in court the law was broken. But according to the law, it has to be proven that an individual did the law breaking. Which is bullshit when it comes to an election. This essentially means you can cheat all you want, if you can’t prove certain individuals intended to, and did do those crimes, then it doesn’t matter. So this leaves the door open for rampant cheating. Since there is so little time to do a full investigation between Election Day and when the candidates get sworn in, it’s virtually impossible to stop. I guess the GOP should just start ballot harvesting themselves.

All that means is…..try better next time

Doesn’t mean throw everything out and start over
All that means is…..try better next time

Doesn’t mean throw everything out and start over
Well, since Sinema is out as a Democrat, that means she will have to run as an independent, Dems will run their Commie, and Kari can run as the GOP candidate for the next Senate race. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.
Well, since Sinema is out as a Democrat, that means she will have to run as an independent, Dems will run their Commie, and Kari can run as the GOP candidate for the next Senate race. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

Arizona is sick of the Crybaby Loser

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