Kansas farmers die by suicide at an ‘alarming’ rate. State steps in to help them cope


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
He fought it as long as he could. Mick Rausch didn’t know what was wrong until he finally hit a wall he could no longer climb on his own.

It was 10 years ago. His brother — younger by just a year and three days — had recently died. A late-spring frost damaged his wheat.

He was depressed. His wife knew it. He didn’t. He thought surely there was something wrong with her.

Read more here: https://www.kansascity.com/news/business/health-care/article238474058.html#storylink=cpy

Stress over all the crap that you can't control.
..they live on the farms away from people/etc - conducive to psycho problems
They could grow weed...............first they'd need to die for real freedom....or join the military and grow opium poppy

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