It is currently. After FIFTY years being a Constitutionally protected right.

That’s longer than a lot of Americans have been alive

Longer than most Americans have been sexually active
so if the law said people like Lesh should be murdered if some other person says so

you'd be fine w/ that

especially if it had been "Consitutionally protected right" for 50 years?

libtards are quite logical, aren't they ? When society dehumanizes one group so as to get rid of that group

What the hell makes you think they will stop at YOUR group?

maybe they will... for a time..
so if the law said people like Lesh should be murdered if some other person says so

you'd be fine w/ that

especially if it had been "Consitutionally protected right" for 50 years?

libtards are quite logical, aren't they ? When society dehumanizes one group so as to get rid of that group

What the hell makes you think they will stop at YOUR group?

maybe they will... for a time..
Well said.
Fifty years.

Show us the Amendment that made it a "Constitutionally protected right".

(Watch me make some money here folks. I'll bet that Lush will come back with an insult and nothing else.)

You may hear this called the “penumbra” of the Constitution, which basically means that an arrangement of rights can be derived, by implication, from other rights explicitly protected in the Bill of Rights. Among the Reconstruction Amendments, the Fourteenth Amendment, is the most litigated one. It led to important decisions such as interracial marriage in 1967, and same-sex marriage in 2015.

Judge Samuel Alito explicitly argues that there is no such “penumbra” and no such right to privacy in the Constitution.

Suppose this view among Supreme Court judges becomes popular; that could conceivably mean that the logical next step is for every other Supreme Court decision based on a “right to privacy,” rather than a direct command in the Constitution, to be overridden.
so if the law said people like Lesh should be murdered if some other person says so

you'd be fine w/ that

especially if it had been "Consitutionally protected right" for 50 years?

libtards are quite logical, aren't they ? When society dehumanizes one group so as to get rid of that group

What the hell makes you think they will stop at YOUR group?

maybe they will... for a time..
Not sure how any of that nonsense pertains to this
Fifty years.

Show us the Amendment that made it a "Constitutionally protected right".

(Watch me make some money here folks. I'll bet that Lush will come back with an insult and nothing else.)
Actually Roe versus Wade was the wrong decision even back then. The Supreme Court should have said all abortion laws are illegal. Abortion is a medical procedure best decided by the woman and her doctor and all that information is privileged.
Actually Roe versus Wade was the wrong decision even back then. The Supreme Court should have said all abortion laws are illegal. Abortion is a medical procedure best decided by the woman and her doctor and all that information is privileged.
Wasn't wrong. It was just argued using a weaker argument than could have been the case
You people act like there is no abortion restriction in Kansas. That is simply not accurate. Kansas has very specific abortion laws.

For example, Kansas prohibits abortion after 20 weeks postfertilization. After that point, only in cases of life or severely compromised physical health may an abortion be performed. Kansas also has a detailed abortion-specific informed consent requirement. Minors cannot obtain an abortion without parental consent. The Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) law applies to medication-induced abortions and private doctor offices in addition to abortion clinics. Kansas was also the first state to ban the barbaric dilation and evacuation procedure commonly used for second-trimester abortion.

Most people agree with these restrictions. Most people do not agree with either completely unlimited abortion until the moment of birth, or completely banning abortion without exception. Those things are on the fringe, and that's where politicians who push those issues will end up.

Osiris-ODS, excerpted from 2022-Primary-Election-Constitutional-Amendment-HCR-5003.pdf ( :
"A vote for the Value Them Both Amendment would affirm there is no Kansas constitutional right to abortion or to require the government funding of abortion, and would reserve to the people of Kansas, through their elected state legislators, the right to pass laws to regulate abortion.

A vote against the Value Them Both Amendment would make no changes to the constitution of the state of Kansas, and could restrict the people, through their elected state legislators, from regulating abortion by leaving in place the recently recognized right to abortion.”
The majority of voters in this Kansas election were Republican voters and 59% of all those aggregate Kansas voters were opposed to the “Value Them both” proposition.
Respectfully, Supposn
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I'm pro-life and was glad to see the Dobbs decision overturn Roe v. Wade.

I'm happy to see some states banning abortion.

What I am not happy about is seeing the organization formerly known as the Republican Party being complete and total dicks about it. They are being vindictive, and that is a really, really stupid strategy as Kansas just proved.

There is no issue that BOTH sides are more dicks about than abortion, but as normal, you only see one side of that
Indefensible is taking away a woman's choice in the matter.

Like Covid, remember how Democrats were all it's a woman's body, her choice? Huh, I don't either.

This is the Democrat lie, it's not a woman's body when she wants a gun to defend it, if she wants to "rent" it for sex, if she doesn't want the jab or all those other things your leftist authoritarian party wants. But then suddenly for an abortion, it's her body! And when we change subjects, it's not ...
Excerpted from:
What Kansas Abortion Vote Means for Democrats, Republicans in the Midterms (

… In the first electoral test since the Supreme Court overturned the 1973 ruling giving women a federal right to an abortion in June, more than 59 percent of people in Kansas backed upholding the state's constitutional right for women to access the procedure. In May, electoral analysis firm Split Ticket said banning abortion "is extremely unpopular among voters" and that “Republicans have far more pro-choice voters than Democrats have pro-life ones." .
Republicans far outnumbered Democrats in the Kansas primary and 59% of tall those Kansas voters voted against amending Kansas's laws which currently uphold a woman's' right to seek an abortion, This indicates Even in the reddest of states, Democrats would be foolish not to make “a woman's right to choose" to be among their major election issues. Respectfully, Supposn
did you read the ballot?

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