Kamala Harris represents everything that's wrong with America


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Go to college, join the debate team, earn a couple of degrees...

and graduate to a magical wonderland ...

Where everyone wants to make you a district attorney,

Where everyone wants to make you Attorney general,

Where everyone wants to make you a Senator,

and now, everyone wants to make you President!

Living in America is fkn bliss!

NO CLUE about how real people live.

What was her education about the founding of America? ...my guess, nothing.

Where did she learn her hardcore American values? ...vacationing in India?

Hey! the state of California has deemed these people "crazy"...without a trial. Well, what's the problem? just send the fkn Sheriff to their house to get their guns.

She was the ATTORNEY GENERAL of California, and COMPLETEY DISREGARDS the Second Amendment of the United States of America.

All of her "accomplishments" as a DA and Attorney General are just pre-planned BS that any dope would have done.

...and she's on her way to become President.

She really believes she's a genius going along with her left-wing conspirator leaders.
right wing nutjobs already planning their attack on kamala harris, because of whispers she might run in 2020... proof it doesn't matter who is running if theyre democrat theyre the evilest person in the world, you're all partisan hacks.... actually more like a cult
I've heard a lot of good things about her but haven't really checked her out yet. No real need to at this point.

I only hope she's not consumed by the Identity Politics/PC affliction that has so distorted the party.

The fact that I've seen regressives say good things about her is a disturbing sign, but I remain hopeful.
Go to college, join the debate team, earn a couple of degrees...

and graduate to a magical wonderland ...

Where everyone wants to make you a district attorney,

Where everyone wants to make you Attorney general,

Where everyone wants to make you a Senator,

and now, everyone wants to make you President!

Living in America is fkn bliss!

NO CLUE about how real people live.

What was her education about the founding of America? ...my guess, nothing.

Where did she learn her hardcore American values? ...vacationing in India?

Hey! the state of California has deemed these people "crazy"...without a trial. Well, what's the problem? just send the fkn Sheriff to their house to get their guns.

She was the ATTORNEY GENERAL of California, and COMPLETEY DISREGARDS the Second Amendment of the United States of America.

All of her "accomplishments" as a DA and Attorney General are just pre-planned BS that any dope would have done.

...and she's on her way to become President.

She really believes she's a genius going along with her left-wing conspirator leaders.
You must really hate Donald Trump!

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