Kamala Harris Endorsed / NOW Supports Biden Despite Saying in 2019 She Believes Reade, Biden's Accuser


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Kamala Harris Said She Believed Bidenā€™s Accusers
In 2019 ā€“ But Endorses Him For President Now

Kamala Harris In April 2019: ā€˜I Believeā€™ Joe Bidenā€™s Accusers

Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris in April 2019 said she believes 2020 presidential candidate Joe Bidenā€™s accusers, however, she has not addressed the new reports that have surfaced backing up the claims that Biden sexually assaulted a female staffer when he was a senator.

ā€œI believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,ā€ Harris said at a presidential campaign event in Nevada. When asked if Biden should run for president, Harris said ā€œHeā€™s going to have to make that decision for himself. I wouldnā€™t tell him what to do.ā€

Stacey Abrams already showed she has no problem declaring she does NOT believe women claiming to be sexual assault victims, especially Tara Reade, and that she fully supports Joe Biden, who refuses to even acknowledge the accusation / allegation against him.

Believing Tara Reade and the allegation that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her does not seem to cause Harris any pause in continuing to throw her support behind Biden, who she believes quite possibly sexually assaulted Reade.

The potential chance to become the 1st female of color (another 1st) VP in US history is worth, it seems, letting the Presidential candidate get a pass for sexual assault.


Kamala Harris Said She Believed Bidenā€™sAccusers
In 2019 ā€“ But Endorses Him For President Now

Kamala Harris In April 2019: ā€˜I Believeā€™ Joe Bidenā€™s Accusers

Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris in April 2019 said she believes 2020 presidential candidate Joe Bidenā€™s accusers, however, she has not addressed the new reports that have surfaced backing up the claims that Biden sexually assaulted a female staffer when he was a senator.

ā€œI believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,ā€ Harris said at a presidential campaign event in Nevada. When asked if Biden should run for president, Harris said ā€œHeā€™s going to have to make that decision for himself. I wouldnā€™t tell him what to do.ā€

Stacey Abrams already showed she has no problem declaring she does NOT believe women claiming to be sexual assault victims, especially Tara Reade, and that she fully supports Joe Biden, who refuses to even acknowledge the accusation / allegation against him.

Believing Tara Reade and the allegation that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her does not seem to cause Harris any pause in continuing to throw her support behind Biden, who she believes quite possibly sexually assaulted Reade.

The potential chance to become the 1st female of color (another 1st) VP in US history is worth, it seems, letting the Presidential candidate get a pass for sexual assault.


I'm sorry, my memory might be a little hazy but isn't this the same thing women Republican Senators did for Brett Kavanaugh? And the complete ignoring of the accusations against Trump?
In fact, I believe Susan Collins used almost those exact words right before the vote on Kavanaugh's nomination.

But you righties go on with your righteous indignation. I suspect in the end, no one will care.
I don't think there's anything that's going to save your boy in November.
I'm sorry, my memory might be a little hazy.....


Dementia-suffering Biden has a better memory than you.

Democrats weaponized unsubstantiated accusations used in an attempted political hit on Kavanaugh, USING Ford without having any evidence (a re-occurring theme in all Liberal / Democrat / Snowflake claims against President Trump and Conservatives)...

...and trhe very same Democrats who made the Ford accusation / attempted public Lynching of Kavanaugh 'headline news' 24 / 7 while making life a living hell for the judge and his family. Much like they did for Hillary, the news and all the Democrats (and snowflakes) are protecting Joe.

Again, DNC Chairman Tom Perez said during the Kavanaugh inquisition that anyone accused of such a thing should step down / step aside......Funny the DNC sideshow propaganda barker is silent / is not repeating that opinion NOW.

I think you suffer from 'selective amnesia' brought on by 'acute TDS', not a 'hazy memory'.

Kamala Harris Said She Believed Bidenā€™sAccusers
In 2019 ā€“ But Endorses Him For President Now

Kamala Harris In April 2019: ā€˜I Believeā€™ Joe Bidenā€™s Accusers

Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris in April 2019 said she believes 2020 presidential candidate Joe Bidenā€™s accusers, however, she has not addressed the new reports that have surfaced backing up the claims that Biden sexually assaulted a female staffer when he was a senator.

ā€œI believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,ā€ Harris said at a presidential campaign event in Nevada. When asked if Biden should run for president, Harris said ā€œHeā€™s going to have to make that decision for himself. I wouldnā€™t tell him what to do.ā€

Stacey Abrams already showed she has no problem declaring she does NOT believe women claiming to be sexual assault victims, especially Tara Reade, and that she fully supports Joe Biden, who refuses to even acknowledge the accusation / allegation against him.

Believing Tara Reade and the allegation that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her does not seem to cause Harris any pause in continuing to throw her support behind Biden, who she believes quite possibly sexually assaulted Reade.

The potential chance to become the 1st female of color (another 1st) VP in US history is worth, it seems, letting the Presidential candidate get a pass for sexual assault.


Democrats are like that. All that matters is the gaining of power.
I'm sorry, my memory might be a little hazy.....


Dementia-suffering Biden has a better memory than you.

Democrats weaponized unsubstantiated accusations used in an attempted political hit on Kavanaugh, USING Ford without having any evidence (a re-occurring theme in all Liberal / Democrat / Snowflake claims against President Trump and Conservatives)...

...and trhe very same Democrats who made the Ford accusation / attempted public Lynching of Kavanaugh 'headline news' 24 / 7 while making life a living hell for the judge and his family. Much like they did for Hillary, the news and all the Democrats (and snowflakes) are protecting Joe.

Again, DNC Chairman Tom Perez said during the Kavanaugh inquisition that anyone accused of such a thing should step down / step aside......Funny the DNC sideshow propaganda barker is silent / is not repeating that opinion NOW.

I think you suffer from 'selective amnesia' brought on by 'acute TDS', not a 'hazy memory'.

Bullshit. You suffer the affliction most right wingers and ones that foam at the mouth do. Selective Memory Disorder. Because it's your ox that was being gored. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, you gleefully rub your hands together and think the rest of the world is just going to jump on the bandwagon after Blasey-Ford and others presented the same kind of evidence and you ignored it or joined with the alt-right media in shouting it down. I feel bad for these women. Coming forward with these accusations was next to impossible in the 80's and 90's. Anita Hill did it and it just about ruined her. I would think if you're going to whack Biden, Anita Hill would be a much better example to hit him with. But like all right wingers (and let's face it, politicians in general), if it's your guy, it's OK.

Kamala Harris Said She Believed Bidenā€™sAccusers
In 2019 ā€“ But Endorses Him For President Now

Kamala Harris In April 2019: ā€˜I Believeā€™ Joe Bidenā€™s Accusers

Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris in April 2019 said she believes 2020 presidential candidate Joe Bidenā€™s accusers, however, she has not addressed the new reports that have surfaced backing up the claims that Biden sexually assaulted a female staffer when he was a senator.

ā€œI believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,ā€ Harris said at a presidential campaign event in Nevada. When asked if Biden should run for president, Harris said ā€œHeā€™s going to have to make that decision for himself. I wouldnā€™t tell him what to do.ā€

Stacey Abrams already showed she has no problem declaring she does NOT believe women claiming to be sexual assault victims, especially Tara Reade, and that she fully supports Joe Biden, who refuses to even acknowledge the accusation / allegation against him.

Believing Tara Reade and the allegation that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her does not seem to cause Harris any pause in continuing to throw her support behind Biden, who she believes quite possibly sexually assaulted Reade.

The potential chance to become the 1st female of color (another 1st) VP in US history is worth, it seems, letting the Presidential candidate get a pass for sexual assault.

isn't this like being asked how you can support a p**-grabber?
I'm sorry, my memory might be a little hazy.....


Dementia-suffering Biden has a better memory than you.

Democrats weaponized unsubstantiated accusations used in an attempted political hit on Kavanaugh, USING Ford without having any evidence (a re-occurring theme in all Liberal / Democrat / Snowflake claims against President Trump and Conservatives)...

...and trhe very same Democrats who made the Ford accusation / attempted public Lynching of Kavanaugh 'headline news' 24 / 7 while making life a living hell for the judge and his family. Much like they did for Hillary, the news and all the Democrats (and snowflakes) are protecting Joe.

Again, DNC Chairman Tom Perez said during the Kavanaugh inquisition that anyone accused of such a thing should step down / step aside......Funny the DNC sideshow propaganda barker is silent / is not repeating that opinion NOW.

I think you suffer from 'selective amnesia' brought on by 'acute TDS', not a 'hazy memory'.

Bullshit. You suffer the affliction most right wingers and ones that foam at the mouth do. Selective Memory Disorder. Because it's your ox that was being gored. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, you gleefully rub your hands together and think the rest of the world is just going to jump on the bandwagon after Blasey-Ford and others presented the same kind of evidence and you ignored it or joined with the alt-right media in shouting it down. I feel bad for these women. Coming forward with these accusations was next to impossible in the 80's and 90's. Anita Hill did it and it just about ruined her. I would think if you're going to whack Biden, Anita Hill would be a much better example to hit him with. But like all right wingers (and let's face it, politicians in general), if it's your guy, it's OK.

Thanks for the opinionated diaheria ...

Ford did NOT 'come forward' - the Democrats threw her under the bus, dragging her out into the public arena when she specifically asked NOT to be.

You feel sorry for 'These' women. huh?

EVERYONE noticed you completely ignored mentioning Juanita Broaddrick, Leslie Millwee, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, or Gennifer Flowers - women who were accused of lying, personally attacked, intimidated, and silenced....and that's only what Hillary linton - the woman who claimed 'All women must be believed' - did to them!

Over and over and over and F*ING OVER Democrats continue to prove that they project / accuse others of the very thing THEY have or are currently doing.....and in EVERY case their massive hypocrisy is exposed in spades.

But back to the Thread title and topic.....

Kamala Harris, who slept her way into every political position she has ever held, declared in 2019 she believes Biden's accuser....bt is not allowing that fact stand in the way of potentially getting Biden's not for 2020 VP running mate.
I'm sorry, my memory might be a little hazy.....


Dementia-suffering Biden has a better memory than you.

Democrats weaponized unsubstantiated accusations used in an attempted political hit on Kavanaugh, USING Ford without having any evidence (a re-occurring theme in all Liberal / Democrat / Snowflake claims against President Trump and Conservatives)...

...and trhe very same Democrats who made the Ford accusation / attempted public Lynching of Kavanaugh 'headline news' 24 / 7 while making life a living hell for the judge and his family. Much like they did for Hillary, the news and all the Democrats (and snowflakes) are protecting Joe.

Again, DNC Chairman Tom Perez said during the Kavanaugh inquisition that anyone accused of such a thing should step down / step aside......Funny the DNC sideshow propaganda barker is silent / is not repeating that opinion NOW.

I think you suffer from 'selective amnesia' brought on by 'acute TDS', not a 'hazy memory'.

Bullshit. You suffer the affliction most right wingers and ones that foam at the mouth do. Selective Memory Disorder. Because it's your ox that was being gored. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, you gleefully rub your hands together and think the rest of the world is just going to jump on the bandwagon after Blasey-Ford and others presented the same kind of evidence and you ignored it or joined with the alt-right media in shouting it down. I feel bad for these women. Coming forward with these accusations was next to impossible in the 80's and 90's. Anita Hill did it and it just about ruined her. I would think if you're going to whack Biden, Anita Hill would be a much better example to hit him with. But like all right wingers (and let's face it, politicians in general), if it's your guy, it's OK.
dude - you just bleed dumbass, don't you?

if you're going to attack someone like kavanaugh with 30+ year old unproven still allegations, what do you expect "the evil" right to do when it happens to someone on the left?

you fucktards set the precedence but don't want to eat your own bullshit.

it *is* bullshit. it was bullshit when done to thomas, bullshit when done to kavanaugh and now bullshit all over again to biden. if you had any sense of unbiased actions in you, you'd simply tell both sides they're full of shit and stop trying to prop up one turd over the other.

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