Kabul evacuation flights take off EMPTY as Taliban close off airport making it impossible for Western ex-pats and Afghans to get through meaning hundr

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Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
Evacuation flights out of Kabul are taking off near-empty after the Taliban formed a ring of steel around the airport - blocking tens of thousands of desperate Afghans from entering as westerners said they are unable to get through the crush.

Flights bound for Germany, Australia, the Netherlands, France and Italy - which between them have vowed to rescue thousands of people - have been taking off with just a few dozen people on board despite having capacity to take hundreds. In one shocking case, a German plane with room for 150 departed Kabul on Tuesday with just seven on board.

There are now thought to be around 50,000 people - mostly Afghans - gathered outside two entrances to Hamid Karzai airport - the civilian south side and military north side, both of which are under Taliban control.

Those on the ground say the Taliban are blocking anyone who does not have a foreign passport from entering the airport, meanwhile foreigners including British and German expats say they have become trapped in the chaos, unable to get through the disorderly crowds to board flights home.

This is what happens when you "take the word" of terrorists.
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