Clown Show: US State Department Accuses Taliban of Violating Their Promises on Access to Kabul Airport

EVERY EFFING ONE of those who caused this need to be forcibly collected and flown there to see what their actions caused to real human beings. Then they need to be forced outside the wire and refused re-entry until EVERY AMERICAN who wants to leave there has been safely evacuated. SCUM
Ben Ghazi 2?
I also brought up Rumsfeld. Just reminding you how you guys were acting when the middle east wasn't going the way you wanted it to. Remember how you kept changing the mission? At first it was WMD's, then it was freedom, then it was something else. It was a cash grab by Chaney's haloburton.

And don't forget this is all Reagan's fault. Or have you not seen Charlie Wilson's war yet? Great movie. True story.
'You guys'? Once again you attempt to limp everyone into 1 group then falsely accuse them of shit. You don't know me...but you spend a lot of time trying to tell me and others who I am, what I think, and / or what I support and stand for.

The reason you have to generalize, lump great numbers of people together, then create some false accusation is because you can't discuss issues rationally, reasonably, with facts / evidence to support your bs.

Your entire post is another attempt to hijack the thread so noting else will be said about Biden's massive clusterfu@k, which is the topic of discussion. If you can't discuss the issue at hand I suggest you move on...before a Mod helps you do so.

Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman on Wednesday accused the Taliban of not following through on their promises of allowing for safe travels and access to Kabul airport.

“We have seen reports that the Taliban, contrary to their public statements and their commitments to our government, are blocking Afghans who wish to leave the country from reaching the airport,”

Our terrorist enemy LIED?

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Don't you just hate when your terrorist enemies you have been attempting to kill / wipe out for 20 years drives you out of their country, so fast you leave 40,000 US citizens behind, says they will protect them and will allow Americans / Afghans safe-passage to the airport to board 'evacuation flights'...and then they break their word?!

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Like the Taliban are going to listen to a woman. Democrats aren’t real sharp.
Have you yet to admit that Trump handled the Corona virus poorly? He lied to us in the beginning. Told us not to wear masks and come to his super spreader rallies? So of course no matter how badly Afganistan is going, I will insist it would be WORSE if Trump was president.

And isn't that what Trump said about Joe? If he was president it would be worse. Well, I'm saying if Trump were president this would be WW3.
Hey liberal TROLL, stay on thread topic or GTFO. It's not about Trump or the pandemic, Stay on topic.
Have you yet to admit that Trump handled the Corona virus poorly? He lied to us in the beginning. Told us not to wear masks and come to his super spreader rallies? So of course no matter how badly Afganistan is going, I will insist it would be WORSE if Trump was president.

And isn't that what Trump said about Joe? If he was president it would be worse. Well, I'm saying if Trump were president this would be WW3.
and PIG-lousi invited every one to china town, you know, a super spreader event...keep borders open, the scum demonRATS whined....
what the fuck are you talking about?
The voice of moderation, Gen. Barry McCaffrey told MSNBC’S Brian Williams — I quote: “There’s another good argument, we should have stayed there with 35,000 NATO forces for the next 50 years if required.”

Fifty years. You want to see the “Swamp”? It’s out in full force this week!
Why would anyone tell Brian Williams anything?
'You guys'? Once again you attempt to limp everyone into 1 group then falsely accuse them of shit. You don't know me...but you spend a lot of time trying to tell me and others who I am, what I think, and / or what I support and stand for.

The reason you have to generalize, lump great numbers of people together, then create some false accusation is because you can't discuss issues rationally, reasonably, with facts / evidence to support your bs.

Your entire post is another attempt to hijack the thread so noting else will be said about Biden's massive clusterfu@k, which is the topic of discussion. If you can't discuss the issue at hand I suggest you move on...before a Mod helps you do so.
Why did we go to Afganistan? To get rid of Bin Ladin and to dismantle Al Queda. We did that. The taliban is in charge now. And YOU GUYS when Trump was president wanted to get out.

You are right. I don't know you. So I lump you in with every other right wing bullshitter armchair QB.

Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman on Wednesday accused the Taliban of not following through on their promises of allowing for safe travels and access to Kabul airport.

“We have seen reports that the Taliban, contrary to their public statements and their commitments to our government, are blocking Afghans who wish to leave the country from reaching the airport,”

Our terrorist enemy LIED?

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Don't you just hate when your terrorist enemies you have been attempting to kill / wipe out for 20 years drives you out of their country, so fast you leave 40,000 US citizens behind, says they will protect them and will allow Americans / Afghans safe-passage to the airport to board 'evacuation flights'...and then they break their word?!

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Everyone is shocked, absolutely shocked, that the Taliban would violate a promise!
Why did we go to Afganistan? To get rid of Bin Ladin and to dismantle Al Queda. We did that. The taliban is in charge now. And YOU GUYS when Trump was president wanted to get out.

You are right. I don't know you. So I lump you in with every other right wing bullshitter armchair QB.
Barry promised to bring our troops home....he sent in more....then he started another war in Syria. The day he left office American soldiers were still in Syria fighting HIS war.

Biden, in attempting to cover his ass from his Afghanistan exit' f*-up lied his ass off:

"I cannot and will not ask our troops to fight on endlessly in another country's civil war."

One of the 1st things he did once in office was to send more US troops into Syria to fight Obama's BS war.

You run your mouth a lot, insult others, accuse others falsely, but you never say anything factual or worth listening to.
Barry promised to bring our troops home....he sent in more....then he started another war in Syria. The day he left office American soldiers were still in Syria fighting HIS war.

Biden, in attempting to cover his ass from his Afghanistan exit' f*-up lied his ass off:

"I cannot and will not ask our troops to fight on endlessly in another country's civil war."

One of the 1st things he did once in office was to send more US troops into Syria to fight Obama's BS war.

You run your mouth a lot, insult others, accuse others falsely, but you never say anything factual or worth listening to.
This is right wing spin.
No, snowflake, this is documented fact. Thank you for your your attempt to defend Barry and Biden, though.
I think Biden did the right thing.

Roughly two-thirds said they did not think America’s longest war was worth fighting, the poll shows.

Roughly two-thirds said they did not think America’s longest war was worth fighting, the poll shows. Meanwhile, 47% approve of Biden’s management of international affairs, while 52% approve of Biden on national security.

And I think this is just Republicans pulling another BenGhazi.
I think Biden did the right thing.

Roughly two-thirds said they did not think America’s longest war was worth fighting, the poll shows.

Roughly two-thirds said they did not think America’s longest war was worth fighting, the poll shows. Meanwhile, 47% approve of Biden’s management of international affairs, while 52% approve of Biden on national security.

And I think this is just Republicans pulling another BenGhazi.
Thank you for parroting Joe's 'distraction' press conference comments, the ones he made before he started blaming everyone but himself for this disaster.

Again, I don't know anyone who disagrees with Biden that the US could not stay in Afghanistan 1 more year, let alone 10 - 20 more years. Everyone I know, however, is smart enough to know Joe Biden completely F*ed upthe attempted exit frpom Afghanistan.

Intelligent people understand you can support both of these completely different points at the same time.
Thank you for parroting Joe's 'distraction' press conference comments, the ones he made before he started blaming everyone but himself for this disaster.

Again, I don't know anyone who disagrees with Biden that the US could not stay in Afghanistan 1 more year, let alone 10 - 20 more years. Everyone I know, however, is smart enough to know Joe Biden completely F*ed upthe attempted exit frpom Afghanistan.

Intelligent people understand you can support both of these completely different points at the same time.
Can you admit that Trump botched the way he handled covid? Just trying to see how objective you are. What about the call to Ukraine? Was it perfect? Was the election stolen?

And how impressed were you when Obama got Bin Ladin?
Can you admit that Trump botched the way he handled covid? Just trying to see how objective you are. What about the call to Ukraine? Was it perfect? Was the election stolen?

And how impressed were you when Obama got Bin Ladin?

What did he botch, especially compared to the Democrats?

o Trump activated the Infections Disease Committee, energized the CDC, banned flights coming from 'Ground Zero', all in timely manners

- The Democrats, especially the House Intel Committee, never saw the pandemic coming because they were too busy attempting their failed bogus Impeachment of Trump.
- When Trump issued his life-saving travel ban Joe Biden led the Democrats in opposing it and calling for it to be terminated. Joe Biden called it Xenophobic while Democrats attempted to pass legislation that would end the Travel Ban but would also strip the president of powers he could use to keep the American people safe
- Biden later declared the ban was the right thing to do....then flip-flopped again and said it was the wrong thing to do...and now Biden has more Travel bans himself than Trump did

o Trump called out the WHO for lying and covering for China while the Democrats remained on their knees before Xi until recently when almost completely undeniable evidence the CCP was responsible for the leak and pandemic. Trump turned out to be right, and the Democrats - as usual - brought up the rear

o Trump set a record for calling for and having developed a vaccine and getting it our for use in less than a year, clearing all the red-tape and energizing collaborative and competitive R&D, to distribution. This had never been done before.
- Democrats, to include Biden and Harris, inspired vaccine hesitancy by declaring they would not take a vaccine developed / produced under Trump.
-- Yet, Biden received both vaccines libe on air before becoming President
-- Later the Plagiarist-and-Chief declared there were no vaccines prior to his being sworn in as President...DESPITE THE ENTIRE NATION HAVING WATCHED HIM GET HIS VACCINES BEFORE HE WAS SWORN IN AS PRESIDENT

O Democrats all across the US ended up murdering tens of thousands of elderly Americans by placing virus-infected patients in nursing homes. NY Gov Andrew Cuomo admitted publicly the elderly were the most vulnerable and apt t odie from the virus...then proceeded to pack nursing homes with virus-infected patients, resulting in the un-necessary deaths of thousands of elderly Americans....just as Mi Gov Whitmer and others did. Biden, however, attempted to criminally hide his deat rate numbers by defrauding the govt - 'cooking the books'. President Biden's hand-picked transgender pick, Dr. Racheal Devine, for Assistant Health Secretary actually murdered more elderly Americans than Cuomo using the same deadly policy of forcing virus-infected patients into nursing homes.

o Trump answered every call for help from Democrats during the pandemic, earning accolades and thanks from many Democrats. Due to mismanaging NY money and resources Cuomo found he needed more special beds for COVID patients - President Trump quickly responded and delivered, earning praise from Cuomo.

Unlike Trump, Cuomo proved to be a moron. Cuomo miscalculated the number of beds he would need for a predicted wave of COVID-19 patients...a wave that never came. Still, when Cuomo again asked Trump for herlp the President had the Army Corp of Engineers BUILD Cuomo a temp hospital and had a USN hospital ship sail into NY Harbor - in the end, the hospital was torn down & the USN hospital ship sailed away DUE TO LACK OF USE.

Democrats went on to use the virus to eliminate pover 50% of minority-owned small businesses, impose Constitutional and Civil-rights-violating, oppressive edicts, mandates, are rules - many of which the Democrats hypocritically ignored themselves and many that were later overturned by the USSC.

I'm surprised you lying snowflakes even bring up COVID-19 handling, since Democrats used it to murder, oppress, & destroy lives/businesses.
What did he botch, especially compared to the Democrats?

o Trump activated the Infections Disease Committee, energized the CDC, banned flights coming from 'Ground Zero', all in timely manners

- The Democrats, especially the House Intel Committee, never saw the pandemic coming because they were too busy attempting their failed bogus Impeachment of Trump.
- When Trump issued his life-saving travel ban Joe Biden led the Democrats in opposing it and calling for it to be terminated. Joe Biden called it Xenophobic while Democrats attempted to pass legislation that would end the Travel Ban but would also strip the president of powers he could use to keep the American people safe
- Biden later declared the ban was the right thing to do....then flip-flopped again and said it was the wrong thing to do...and now Biden has more Travel bans himself than Trump did

o Trump called out the WHO for lying and covering for China while the Democrats remained on their knees before Xi until recently when almost completely undeniable evidence the CCP was responsible for the leak and pandemic. Trump turned out to be right, and the Democrats - as usual - brought up the rear

o Trump set a record for calling for and having developed a vaccine and getting it our for use in less than a year, clearing all the red-tape and energizing collaborative and competitive R&D, to distribution. This had never been done before.
- Democrats, to include Biden and Harris, inspired vaccine hesitancy by declaring they would not take a vaccine developed / produced under Trump.
-- Yet, Biden received both vaccines libe on air before becoming President
-- Later the Plagiarist-and-Chief declared there were no vaccines prior to his being sworn in as President...DESPITE THE ENTIRE NATION HAVING WATCHED HIM GET HIS VACCINES BEFORE HE WAS SWORN IN AS PRESIDENT

O Democrats all across the US ended up murdering tens of thousands of elderly Americans by placing virus-infected patients in nursing homes. NY Gov Andrew Cuomo admitted publicly the elderly were the most vulnerable and apt t odie from the virus...then proceeded to pack nursing homes with virus-infected patients, resulting in the un-necessary deaths of thousands of elderly Americans....just as Mi Gov Whitmer and others did. Biden, however, attempted to criminally hide his deat rate numbers by defrauding the govt - 'cooking the books'. President Biden's hand-picked transgender pick, Dr. Racheal Devine, for Assistant Health Secretary actually murdered more elderly Americans than Cuomo using the same deadly policy of forcing virus-infected patients into nursing homes.

o Trump answered every call for help from Democrats during the pandemic, earning accolades and thanks from many Democrats. Due to mismanaging NY money and resources Cuomo found he needed more special beds for COVID patients - President Trump quickly responded and delivered, earning praise from Cuomo.

Unlike Trump, Cuomo proved to be a moron. Cuomo miscalculated the number of beds he would need for a predicted wave of COVID-19 patients...a wave that never came. Still, when Cuomo again asked Trump for herlp the President had the Army Corp of Engineers BUILD Cuomo a temp hospital and had a USN hospital ship sail into NY Harbor - in the end, the hospital was torn down & the USN hospital ship sailed away DUE TO LACK OF USE.

Democrats went on to use the virus to eliminate pover 50% of minority-owned small businesses, impose Constitutional and Civil-rights-violating, oppressive edicts, mandates, are rules - many of which the Democrats hypocritically ignored themselves and many that were later overturned by the USSC.

I'm surprised you lying snowflakes even bring up COVID-19 handling, since Democrats used it to murder, oppress, & destroy lives/businesses.
Such right wing spin. But you are good.

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