JWaller predicts a brutal future- more sexless men and growing numbers of corporate women getting abortions…. Men and women without families.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

But these kind of things have an inevitable bounce back. when the basketball hits the floor it bounces back up

The United States is in the midst of one of the ugliest chapters in his history, both economically and socially. I think JWaller is making a grim prediction God willing he’s wrong. But the man is successful, very influential, and certainly someone to listen to.
I've already seen parts of this happening. I created a thread that looked at a different side of it.

It's already here. Pshht, people used to get married at 16.

Now they're not even that mature until like ..24. And then there's all the LGBTQQXURERTYUIO stuff.

Also the fact that most people can't make a family with a single provider income these days.

That's a huge part of it.
I've already seen parts of this happening. I created a thread that looked at a different side of it.

I remember some Democrats actually telling young people in America “ go get a pet you can’t afford kids”.

Well, screw that Democrat. How about let’s see young people get pets and have kids.

That’s a great thread I will look into it.
Who really cares if a young person gets married or doesn't? Answer is nobody. It's a free country and there should be no expectations of getting married or staying single. Get married if you want. Stay single if you want. Both are good choices. Waiting until much later in life to get married is also a very wise move.
Who really cares if a young person gets married or doesn't? Answer is nobody. It's a free country and there should be no expectations of getting married or staying single. Get married if you want. Stay single if you want. Both are good choices. Waiting until much later in life to get married is also a very wise move.

Klaus wants you to die.
No, it's not, fucktard. It's a contraction of society.
It's a simple shift. People are free to do whatever they wish. So some aspire for different things. Good for them. It's THEIR life. There are still more than enough people getting married and having kids..wash rinse repeat.

But these kind of things have an inevitable bounce back. when the basketball hits the floor it bounces back up

The United States is in the midst of one of the ugliest chapters in his history, both economically and socially. I think JWaller is making a grim prediction God willing he’s wrong. But the man is successful, very influential, and certainly someone to listen to.

the inevitable result of capitalism is alienation. or were marx and freud wrong and trump is smarter than them?

i am predicting dystopia, which may be somewhat mitigated if we take some steps to reduce the population beginning a century ago. and find a way to reduce immigration (yes, legal as well)

as for your "bounce" theory, it makes as much sense as "the march of progress" or the "pendulum" of politics. nice, optimistic stuff, but the dark ages lasted 500 years.
the inevitable result of capitalism is alienation. or were marx and freud wrong and trump is smarter than them?
Can you explain how you came to that conclusion? As to Marx and Freud, Trump certainly understands modern capitalism better than either of them.
Can you explain how you came to that conclusion? As to Marx and Freud, Trump certainly understands modern capitalism better than either of them.
a good book is freud's "civilization and its discontents." they may make a movie some day.

hmmm. i can't really quote "economic and historical manuscripts of 1844" but the wikipedia article might explain marx' theory of alienation, if one of my compatriots is interested.

have you at least read das kapital?

"know your enemy" sun tzu

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