Justice Ginsburg’s Failing Health....

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg continues to be in the news as questions mount over her health and ability to serve on the US Supreme Court. Most recently, she underwent , “Surgery to remove two malignant nodules from her left lung, the Supreme Court says.”

Yet a week ago, she was the picture of health and vigor, announcing , “My health is fine, ribs are almost repaired.” These two announcements, a week apart, don’t pass the smell test. Much like Hillary Clinton’s excellent health and fitness to serve as president despite her falls, double vision, and coughing spells

As a physician, allow me to play doctor here, with the required caveat that I am not Justice Ginsburg’s physician, have not met or diagnosed her, and am only relying on reports from our scrupulously honest and accurate American journalists.

Am I playing armchair doctor? Perhaps. Just as 60,000 mental health professionals signed apetition stating,

We, the undersigned mental health professionals, believe in our professional judgment that Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States.

Mental health is a bit more nebulous than cancer. We all have elements of many personality disorders, but that doesn’t make us mentally ill. Trump’s bravado and swagger may offend the sensibilities of New England liberals who view his tweets as psychopathology, rather than Trump’s pathway around an obstructive and hostile mainstream media.

Read more at americanthinker.com

Hurry up, Rithie, ....
Hurry up, I want to get in there!......and with 53 Senators, there will be no more bullshit!


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