Just When Dems Think They Can Claim The Moral High Ground, THIS happens


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I hear it all the time about what scum the GOP is. Trump is going to order the global execution of the Muslims, and all the Republicans are fascists. WHO KNOWS, maybe they really BELIEVE that crap themselves, they call Roy Moore a child molester even though nothing was ever proven, then just when they think they can finally claim the moral high ground after a serial mobster criminal candidate like Hillary, an America bashing president like Obama who just HATED to see America get ahead, Pocahontas the senator who is so famous you know who I'm talking about without even using her name, and Maxine "Impeach Him Now" Waters the nutjob who needs tied to a bed with Dilaudid injections to settle her down, WHO do the Democrats come up with as their next GREAT WHITE HOPE?

Court-martialed ex-soldier convicted of violations of the Espionage act among other things, leaked 750,000 classified and sensitive documents, convicted of some things carrying the DEATH sentence and now out a free woman (after getting a SEX-CHANGE OPERATION) and the help of Barry Obama (a sexually confused person as well), wants to be your next DEMOCRATIC SENATOR. :laughing0301:


I don't know what's worse, the number of people here who will enthusiastically support her/him, or the slap in the face to all the military trying to get the traitor to pay for his crimes, then was set free by Obama to live a normal life.

Chelsea Manning: Insurgent bid for US Senate is genuine

The very fact that a person convicted of treason and espionage can apparently hold public office points to why this country has so many problems. The Democrats should not throw stones at the GOP when they live in such frail glass houses.
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Even Maryland Democrats are not collectively stupid enough to run him.
I think you might be confusing Bergdahl and Manning in some of your OP. Either way, they are both traitors.
an America bashing president like Obama who just HATED to see America get ahead

Who said “Well, you think our country is so innocent?” when asked about Putin's extrajudicial killings.

But that's not bashing America.....

I hear it all the time about what scum the GOP is. Trump is going to order the global execution of the Muslims, and all the Republicans are fascists. WHO KNOWS, maybe they really BELIEVE that crap themselves, they call Roy Moore a child molester even though nothing was ever proven, then just when they think they can finally claim the moral high ground after a serial mobster criminal candidate like Hillary, an America bashing president like Obama who just HATED to see America get ahead, Pocahontas the senator who is so famous you know who I'm talking about without even using her name, and Maxine "Impeach Him Now" Waters the nutjob who needs tied to a bed with Dilaudid injections to settle her down, WHO do the Democrats come up with as their next GREAT WHITE HOPE?

Court-martialed ex-soldier convicted of violations of the Espionage act among other things, leaked 750,000 classified and sensitive documents, convicted of some things carrying the DEATH sentence and now out a free woman (after getting a SEX-CHANGE OPERATION) and the help of Barry Obama (a sexually confused person as well), wants to be your next DEMOCRATIC SENATOR. :laughing0301:

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I don't know what's worse, the number of people here who will enthusiastically support her/him, or the slap in the face to all the military trying to get the traitor to pay for his crimes, then was set free by Obama to live a normal life.

Chelsea Manning: Insurgent bid for US Senate is genuine

The very fact that a person convicted of treason and espionage can apparently hold public office points to why this country has so many problems. The Democrats should not throw stones at the GOP when they live in such frail glass houses.
No need to go further
We know where our uneducated white boy is coming from
Kooks, oddballs, and weirdos flock to the Democratic Party.

I'll take the "weirdos" over the literal nazis that are flocking to the GOP.
The only literal nazis are leftists.

The ranks of the nazis are filling up with democrats and libertarians (who are actually just criminal democrats and nazis)

The dems have their marching orders..they are switching over to put other democrats at the helm of the Republican Party. That's how the racist scumbags hide. Might be time for us to flood the Dem party.

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