Just to clear this up


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Many Progressive assume that because I'm a "right winger" I support the Dubya. Let me be perfectly clear, I loathe the Bushes. I despise both of them so much I can no longer decide if 41 was really more evil than 43 anymore.

Lest we forget, 41 ran the most evil organization on the planet. In addition, though he got to serve besides one of the world most transformative leaders, and for the good too, 41 came out spewing lies and venom on the policies and ideology that revitalized the US economy, crushed Communism and finally liberated tens of million of people in Eastern Europe.

On another Board, I said that if Dante were still handing out seats in the Inferno, Bush would be in the 9th Circle with Brutus, Cassius and Judas -- the Betrayers! Dubya campaigned as a "Compassionate" Conservative, then proceeded to immediately screw us in an Obamalike fashion. I didn't forget that instead of dismantling the Department of Education, he let the Chappaquiddick Killer write an Education Bill designed to turn more students into Wards of the State.

Then on almost the same day Walmart announces they would sell generic drugs for $4/bottle, Bush gives us yet another Statist program: Medicare Part D.

I hope this clears things up.
you are a unique little thing arent you......one of the few conservatives i know that shouts 'my dick is a monster i kick it to start'

i think you liberal twinges....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bv4Fd17485o]YouTube - ‪Frank Zappa - Bwana Dik‬‏[/ame]
I agree.. He's all about the NWO... each president has been since he was elected.
Americans are not easy.. When both side see how we are being manipulated by both sides we'll unite again. The way I see it is our only hope is the Tea Party.. If they fail its not going to be pretty.

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