Just The Facts, Imam - New York Mosque


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Just The Facts, Imam - New York Mosque

Tuesday, 17 August 2010 11:41 Written by Daniel Greenfield

Just the facts, Imam. A Muslim terrorist attack damaged a building, allowing Muslims to pick it up for a fraction of the price, in order to build a mosque on the spot. Some people might say that sort of thing is tacky. A little like coming by to make an offer on the house, after your cousin murdered the entire family who lived there. Sure, you might claim that you're not responsible, but it just doesn't look good. Especially once you start palling around with your cousin, and suggesting that maybe he was just misunderstood. And maybe that family brought it on themselves.

But the media still insists that Islam had nothing to do with 9/11. Or if it had anything to do with 9/11, it was those "other Muslims", not these Muslims. The media isn't really good at explaining the difference between these Muslims and those Muslims. Often the media insists that those Muslims are actually these Muslims. Sometimes they claim that those Muslims are actually not Muslims at all, but people who are upset about foreclosures and work related stress.

Story continues here...
Yeah, just the facts... but don't let this get in the way of any good old partisan hack bull shit on why we should let muslims piss in the face of 3,000 innocent American dead they murdered in cold blood.
A Muslim terrorist attack damaged a building, allowing Muslims to pick it up for a fraction of the price, in order to build a mosque on the spot.


That's interesting...good deal on real estate.

It kind of makes me rethink Terral's "rogue element" explanation for the events of 9/11.
Just The Facts, Imam - New York Mosque

Tuesday, 17 August 2010 11:41 Written by Daniel Greenfield

Just the facts, Imam. A Muslim terrorist attack damaged a building, allowing Muslims to pick it up for a fraction of the price, in order to build a mosque on the spot. Some people might say that sort of thing is tacky. A little like coming by to make an offer on the house, after your cousin murdered the entire family who lived there.
....Or, more like Conspiracy Time (via a fantasy-weenie).


(You can always tell an outlaw, or coward, by the way they hide their face.)​
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Just The Facts, Imam - New York Mosque

Tuesday, 17 August 2010 11:41 Written by Daniel Greenfield

Just the facts, Imam. A Muslim terrorist attack damaged a building, allowing Muslims to pick it up for a fraction of the price, in order to build a mosque on the spot. Some people might say that sort of thing is tacky. A little like coming by to make an offer on the house, after your cousin murdered the entire family who lived there. Sure, you might claim that you're not responsible, but it just doesn't look good. Especially once you start palling around with your cousin, and suggesting that maybe he was just misunderstood. And maybe that family brought it on themselves.

But the media still insists that Islam had nothing to do with 9/11. Or if it had anything to do with 9/11, it was those "other Muslims", not these Muslims. The media isn't really good at explaining the difference between these Muslims and those Muslims. Often the media insists that those Muslims are actually these Muslims. Sometimes they claim that those Muslims are actually not Muslims at all, but people who are upset about foreclosures and work related stress.

Story continues here...
There are at least 1.5 billion people who are Islamic. There are many secs that make up Islam just as there are with Christianity. The various secs vary widely in their beliefs. It is quite easily to find outrageous quotes and actions of a few radicals and then ascribe them to all members of the faith. If you are believed, then you will have a true religious war with millions of victims which is, by the way, the goal of the terrorist.
Yeah, just the facts... but don't let this get in the way of any good old partisan hack bull shit on why we should let muslims piss in the face of 3,000 innocent American dead they murdered in cold blood.

In my opinion this is NOT a Muslim Cultural Center, it's a GLOATING CENTER, a victory over America, an insensitive move by these Islamics and anyone who okays it, like this insensitive president,Barrack Obama. This is certainly NOT about religion, sure, it's legal to do this, but it's nothing more than a direct slap in the face to every American in this great country. Let them build their Mosque in another area, most would have no problem with that.They are doing this because, they can, using our laws and freedoms against us. How about a christian church and 'cultural center' in Mecca or throughout Saudia Arabia. How many times before people like Obama 'get it'? Is it because these particular Islamics have NO RESPECT for any American and never will Mr. president?

To those Imams, you insensitive bastards and all those who goes along with this insensitive maneuver,including the president, here is my answer to you all, KMA

This arrogant president will have only one term, and he still wins, WE, the taxpayers, will support his damn ass forever after he almost single handedly brought this nation and it's people to it's knees, disrespected us as a nation and does what he wants, regardless of what the people want, sounds like a damn dictator to me.
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Just The Facts, Imam - New York Mosque

Tuesday, 17 August 2010 11:41 Written by Daniel Greenfield

Just the facts, Imam. A Muslim terrorist attack damaged a building, allowing Muslims to pick it up for a fraction of the price, in order to build a mosque on the spot. Some people might say that sort of thing is tacky. A little like coming by to make an offer on the house, after your cousin murdered the entire family who lived there. Sure, you might claim that you're not responsible, but it just doesn't look good. Especially once you start palling around with your cousin, and suggesting that maybe he was just misunderstood. And maybe that family brought it on themselves.

But the media still insists that Islam had nothing to do with 9/11. Or if it had anything to do with 9/11, it was those "other Muslims", not these Muslims. The media isn't really good at explaining the difference between these Muslims and those Muslims. Often the media insists that those Muslims are actually these Muslims. Sometimes they claim that those Muslims are actually not Muslims at all, but people who are upset about foreclosures and work related stress.

Story continues here...
There are at least 1.5 billion people who are Islamic. There are many secs that make up Islam just as there are with Christianity. The various secs vary widely in their beliefs. It is quite easily to find outrageous quotes and actions of a few radicals and then ascribe them to all members of the faith. If you are believed, then you will have a true religious war with millions of victims which is, by the way, the goal of the terrorist.

we aren't talking about all muslims...just this church... its location and the man that wants to build it.....a man that gives hamas a pass and blames america for the attack....
Just The Facts, Imam - New York Mosque

Tuesday, 17 August 2010 11:41 Written by Daniel Greenfield

Just the facts, Imam. A Muslim terrorist attack damaged a building, allowing Muslims to pick it up for a fraction of the price, in order to build a mosque on the spot. Some people might say that sort of thing is tacky. A little like coming by to make an offer on the house, after your cousin murdered the entire family who lived there. Sure, you might claim that you're not responsible, but it just doesn't look good. Especially once you start palling around with your cousin, and suggesting that maybe he was just misunderstood. And maybe that family brought it on themselves.

But the media still insists that Islam had nothing to do with 9/11. Or if it had anything to do with 9/11, it was those "other Muslims", not these Muslims. The media isn't really good at explaining the difference between these Muslims and those Muslims. Often the media insists that those Muslims are actually these Muslims. Sometimes they claim that those Muslims are actually not Muslims at all, but people who are upset about foreclosures and work related stress.

Story continues here...
There are at least 1.5 billion people who are Islamic. There are many secs that make up Islam just as there are with Christianity. The various secs vary widely in their beliefs. It is quite easily to find outrageous quotes and actions of a few radicals and then ascribe them to all members of the faith. If you are believed, then you will have a true religious war with millions of victims which is, by the way, the goal of the terrorist.

we aren't talking about all muslims...just this church... its location and the man that wants to build it.....a man that gives hamas a pass and blames america for the attack....

And is also hiding who's funding the project, which now looks like might be under investigation. It's a known fact the imam doesn't have that kind of money... so where is it coming from?

This country needs to wise up. How these radical sons a bitches are allowed to openly walk around and do the things they do in this country is fucked up.
I really would like to find out where most of the funding for this Mosque is coming from. I think this needs to be investigated properly. My guess is that a lot of the cash is coming from Saudi Arabia. This should be disturbing to all Americans. I guess we'll see how it all shakes out. I think building a large Mosque on this site is very insensitive and wrong. I really don't care that the usual Leftist suspects call me a "Bigot" or "Islamophobe." This is how i feel.
Just The Facts, Imam - New York Mosque

Tuesday, 17 August 2010 11:41 Written by Daniel Greenfield

Just the facts, Imam. A Muslim terrorist attack damaged a building, allowing Muslims to pick it up for a fraction of the price, in order to build a mosque on the spot. Some people might say that sort of thing is tacky. A little like coming by to make an offer on the house, after your cousin murdered the entire family who lived there. Sure, you might claim that you're not responsible, but it just doesn't look good. Especially once you start palling around with your cousin, and suggesting that maybe he was just misunderstood. And maybe that family brought it on themselves.

But the media still insists that Islam had nothing to do with 9/11. Or if it had anything to do with 9/11, it was those "other Muslims", not these Muslims. The media isn't really good at explaining the difference between these Muslims and those Muslims. Often the media insists that those Muslims are actually these Muslims. Sometimes they claim that those Muslims are actually not Muslims at all, but people who are upset about foreclosures and work related stress.

Story continues here...
There are at least 1.5 billion people who are Islamic. There are many secs that make up Islam just as there are with Christianity. The various secs vary widely in their beliefs. It is quite easily to find outrageous quotes and actions of a few radicals and then ascribe them to all members of the faith. If you are believed, then you will have a true religious war with millions of victims which is, by the way, the goal of the terrorist.

yet our leadership allows many in the majority party to publicly speak out against the racism that exists within the Tea Party even though all of the facts seem to show that it is a very minute minority of the group as a whole.

And when it was said that the number of the tea partyers that were racist was so small and should not be applied to the movement as a whole, the burden was put on the whole to dam and denounce the few.

OK...so exactly where are those 1.5 billion muslims denouncing the actions of the few radicals?
The ultimate irony here is that we now have the left giving lectures in religious tolerance.

Crazy shit man.
The ultimate irony here is that we now have the left giving lectures in religious tolerance.

Crazy shit man.

To me? This is not an issue of religious tolerance. To me, this is a question of why people that claim to be American refuse to see the insensitivity of the building of this Mosque at the loication it is being built.

Just becuase the law says yopu can build it and just becuase our "way of life" gives you the right to build it does not mean that it is appropriate to build it.

It is legal for me to take the last seat on the bus and make that 9 month pregnant woman stand.

How many on the left would say she is being selfish and "un-American" for speaking out her concern for my lack of sensitivity to her condition?
The ultimate irony here is that we now have the left giving lectures in religious tolerance.

Crazy shit man.

Yea they sure are "tolerant" when they drop those Crucifixes in urine and then call it "Art." Or when they desecrate veteran graves by removing crosses. The Left is soo full of chit. They have never been tolerant of religious beliefs. So i think i speak for most of America when i say to the Left...Go F*CK YOURSELVES!

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