Just Post Your Fave Star Trek TNGs!


Gold Member
Feb 1, 2016
The de-facto "Star Trek channel," BBC-America, is having one of its regular marathons of it so that's what inspired me to make this thread.

Face of the Enemy (who knew that such a soft, tender character like Troi could be such a FEARSOME badass?? I swear, it's like a rabbit turning carnivore! Not to mention the intense acting of that English woman playing the commander)
Chain of Command (the joy of two classic, Shakespearean English actors like Stewart & Warner bouncing off each other)
Sarek (Pat Stewart and the ultimate Vulcan actor, Mark Lenard, face off - the results give one the chills).
The Inner Light (Beautiful episode...but so bittersweet sad and tragic this wasn't an easy episode to watch).
Birthright (Playing at this moment, it really offers a lot of insight into the cultural differences between Klingons and Romulans).
Inheritance (The Kahless clone episode really gives more cultural detail and history into the Klingons than I've ever seen in any other Star Trek).

I'm sure I'll think of more later (I've been watching it for around 30 years), this is just a few off the top of my head.

While I can understand Riker's face-palm, this is photoshop. I've seen Patrick Stewart in enough shirtless movie scenes he's one of the most body-hairless actors I've ever seen. Head or body, Mr. Stewart simply isn't a "hair" type of dude.
Okay, so it’s not TNG!

LOL, that's one of the most comically funny scenes in ST: Voyager, so thank you for posting it. Ever notice that Voyager's most entertaining moments were when it became the Doctor & Seven of Nine show? Picardo and Ryan were clearly Voyager's best actors.
The only Star Trek is the original. It is literally in a universe way above the idiocy of the subsequent copies such as "Second Generation." It is similar to comparing the genious of the original Wild, Wild West with that moronic movie featuring that inbred looking dude Will Smith.

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