Just how creepy is Herman Cain?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Republicans think killing cute bunnies and pet goldfish is becoming of a Presidential contender?

Herman Cain says goldfish, rabbit are safe | MNN - Mother Nature Network

No need to worry about that rabbit*or goldfish in Herman Cain's surreal new "campaign" ads — he says no animals were harmed in the making of the videos.
It remains unclear, though, if we should be worried about Cain himself.
If you haven't seen the ads yet, brace yourself, then click here. Both feature the same little girl standing in a dystopian landscape and explaining a non-intuitive metaphor: goldfish = economy, mud = stimulus; rabbit = small business, catapult + shotgun = tax code. "Any questions?" the girl asks, twice, in each ad.
The ads have drawn criticism from animal-rights groups, including the Humane Society and PETA, which say they trivialize animal suffering. Cain's political action committee responded on YouTube that "the goldfish is fine," and Cain told Politico on Tuesday the rabbit is, too. "The liberals are trying to paint it like I'm killing animals," he said. "The rabbit that we shot was a toy, stuffed rabbit. It was not a real rabbit."
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A presidential contender? I must have missed that. Last I checked he was black and not a democrat soooooooooooooooooooooooo ya know.
He's the reason for workplace sexual harassment legislation.

Repubs need to find another token. Where's JC these days?

man oh man, some of the stupid shit that is posted on this board..

Mother Nature network?:lol:
He's the reason for workplace sexual harassment legislation.

Repubs need to find another token. Where's JC these days?


Well, the Democrats might be looking for a new one come November..
He's the reason for workplace sexual harassment legislation.

Repubs need to find another token. Where's JC these days?


Well, the Democrats might be looking for a new one come November..

True. I hope they find a real one this time. One whose Black half actually shared the American Black experience.

Any prominent American Black Democrat politicians on the scope?

And really, where is JC?
I don't think I'd classify him as "creepy". I think of him more as all simplistic platitudes and no substance, no indication of significant intellectual depth or breadth.

Cause he's Black, right?

I don't think I'd classify him as "creepy". I think of him more as the male Sarah Palin, all simplistic platitudes and no substance, no indication of significant intellectual depth or breadth.

Nice hat, though. Gotta say.


I guess you define a platitude with substance where the energy policy is to necessarily increase cost of electricity must rise and gas prices must be equal to Europe? Maybe in the process, use an Energy Department to funnel out taxpayer dollars to failed green energy companies. Substance.

I don't think I'd classify him as "creepy". I think of him more as the male Sarah Palin, all simplistic platitudes and no substance, no indication of significant intellectual depth or breadth.

Nice hat, though. Gotta say.


I guess you define a platitude with substance where the energy policy is to necessarily increase cost of electricity must rise and gas prices must be equal to Europe? Maybe in the process, use an Energy Department to funnel out taxpayer dollars to failed green energy companies. Substance.

What in the world does this have to do with Herman Cain?

Uh Herman Cain is no longer a Presidential contender and has not been for some time now so the real question should be why are you paying attention to what he says and does? Did the left need a break from obsessing over Palin?
Republicans think killing cute bunnies and pet goldfish is becoming of a Presidential contender?

Herman Cain says goldfish, rabbit are safe | MNN - Mother Nature Network

No need to worry about that rabbit*or goldfish in Herman Cain's surreal new "campaign" ads — he says no animals were harmed in the making of the videos.
It remains unclear, though, if we should be worried about Cain himself.
If you haven't seen the ads yet, brace yourself, then click here. Both feature the same little girl standing in a dystopian landscape and explaining a non-intuitive metaphor: goldfish = economy, mud = stimulus; rabbit = small business, catapult + shotgun = tax code. "Any questions?" the girl asks, twice, in each ad.
The ads have drawn criticism from animal-rights groups, including the Humane Society and PETA, which say they trivialize animal suffering. Cain's political action committee responded on YouTube that "the goldfish is fine," and Cain told Politico on Tuesday the rabbit is, too. "The liberals are trying to paint it like I'm killing animals," he said. "The rabbit that we shot was a toy, stuffed rabbit. It was not a real rabbit."

Herman Cain's net worth is $18 million.

I seriously doubt he gives a fuck what you think.
Uh Herman Cain is no longer a Presidential contender and has not been for some time now so the real question should be why are you paying attention to what he says and does? Did the left need a break from obsessing over Palin?

The question is..

Why would conservatives take this guy seriously as a presidential contender

Torturing bunnies and goldfish in front of a little girl?
Uh Herman Cain is no longer a Presidential contender and has not been for some time now so the real question should be why are you paying attention to what he says and does? Did the left need a break from obsessing over Palin?

Okay, according to snakedoc, we should only discuss people who are running for President.

What a drag. And who's gonna keep track?

Dang. Boring.

And now we can get into the why did democrats take (fill in the blank) as serious Presidential contender game.


And will someone tell me where is JC Watts? America needs him.

Uh Herman Cain is no longer a Presidential contender and has not been for some time now so the real question should be why are you paying attention to what he says and does? Did the left need a break from obsessing over Palin?

The question is..

Why would conservatives take this guy seriously as a presidential contender

Torturing bunnies and goldfish in front of a little girl?

That might be your question but mine is the more relevant one if Cain was still running then your's would be.
Republicans think killing cute bunnies and pet goldfish is becoming of a Presidential contender?

Herman Cain says goldfish, rabbit are safe | MNN - Mother Nature Network

No need to worry about that rabbit*or goldfish in Herman Cain's surreal new "campaign" ads — he says no animals were harmed in the making of the videos.
It remains unclear, though, if we should be worried about Cain himself.
If you haven't seen the ads yet, brace yourself, then click here. Both feature the same little girl standing in a dystopian landscape and explaining a non-intuitive metaphor: goldfish = economy, mud = stimulus; rabbit = small business, catapult + shotgun = tax code. "Any questions?" the girl asks, twice, in each ad.
The ads have drawn criticism from animal-rights groups, including the Humane Society and PETA, which say they trivialize animal suffering. Cain's political action committee responded on YouTube that "the goldfish is fine," and Cain told Politico on Tuesday the rabbit is, too. "The liberals are trying to paint it like I'm killing animals," he said. "The rabbit that we shot was a toy, stuffed rabbit. It was not a real rabbit."

He is a shrill for the establishment you support!, but you don't understand that since your hero works in the place where poopies go.

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