Just for fun...


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
I was curious what kinds of concessions people would be willing to make for certain victories. For example, if you're from the right, would you accept universal healthcare in exchange for outlawed abortion or a true and permanent crackdown on immigration? To those on the left, is there anything that could possibly get you to let the gun issue go, or maybe other issues in exchange for political victories? Do these things have to be all or nothing, or are people willing to make sacrifices to achieve greater goals?
Devils in the details.

For me . I really don’t care about clip limits or concealed carry so long as I had stronger background checks and gun registration.

As much as I feel for Daca kids, I ain’t dying on that hill. I would trade a path for citizenship for legal status .
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For me . I really don’t care about clip limits or concealed carry so long as I had stronger background checks and gun registration.

Right, but I guess for this discussion I'd kind of wonder what you'd need to just leave the gun issue alone forever, hypothetically.
For me . I really don’t care about clip limits or concealed carry so long as I had stronger background checks and gun registration.

Right, but I guess for this discussion I'd kind of wonder what you'd need to just leave the gun issue alone forever, hypothetically.

I don’t mind guns so much . It’s the do nothing gun nut states that ruin everything.

Obama was smart to leave stuff alone . Then sandy hook happened , so he had to act.
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It’s the do nothing gun nut states that ruin everything.

Just for the sake of conversation and curiosity, in a world where it was possible, would you become a silent do nothing on guns in exchange for some other political victory? Universal healthcare? Money out of politics? Higher wages/taxes?
It’s the do nothing gun nut states that ruin everything.

Just for the sake of conversation and curiosity, in a world where it was possible, would you become a silent do nothing on guns in exchange for some other political victory? Universal healthcare? Money out of politics? Higher wages/taxes?

I could .

Healthcare is a big issue . It’s out of control and is a major national problem in my view .
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It’s the do nothing gun nut states that ruin everything.

Just for the sake of conversation and curiosity, in a world where it was possible, would you become a silent do nothing on guns in exchange for some other political victory? Universal healthcare? Money out of politics? Higher wages/taxes?

I could .

Healthcare is a big issue . It’s out of control and is a major national problem in my view .

Are there any others? Issues you could let go? Issues you'd trade for? I want people to think about it in that frame and kind of figure out what kinds of things they might be willing to consider.
Just separate the country into two. The left can have its socialist utopia and the Americans can have America.
Flawed premise. If you're someone who's pro-life and passionately thinks that life starts at conception, you're not going to be willing to say "ok, you can kill babies so i can keep my guns." That's extortion. In that particular example, i shouldn't be willing to let babies get killed in order just to maintain my right to self preservation.

Each issue needs to be considered independently on it's own merits. For a given issue, what's the problem attempting to be solved, and how much freedom do i have to give up in order to fix it, assuming it's even fixable in the first place, and what is the definition of "fix" so we can accurately determine if our agreed upon mode of "fixing" is actually fixing it and then remedy/change that if needed. Within each issue being discussed, there could be some give and take.
Flawed premise.

Blah blah blah. Just having some fun.

If you're someone who's pro-life and passionately thinks that life starts at conception, you're not going to be willing to say "ok, you can kill babies so i can keep my guns."

Maybe you'd trade your guns to save the babies? Or maybe you'd accept more immigration to save the babies?
Just separate the country into two. The left can have its socialist utopia and the Americans can have America.

We'd fin d out real quick what works and what doesn't.

We already know what works and what doesn't. But many people don't give a shit, because what works for society doesn't work for them.

And they know it. Leftists would never support this plan. Letting their tax cattle go. Parasites don't survive without something to feed on.
I was curious what kinds of concessions people would be willing to make for certain victories. For example, if you're from the right, would you accept universal healthcare in exchange for outlawed abortion or a true and permanent crackdown on immigration? To those on the left, is there anything that could possibly get you to let the gun issue go, or maybe other issues in exchange for political victories? Do these things have to be all or nothing, or are people willing to make sacrifices to achieve greater goals?

Small potatoes.

I think a better question to be asking is what would it take to fix the real problems facing the nation. Abortion, mass shootings, are pretty small issues in the grand scheme of things. They spawn passionate arguments but in the grand scheme of things; small potatoes. To answer your question, I think a woman's right to choose is paramount and anything that infringes on that should not be considered.

Moreover, I would very much be interested in the debate that would pass serious campaign finance reform and horse trading to get the special interests, party patronage as a policy, and near unlimited spending out of our electoral process.
Abortion, mass shootings, are pretty small issues in the grand scheme of things. They spawn passionate arguments but in the grand scheme of things; small potatoes.

Oh, I know. That's part of the fun. ;)
I was curious what kinds of concessions people would be willing to make for certain victories. For example, if you're from the right, would you accept universal healthcare in exchange for outlawed abortion or a true and permanent crackdown on immigration? To those on the left, is there anything that could possibly get you to let the gun issue go, or maybe other issues in exchange for political victories? Do these things have to be all or nothing, or are people willing to make sacrifices to achieve greater goals?
Yes I would accept that one and I am on the right. I think universal healthcare is fine just not REQUIRED like Obamacare was.
I was curious what kinds of concessions people would be willing to make for certain victories. For example, if you're from the right, would you accept universal healthcare in exchange for outlawed abortion or a true and permanent crackdown on immigration? To those on the left, is there anything that could possibly get you to let the gun issue go, or maybe other issues in exchange for political victories? Do these things have to be all or nothing, or are people willing to make sacrifices to achieve greater goals?
Yes I would accept that one and I am on the right. I think universal healthcare is fine just not REQUIRED like Obamacare was.

Are there others? How far could you push it? Where is the line?
Flawed premise.

Blah blah blah. Just having some fun.

If you're someone who's pro-life and passionately thinks that life starts at conception, you're not going to be willing to say "ok, you can kill babies so i can keep my guns."

Maybe you'd trade your guns to save the babies? Or maybe you'd accept more immigration to save the babies?
Well that's my answer then. I won't sacrifice sound reasoning when i know it'll just create or perpetuate a problem.

For the red and blue team cheerleaders, i'm sure they'd be interested in something like that. For those of us who are interested in a government that doesn't stomp all over our freedoms every chance it gets, the solution to every issue is pretty easy: does it mean more or less government, and the "less" government option is the better one.
We already know what works and what doesn't.

Everybody thinks they know what works and what doesn't, and everybody has links to videos and articles with experts that support their opinions.
I was curious what kinds of concessions people would be willing to make for certain victories. For example, if you're from the right, would you accept universal healthcare in exchange for outlawed abortion or a true and permanent crackdown on immigration? To those on the left, is there anything that could possibly get you to let the gun issue go, or maybe other issues in exchange for political victories? Do these things have to be all or nothing, or are people willing to make sacrifices to achieve greater goals?
I'd build a wall for real, strong gun control.
I was curious what kinds of concessions people would be willing to make for certain victories. For example, if you're from the right, would you accept universal healthcare in exchange for outlawed abortion or a true and permanent crackdown on immigration? To those on the left, is there anything that could possibly get you to let the gun issue go, or maybe other issues in exchange for political victories? Do these things have to be all or nothing, or are people willing to make sacrifices to achieve greater goals?
Yes I would accept that one and I am on the right. I think universal healthcare is fine just not REQUIRED like Obamacare was.

Are there others? How far could you push it? Where is the line?
Not sure what I would want in return but I am cool with Paid Maternity Leave,Unions but not letting them FORCE people to pay dues or allowing them to fund political campaigns etc. That's about all I can think of I would accept that's some thing from the left.

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