Just a question to middle class Americans who support a National hike in MW?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Why do you want to pay more for goods and services?

You never got a raise all the times Minimum wage was raised before in the past 30 years, unless you were a Union worker and your contracts were tied to it. We all know wages has been stagnate, so why do you think this time will be different?

All the times MW was raised on a national level did we ever see a decrease in entitlement spending?

So why do you support it? To me it's just trickle up poor .

Note: I am talking national not local, don't give a Damn about blue states or cities that want to raise it, in fact I encourage it as much as I encourage abortion on demand in blue states.

Prices increase even if there is no increase in the MW.....Entitlement spending has decreased except for times of recessions and depressions....Now entitlements to the rich, when do they get reduced or eliminated?
Since it seems that tax cuts are not creating jobs and neither does increased wealth at the top, only proving that trickle down economics are voo-doo economics of the GOP.....
Prices increase even if there is no increase in the MW.....Entitlement spending has decreased except for times of recessions and depressions....Now entitlements to the rich, when do they get reduced or eliminated?
Since it seems that tax cuts are not creating jobs and neither does increased wealth at the top, only proving that trickle down economics are voo-doo economics of the GOP.....
thought unemployment rate was 5.6%?
I'd ask a different question:
If you as a business owner have 10 employees making an average of $15,700 a year for a total of $157,000 and you are forced to increase their wages to 15/hr or 312,000/yr where is that extra money going to come from? You'll have to lay off half your employees, among other measures. Which half will you lay off?
Bonus question: What happens to those you lay off?
I'd doubt very many if ANY conservative supports a min. wage hike

they know the CONSEQUENCES of what happens when the GUBERMENT gets involved IN ANYTHING. and how it will kill off more jobs (and SMALL mom and pop businesses) than it helps the few people it's being sold as helping

the person saying just as many conservatives as Democrat/liberals are in favor of it: is lying

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