Judge pissed off by Obama's comments on health care law


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Judge upset by Obama's comments on health care law | Political Headlines | Comcast

HOUSTON — A federal appeals court judge on Tuesday seemed to take offense to comments President Barack Obama made earlier this week in which he warned that if the Supreme Court overturned his signature health care overhaul it would amount to overreach by an "unelected" court.

The Supreme Court is set to issue a ruling later this year on whether to strike down some or all of the historic health care law.

During oral arguments in Houston in a separate challenge to another aspect of the federal health care law, U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jerry Smith said Obama's comments troubled a number of people who have read them as a challenge to the authority of federal courts.

Obama the Surpreme ruler has spoken-:cuckoo::cuckoo:
[Obama's comments were motivated by his knowledge of how the Supreme's voted last Friday. There were no people present in the room, other than the nine judges, who tallied the votes themselves. No clerks, no janitors, no police, no law students, no one other than the justices themselves. A coin toss anyone whether it was Kagan or Sotomayor who ran to their own personal red white house phone to tell Bam how the tally went? Betcha they didn't even remove their robes to pee before making the call. If anyone lower down the food chain did the same, they'd be filing in the unemployment line by today. 'Bam is just trying to beat and smash Justice Anthony Kennedy into line.]

"Does Obama Know How the Supreme Court Voted?

The storm that erupted yesterday when Barack Obama woke up and discovered the Supreme Court of the United States was not only not elected but it could overturn “duly passed” laws, even those passed in the dead of the night by the barest of purchased majorities, has been more than adequately covered on these pages and others by actual lawyers and those who think they are.

I’m pretty sure Obama knows what Marbury v. Madison is, even though yesterday he gave a darned good impression of being a total goober in regards to our Constitution. The simplest explanation is that he knows how the vote went on Friday and is working to change that vote, failing that he is setting the predicate for running against the Supreme Court in November

According to Supreme Court protocol

When oral arguments are concluded, the Justices have to decide the case. They do so at what is known as the Justices’ Conference. Two Conferences are held per week when Court is in session, on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. The Justices vote on cases heard on Mondays and Tuesdays of a given week at their Wednesday afternoon Conference. The Justices vote on cases heard on Wednesday at their Friday afternoon Conference. When Court is not in session, usually only a Friday Conference is held

According to Supreme Court protocol, only the Justices are allowed in the Conference room at this time—no police, law clerks, secretaries, etc. The Chief Justice calls the session to order and, as a sign of the collegial nature of the institution, all the Justices shake hands. The first order of business, typically, is to discuss the week’s petitions for certiorari, i.e., deciding which cases to accept or reject.

After the petitions for certiorari are dealt with, the Justices begin to discuss the cases that were heard since their last Conference. According to Supreme Court protocol, all Justices have an opportunity to state their views on the case and raise any questions or concerns they may have. Each Justice speaks without interruptions from the others. The Chief Justice makes the first statement, then each Justice speaks in descending order of seniority, ending with the most junior justice—the one who has served on the court for the fewest years.

When each Justice is finished speaking, the Chief Justice casts the first vote, and then each Justice in descending order of seniority does likewise until the most junior justice casts the last vote. After the votes have been tallied, the Chief Justice, or the most senior Justice in the majority if the Chief Justice is in the dissent, assigns a Justice in the majority to write the opinion of the Court. The most senior justice in the dissent can assign a dissenting Justice to write the dissenting opinion.

If a Justice agrees with the outcome of the case, but not the majority’s rationale for it, that Justice may write a concurring opinion. Any Justice may write a separate dissenting opinion. When there is a tie vote, the decision of the lower Court stands. This can happen if, for some reason, any of the nine Justices is not participating in a case (e.g., a seat is vacant or a Justice has had to recuse).

Based on this we know the three Obamacare-related cases were voted on at the Friday afternoon conference. What happens Monday? A full-throated attack by the White House and its devoted corps of sycophants on the very idea that the Supreme Court should hear the case. Is this a coincidence? I doubt it.

If is is axiomatic that the Supreme Court reads election returns, it is also true that they read the newspapers and public opinion polls. It can’t have escaped the notice of even a mediocrity like Sotomayor that 1) this is an election year and 2) Obama’s political fate seems to be closely tied to the outcome of the case."

Does Obama Know How the Supreme Court Voted? | RedState
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"A mediocrity like Sotomayor" Heh! Heh! "The Wise Latina" "Yes, Reverend Kimber, that group of New Haven Firemen does together have too many vowels in their last names! You are absolutely right! No promotions for you."
"strong majority"?.........lie (it squeaked by 219-212...all republicans opposed it as well as 34 democrats)

"duly constituted"?.......bigger lie (2,000+ pages of unread, unknown material)

"I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," Obama said on Monday. "And I'd just remind conservative commentators that for years what we've heard is the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint, that an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law. Well, this is a good example. And I'm pretty confident that this court will recognize that and not take that step."

Read more: Justice Department Under Deadline To Answer Court Over Obama's Health Law Comments | Fox News
well when the court members rule so obviously against the constitution then it troubles peopel who care about the constitution
Take Bush V Gore.

why did the court say that desicion didnt aplly to any other decision?
well when the court members rule so obviously against the constitution then it troubles peopel who care about the constitution

But in your case, it's more line when the SCOTUS rules against what you want, it pisses you off....regardless of the constitution.

This ACA is unconstitutional by any stretch of the imagination.

The 10th amendment makes that very clear.

What you better be careful of is that if you push this fight....other laws that currently fit your live-off-others lifestyle might go on the blocks.

I hope you do push it because the day might come when the SCOTUS will be looking at Social Security to decide if it is constitutional (which it isn't).
Obama is supposedly a Constitutional Lawyer and (again supposedly) taught Constitutional law in Harvard -- or so he claims. So for him to disrespect the Supreme Court Justices is an outright insult to not only the justices but to the entire country. Someone should point out to him that he's the president, not the emperor. If he wants to be a dictator I'm sure there are any number of Muslim countries in need of a new dictator. They seem to be falling like flies. :badgrin:
Obama is supposedly a Constitutional Lawyer and (again supposedly) taught Constitutional law in Harvard -- or so he claims. So for him to disrespect the Supreme Court Justices is an outright insult to not only the justices but to the entire country. Someone should point out to him that he's the president, not the emperor. If he wants to be a dictator I'm sure there are any number of Muslim countries in need of a new dictator. They seem to be falling like flies. :badgrin:

Obama entered Harvard under an affirmative action program. How else would a "C" student in Polysci (2.0 GPA) from Columbia get in. The normal entry requirements needed for a caucasian, before they'll even open his application to look at it, are 3.8 or 3.9 GPA. The LeftMedia peddled the fable that Obama was light years above the rest of us in IQ without ever showing us a shred of proof during the entire 2008 election. They ended their IQ affirmations with a Harrison Ford style "Trust me!". That was in between tripping over each other to photoshop his ears for their magazine covers. In the meantime we've seen the results of his handiwork. When "Deepwater Horizon" was spewing its contents all over the Gulf, whom did Obama call for assistance, James Cameron, the director of the movie 'Titanic". Between the two of them, I would venture to say they never even developed the equivalent of half a blister, total, on their hands from engaging in manual labor, that is. And they were going to fix an oil leak two miles down? And what did Cameron do after speaking with 'O' about the leak? He tore up his citizenship papers and headed for New Zealand as fast as he could. Not very auspicious to say the least.
Then, whom did they call in to help solve the banking crisis? Why, "The smartest guy in the room", their "Go To guy for assistance in solving the banking crisis", Jon 'I don't know where the 1.2 billion went!" Corzine (D-NJ) last seen looting the customer accounts in MF Global while Kiting a few checks in order to keep his baby afloat after making a hideously stupid bet.
Wanna know how well affirmative action works in the real world outside of the presidency? University of Michigans progam works like this: At the GPA level that 100% of black applicants are accepted, only 10% of whites get through the door. After being fed a steady diet of those quality applicants for some twenty odd years, GM and Chrysler crashed and burned in the face of relentless pressure from the super smart, super aggressive Japanese. Good thing WWII wasn't fought under affirmative action guidelines. GM made it twenty years, think the US can make one more?
Judge upset by Obama's comments on health care law | Political Headlines | Comcast

HOUSTON — A federal appeals court judge on Tuesday seemed to take offense to comments President Barack Obama made earlier this week in which he warned that if the Supreme Court overturned his signature health care overhaul it would amount to overreach by an "unelected" court.

The Supreme Court is set to issue a ruling later this year on whether to strike down some or all of the historic health care law.

During oral arguments in Houston in a separate challenge to another aspect of the federal health care law, U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jerry Smith said Obama's comments troubled a number of people who have read them as a challenge to the authority of federal courts.

Obama the Surpreme ruler has spoken-:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Or in other words ...

"How dare the President freely voice his opinion."
Judge upset by Obama's comments on health care law | Political Headlines | Comcast

HOUSTON — A federal appeals court judge on Tuesday seemed to take offense to comments President Barack Obama made earlier this week in which he warned that if the Supreme Court overturned his signature health care overhaul it would amount to overreach by an "unelected" court.

The Supreme Court is set to issue a ruling later this year on whether to strike down some or all of the historic health care law.

During oral arguments in Houston in a separate challenge to another aspect of the federal health care law, U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jerry Smith said Obama's comments troubled a number of people who have read them as a challenge to the authority of federal courts.

Obama the Surpreme ruler has spoken-:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Or in other words ...

"How dare the President freely voice his opinion."
I'm thrilled he spoke his mind. His challenge of the authority of the courts further reveals him for the power-grabbing unconstitutional control freak that he is. :thup:
Judge upset by Obama's comments on health care law | Political Headlines | Comcast

HOUSTON — A federal appeals court judge on Tuesday seemed to take offense to comments President Barack Obama made earlier this week in which he warned that if the Supreme Court overturned his signature health care overhaul it would amount to overreach by an "unelected" court.

The Supreme Court is set to issue a ruling later this year on whether to strike down some or all of the historic health care law.

During oral arguments in Houston in a separate challenge to another aspect of the federal health care law, U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jerry Smith said Obama's comments troubled a number of people who have read them as a challenge to the authority of federal courts.

Obama the Surpreme ruler has spoken-:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Or in other words ...

"How dare the President freely voice his opinion."

Wonderfully ignorant comment.

If it is just an opinion, might we be able to say that our beloved Moron-In-Chief is, indeed, not a constitutional scholar ?

After all, what he expressed was a POV that is not consistent with anything and if he teaches that "opinion" to his students....he should be living in some other country.

Cause it don't fly here.
"strong majority"?.........lie (it squeaked by 219-212...all republicans opposed it as well as 34 democrats)

"duly constituted"?.......bigger lie (2,000+ pages of unread, unknown material)

"I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," Obama said on Monday. "And I'd just remind conservative commentators that for years what we've heard is the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint, that an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law. Well, this is a good example. And I'm pretty confident that this court will recognize that and not take that step."

Read more: Justice Department Under Deadline To Answer Court Over Obama's Health Law Comments | Fox News

*Unprecedented* is also a lie....the supreme court tosses out UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws quite frequently.

Obama's just a lying thug piece of shit. I can't wait until he gets humiliated and driven from the White House like the squatter he is...
Judge upset by Obama's comments on health care law | Political Headlines | Comcast

HOUSTON — A federal appeals court judge on Tuesday seemed to take offense to comments President Barack Obama made earlier this week in which he warned that if the Supreme Court overturned his signature health care overhaul it would amount to overreach by an "unelected" court.

The Supreme Court is set to issue a ruling later this year on whether to strike down some or all of the historic health care law.

During oral arguments in Houston in a separate challenge to another aspect of the federal health care law, U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jerry Smith said Obama's comments troubled a number of people who have read them as a challenge to the authority of federal courts.

Obama the Surpreme ruler has spoken-:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Or in other words ...

"How dare the President freely voice his opinion."

Wonderfully ignorant comment.

If it is just an opinion, might we be able to say that our beloved Moron-In-Chief is, indeed, not a constitutional scholar ?

After all, what he expressed was a POV that is not consistent with anything and if he teaches that "opinion" to his students....he should be living in some other country.

Cause it don't fly here.

Is the Court unelected? Yes.
Is it Obama's opinion that striking down the law would be an overreach? Yes.

Where's the problem here exactly?

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