Judge in Georgia Dismisses Three Trump Charges

Not really. And that is what Fani was paying her fuckbuddy $700,000 for.

Three HUGE ones. All the charges related to Trump's phone call to Raffensberger are gone. You know, the charges that have given your cult permanent erections . Gone.

Not sure if it's "all the charges" related to the call. Only the charges related to violating oath of office.

And the Judge notes they can be refiled with more specificity.

And they won't. Because that would take months. The Dem cult has made it clear their only goal here is to get a verdict before the election.

Maybe, maybe not.

The Prosecution can decide to just go with 129 charges instead of 135? Maybe they see if they can get it refiled prior to trial?

We'll see.

It seems to me that there would be a delay if the State chose to refile the charges ... and I assume that means "reindict" Trump on those. I assume that would mean they'd have to start criminal discovery all over again ......
Nothing more? Just incompetence for not getting it right the first time. That's what happens when you have local yokels trying to play in the big leagues.
Tell that to tRump's lawyers, who didn't even know they could ask for a jury trial.

A few small errors out of so many filings in not only a nothingburger, it common. It just doesn't usually make the news.
Tell that to tRump's lawyers, who didn't even know they could ask for a jury trial.

A few small errors out of so many filings in not only a nothingburger, it common. It just doesn't usually make the news.
Totally different cases, and these aren't small errors, they are signs of the incompetence found throughout that office, mixed with the abject corruption, it's only a matter of time before the whole farce is tossed.
Totally different cases, and these aren't small errors, they are signs of the incompetence found throughout that office, mixed with the abject corruption, it's only a matter of time before the whole farce is tossed.
They are small errors on three out of 120+ charges each requiring a small mound of paperwork.

You can get all excited if you want, but this is truly meaningless.

Here is the actual ruling.

And yes, the charges are currently dismissed. Not because the allegations were defective in terms of merit, but dismissed based on the language lacking specificity on exactly how the alleged violations of oath of office are described.

And actually the Judge points out that the Prosecution can refile the charges with a new indictment once the deficiency has been corrected.

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Gotta love stories like this with little to no explanation. Why were the charges quashed? I read the charges can be brought again but maybe some explanation as to what it all means would be nice.
If anything this ruling makes me inclined to believe he knows which way he's leaning on Fani's dismissal (not that it should be hard). Why go through these motions if you're about to dismiss the prosecutor anyway?
Word on the street says that these dismissed charges mean that he won't be dismissing Fani Willis.
Gotta love stories like this with little to no explanation. Why were the charges quashed? I read the charges can be brought again but maybe some explanation as to what it all means would be nice.

You realize the Judges ruling was the link in the post you responded to where he explained the logic.

Correct, however the Judge noted that they may not be defective on the merits, they are defective based on specificity.
A judgement on merits is something that is done by trial. That is to say the questions of fact and law are resolved, and the judgement isn't based on a legal technicality. I didn't see anything in his ruling that talks about the facts or merits, because charging docs are allegations.

His reason for dismissing the charges is that the charges are a generic claim of "soliciting officials to violate their oaths to the Georgia Constitution and to the United States Constitution". Those oaths are statutory, and the charges have to say which particular part of the oath would be violated, and how the violation would be a felony.

As he put it:

"In other words, a naked charge of solicitation cannot survive unless
accompanied by additional elements establishing the solicited felony."

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