Judge dismisses lawsuits over Clinton's emails

Next,,the cons will want to do a panty search for hidden e-mails...

Next,,the cons will want to do a panty search for hidden e-mails...

I doubt you could even get Bill to do that search.

He's too busy searching other panties...with and without consent.
She looks big enough for me to wear her panties, I can't afford new undies......
Next,,the cons will want to do a panty search for hidden e-mails...

No, I think you are the one that want to do a panty raid, I mean search, but for me I wish they would either bring charges or stop the nonsense...

If they thought they had a smoking gun they would have charged her already, but the reality is they most likely have nothing that is worth chasing after her with, and will just keep this issue going praying it will be one more thing that might turn some voters away from her...

If there were grounds, PROOF, against Bill, Hillary or Prez Barry, they would have gone forward with suits or impeachment.

Fact is, except in the otherwise empty heads of rabid RW traitors, there is no THERE there.

But don't expect them to stop lying anytime soon.
christ, they would catch Bill Clinton in bed with three inflatable dolls,and it would be just another day in the Clinton world.
Do they vibrate and have sucking action?
i wonder if we will ever see the day when they catch Hillary in bed with an inflatable Chabba the Hutt

Hmmm ... your fantasies include a "Huma Sex scandal", Anthony's actions, and now Hillary's bed partners ...

Get help, sicko

christ, they would catch Bill Clinton in bed with three inflatable dolls,and it would be just another day in the Clinton world.
Do they vibrate and have sucking action?
i wonder if we will ever see the day when they catch Hillary in bed with an inflatable Chabba the Hutt
Unless paid, women don't have sex at that age.....

Hey, don't ruin his fantasy. Its all he's got, you know.

Well, except for Obama doing those 20-30 Muslim men in the WH every night.

Being reported the FBI now has enough evidence to charge and prosecute her for public corruption in regards to her tenure as Sec of State and overlapping with the Clinton Foundation. The Hildabeast best get on her dancing shoes....the noose is tightening
Next,,the cons will want to do a panty search for hidden e-mails...
I don't know what you people are talking about.
So far, they have over 1300 of her emails they've discovered are classified, and they've got one where she's telling her staff to remove the classification tags.

She's in deep doodoo.
No worries. Obama will pardon her.
That will give the election to Trump you know.
Next,,the cons will want to do a panty search for hidden e-mails...
I don't know what you people are talking about.
So far, they have over 1300 of her emails they've discovered are classified, and they've got one where she's telling her staff to remove the classification tags.

She's in deep doodoo.
No worries. Obama will pardon her.
That will give the election to Trump you know.

She wouldn't be convicted until Obama is long gone, too big of a case
Next,,the cons will want to do a panty search for hidden e-mails...
I don't know what you people are talking about.
So far, they have over 1300 of her emails they've discovered are classified, and they've got one where she's telling her staff to remove the classification tags.

She's in deep doodoo.
No worries. Obama will pardon her.
That will give the election to Trump you know.
Nah, even fewer Americans will vote for her if she's indicted. A pardon gives her a fightin' chance.
Next,,the cons will want to do a panty search for hidden e-mails...
I don't know what you people are talking about.
So far, they have over 1300 of her emails they've discovered are classified, and they've got one where she's telling her staff to remove the classification tags.

She's in deep doodoo.
No worries. Obama will pardon her.
That will give the election to Trump you know.
Nah, even fewer Americans will vote for her if she's indicted. A pardon gives her a fightin' chance.
An indictment will chase a shitload of Democrats away from her. Obama can't pardon her if she hasn't gone to trial yet.
Next,,the cons will want to do a panty search for hidden e-mails...
I don't know what you people are talking about.
So far, they have over 1300 of her emails they've discovered are classified, and they've got one where she's telling her staff to remove the classification tags.

She's in deep doodoo.
No worries. Obama will pardon her.
That will give the election to Trump you know.

She wouldn't be convicted until Obama is long gone, too big of a case
i can already vision Hillary escaping prison from digging a tunnel right under the toilet.
Next,,the cons will want to do a panty search for hidden e-mails...
I don't know what you people are talking about.
So far, they have over 1300 of her emails they've discovered are classified, and they've got one where she's telling her staff to remove the classification tags.

She's in deep doodoo.
No worries. Obama will pardon her.
That will give the election to Trump you know.
Nah, even fewer Americans will vote for her if she's indicted. A pardon gives her a fightin' chance.
An indictment will chase a shitload of Democrats away from her. Obama can't pardon her if she hasn't gone to trial yet.
Of course he can. Ford pardoned Nixon before he was even indicted.
Being reported the FBI now has enough evidence to charge and prosecute her for public corruption in regards to her tenure as Sec of State and overlapping with the Clinton Foundation. The Hildabeast best get on her dancing shoes....the noose is tightening

Do us all a favor and hold your breath.
and they let Anthony Weeener off the hook for showing his disgusting body parts to very very young girls.

Stop lying.

He texted his photo to adults.

He didn't do anything illegal.

What he did was wrong. Then lying about it was wrong.

It wasn't illegal.

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