JournoLism Integrity and the Obama White House


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
For all of those whose knickers are so twisted over L'Affaire Sherrod that they have given themselves third degree wedgies, here's a telling case of (the lack of) JournoListic and The Obama Administration's Most Ethical & Transparent Beyond Politics As Usual MO:

For just a brief backdrop on this story, Pete Hoekstra voted against the stimulus boondoggle, and rightfully so, but showed up at Obama's campaign speech in Holland, MI July 15 where he touted stimulus money for a Korean-owned battery plant...Hoestra said that he was invited to the event by the company and his constituents (the plant is based in his district). But during the speech, Obama - his typical classless self - called out Hoekstra for showing up.

The Washington Post's White House reporter Anne Kornblut was there and added this detail on the White House set up:

"Obama welcomed Hoekstra during his opening remarks. At the same moment, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs sent a note to reporters pointing out Hoekstra as a 'great quote opportunity!' in the audience."

It was a coordinated ambush by a classless regime. The worst thing about this episode, another in a string of unpresidential Chicago thuggish chapters for this president, is that we are coming to expect this from him. As if it were all of the sudden normal and commonplace. It's not normal. Except for Obama.

theblogprof: Typical: Obama's ambush on Pete Hoekstra in Michigan was coordinated with the media
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It's nothing more than voluntary government control of the media. The Obama zombies who worship at his feet in the media would support 100% a total government takeover of the media, which Obama just might use this USDA crisis to propose (remember never let a good crisis go to waste).

The only difference between most of the US media and the old Soviet media is the liberal media here is doing their work voluntarily.
This is beyond planting stories.

More on JournoLism:

The big questions: Did these journalists veer into outright advocacy? Did they collude with the White House before and after the election? Were they a de facto arm of the Democrats?

Sure looks that way. Among those taking part in JournoList was Jared Bernstein, an adviser to the Obama campaign in 2008 who today works as the top economic aide to Vice President Joe Biden.

In 2009, Bernstein appeared often as an unpaid "surrogate" for Obama on CNBC. He says his JournoList participation ended when he took a job with the White House in December 2008.

Well, did it? In February of this year, a group of liberal journalists and bloggers met with Bernstein at the White House. A number of them were JournoListers.

"The basic thrust of the event was to present a case for the efficacy of the Recovery Act as a part of the broader effort to convince the American people that the administration's efforts to restore the economy have been successful," wrote one of the participants, Jonathan Singer, of the meeting.

Got that? The White House was in effect enlisting the left-leaning "mainstream media" in its PR battle to sell Obamanomics to the American public. The media knew it and were willing tools.

And we don't know if this was the only instance, for Bernstein isn't the White House's only JournoList connection. As it turns out, Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag also was a participant in the online group.

Nothing wrong with talking to government officials — unless you're doing so with a secret agenda, selling partisan views as objective media coverage to an unsuspecting public.

Contrary to claims now being made, JournoList wasn't an innocent Web tool, a harmless forum for discussion. It was an organized effort by one party and its sympathizers in the liberal press to secretly influence public debate and policy.

JournoLism's Bias - IBD -
Hell I knew we had lost any semblance of class in the White House when Barry and Michele gave each other the infamous "Ghetto Bump" instead of a quick kiss.

Hell I knew we had lost any semblance of class in the White House when Barry and Michele gave each other the infamous "Ghetto Bump" instead of a quick kiss.


oh it was way before that when a pair of Harvard/Princton graduates were unable to find a damn thing to be proud of in America. I knew then and there they sucked.
"Obama welcomed Hoekstra during his opening remarks. At the same moment, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs sent a note to reporters pointing out Hoekstra as a 'great quote opportunity!' in the audience."

It was a coordinated ambush by a classless regime. The worst thing about this episode, another in a string of unpresidential Chicago thuggish chapters for this president, is that we are coming to expect this from him. As if it were all of the sudden normal and commonplace. It's not normal. Except for Obama.

theblogprof: Typical: Obama's ambush on Pete Hoekstra in Michigan was coordinated with the media

What an interesting perspective.

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