Joseph Stalin Takes A Trip To Hawaii


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Just yesterday I had a bit of fun posting the NYTimes take on the global warming scam, claiming that in the near future there would be no more snow.
And I followed it with a post re: how the latest skiing season was a record-setter!

But there is a more serious topic that involves 'snow'.....
...and it will surprise you.

1.You may be able to tell when someone is wearing a bad toupée.....because it is a bad toupée.
If it's a good one, didn't recognize it as one.

The same is true of spying: you see the results...but don't recognize how an event was made to happen.

Perhaps the United States currently has the tech savvy that has become so popular in spycraft....and many suggest Israel being up near the top, but throughout the 20th century, there was one nation that was far and away the best.

a. I said 'perhaps.'
There is an excellentvideo interview with Eugene Kaspersky, of Kaspersky Labs, here,Cybersecurity Kaspersky Has Close Ties to Russian Spies - Bloomberg Business which he quotes Condoleezza Rice as stating that,due to their technological education, Russian software engineers are the best in the world.

2.Russia had a head start in spying.
"Russia has a formidable spying tradition that dates back to the czarist-era Cheka. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the once omnipotent KGB was broken up into several smaller organizations with vastly limited powers. Since ex-KGB man Vladimir Putin took power, however, the SVR, or Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedk as its known in Russian, has recovered much of its swagger. Russian spying within the United States is now back to Cold War levels, U.S. officials believe. " The List The World s Top Spy Agencies Foreign Policy

3.About the disease of 'spying.'
Communism is international socialism. Those conversant with immunology, and the way viruses work will understand that the virus function is less about controlling an entire body and producing a 'zombie,' it's first directive is to take over the parts of the cell that make more cell, and forces them to make more viruses instead.

So it is with communism. It infects schools, government. and the venues that disseminate information.

One never has to see a red star banner, a gulag, or hear the word 'comrade.' Suddenly...the milieu is has happened in America.

4. It is well known today that Franklin Roosevelt's administration was infected in this way.
"Expert estimates now peg the number of Americans assisting Soviet intelligence agencies during the 1930s and 1940s as exceeding five hundred. Not one Aldrich Ames. Not two Rosenbergs. Not five “magnificent” Cambridgers. More than five hundred willing and variously able American traitors, many operating at the very highest levels of the federal government, with who knows how many more in support roles....
Soviet agents, Communists, and fellow travelers held official posts, or served as chokepoints of intelligence data, and from these positions were able to exert pro-Soviet leverage on U.S. and other allied policy..... . .... original source archives that have come to light in recent years suggest that, if anything, McCarthy understated the breadth of Soviet infiltration." Red herrings by Andrew C. McCarthy - The New Criterion

Be clear....we aren't speaking of Soviet spies who simply took classified material and handed it over to Stalin......

...we are speaking of spies able to dictate American political and military policy throughout and after the war.
What's with this one and her numbered lists?

The only other poster who uses them is that Chesswarsnow asshole.
The US and Israel wrote a virus that was so bad ass (stuxnet) that it wrote it's own spin-off virus, Flame!
When I was with the airlines I worked with this one Russian immigrant in the Avionics section who had a degree in Electronics from some Russian University.

When he repaired components sometimes he would design his own test boards, order the parts, solder it all together and test. Real amazing guy.

He also listened the loudest Death Metal there was and had the sickest sense of humor.
PC forgot her anti psychotic meds again, and went back to her old cut and paste without objective, critical thinking.
Don't tell her we have spies in Russia, it would blow her whole conspiracy, especially don't tell her that Jews spy for Israel in the US also...
I wonder what the results would be if a poll were taken of Americans asking for the number of Soviet spies whom inhabited the FDR and Truman administrations. Do the government schools inform students of this massive infiltration and it's harmful consequences....doubt it.

I would guess the vast majority of Americans are completely unaware that FDR was a dupe for Stalin...and Truman was too.

Conversely I bet a good percentage believe Joe McCarthy was a ruthless lying punk.

Ain't America great?
Truman also knew of the OAS hiring ex-gestapo and SS men to infiltrate the USSR operations after WWII, doesn't sound like bed buddies to me..
I wonder what the results would be if a poll were taken of Americans asking for the number of Soviet spies whom inhabited the FDR and Truman administrations. Do the government schools inform students of this massive infiltration and it's harmful consequences....doubt it. I would guess the vast majority of Americans are completely unaware that FDR was a dupe for Stalin...and Truman was too.Conversely I bet a good percentage believe Joe McCarthy was a ruthless lying punk.Ain't America great?
What the schools do is give the JBS info, then they give the real info, everybody has a good laugh at your expense, and, oh, yes, McCarthy "was a ruthless lying punk." Yes, America is great.
I wonder what the results would be if a poll were taken of Americans asking for the number of Soviet spies whom inhabited the FDR and Truman administrations. Do the government schools inform students of this massive infiltration and it's harmful consequences....doubt it. I would guess the vast majority of Americans are completely unaware that FDR was a dupe for Stalin...and Truman was too.Conversely I bet a good percentage believe Joe McCarthy was a ruthless lying punk.Ain't America great?
What the schools do is give the JBS info, then they give the real info, everybody has a good laugh at your expense, and, oh, yes, McCarthy "was a ruthless lying punk." Yes, America is great.
Proof that some Americans can be easily deceived.
PC forgot her anti psychotic meds again, and went back to her old cut and paste without objective, critical thinking.
Don't tell her we have spies in Russia, it would blow her whole conspiracy, especially don't tell her that Jews spy for Israel in the US also...

At the time of the central event in this thread.....we had none.
PC forgot her anti psychotic meds again, and went back to her old cut and paste without objective, critical thinking.
Don't tell her we have spies in Russia, it would blow her whole conspiracy, especially don't tell her that Jews spy for Israel in the US also...

At the time of the central event in this thread.....we had none.
Of course you are correct.

But sadly facts matter not to the left, when it comes to their beloved FDR. They must use straw-man arguments because they have no valid ones.
5. While we now know of the deep and wide penetration by Soviet spies, many Franklin Roosevelt apologists who can no longer deny the facts, now attempt to downplay the role they played in authoring and directing administration policies. one knows how many other Soviet agents and fellow travelers are yet to be identified.

This is key:
Now on to the import: why would anyone believe, based on the above.......that the United States was Stalin's only espionage endeavor????

Case in point: there is almost as much evidence that Britain was in the same condition vis-a-vis Stalin's agents.

But....I'll bet even fewer have studied the KGB networks in Japan.

6. Stalin has interests in the Far East for the same reasons as he had in Europe......remember the definition of socialism.
It has always been a world-wide attack.

"...Stalin faced a dilemma - he wanted to avoid a two-front war at almost any cost yet the Soviet leader also wanted to extract gains in the Far East as well as Europe." Soviet Japanese War 1945 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Stalin wanted,at the least, to be sure that Japan did not attack Russia in the East....

"The Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact...was apactbetween the Soviet Union and the Empire of Japan signed on April 13, 1941, two years after the brief Soviet–Japanese Border War (1939). The pact was signed to ensure the neutrality between the Soviet Union and the Empire of Japan during World War II,..." Soviet Japanese Neutrality Pact - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
[Of course Stalin had signed a similar pact with his ally, Hitler....and look how that turned out.]

Stalin needed to make certain of two things:
a. Japan did not attack Russia
b. The United States entered the war, as his ally.

Know what he did...that accomplished both aims?
Remember....the communists were brilliant at spycraft.
I wonder what the results would be if a poll were taken of Americans asking for the number of Soviet spies whom inhabited the FDR and Truman administrations. Do the government schools inform students of this massive infiltration and it's harmful consequences....doubt it.

I would guess the vast majority of Americans are completely unaware that FDR was a dupe for Stalin...and Truman was too.

Conversely I bet a good percentage believe Joe McCarthy was a ruthless lying punk.

Ain't America great?

They have to be keep in the dark about FDR....'else they might start to recognize that Democrat administrations...from FDR on, stand for the same things as the post war Communist Party of the United States.
PC forgot her anti psychotic meds again, and went back to her old cut and paste without objective, critical thinking.

^ reactionary Jake hopping to Stalin's defense
Frank, I don't defend Stalin, ever, you know it. But you defend a fascist like PC and her crazy cut and paste tactics.

You defended Stalin's infiltration of the Roosevelt Administration
He does not know anything about Stalin's spying. He sees it as FDR assisting his ally Uncle Joe...after all that is what the statists schools told him to he dutifully believes...and you know...only Rs are bad, Ds are good.
While PC is on one of her infamous copy and paste frenzies, I thought I would add this tidbit to add to the copy-and paste-arama.

Israel Won’t Stop Spying on the U.S.
Whatever happened to honor among thieves? When the National Security Agency was caught eavesdropping on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cell phone, it was considered a rude way to treat a friend. Now U.S. intelligence officials are saying—albeit very quietly, behind closed doors on Capitol Hill—that our Israeli “friends” have gone too far with their spying operations here.

According to classified briefings on legislation that would lower visa restrictions on Israeli citizens, Jerusalem’s efforts to steal U.S. secrets under the cover of trade missions and joint defense technology contracts have “crossed red lines.”

Israel’s espionage activities in America are unrivaled and unseemly, counterspies have told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees, going far beyond activities by other close allies, such as Germany, France, the U.K. and Japan. A congressional staffer familiar with a briefing last January called the testimony “very sobering…alarming…even terrifying.” Another staffer called it “damaging."

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