Joseph Stalin Had a 13 Year Old Child Bride

She was 13. How do you know that the relationship wasn't her idea? Have you seen Cuties? Girls as young as 11 are sexualized.
11 year old girls having sex is never good. We don’t need this in a society already fucked up. Just because you were married five times before 15 years of age, doesn’t make it right.
I was married twice by the time I was 16. You really don't need to lie.

If 11 year old girls having sex is never a good idea why is Netflix celebrating it so. Why are the so called decent people hiding under the bed?
Why do you think because Netflix does a show on pedophilia, it’s a good thing?
I don't think it's a good thing. I'm bemused that the public is even tolerating this tripe.
She was 13. How do you know that the relationship wasn't her idea? Have you seen Cuties? Girls as young as 11 are sexualized.
Yeah. But girls of such young ages, really aren't prepared for the repercussions of what can happen, as in pregnancy and being a mother. Whether it's boys or girls, they need time to mature, mentally.
Pictures from the book “Drawings from the GULAG” by Danzig Baldaev, a retired Soviet prison guard. Depictions of the Soviet genocide.
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By the order of the prosecutor general Vyshinsky, any methods were considered “good” to get the confession. NKVD staff used brutal tortures with pump, soldering iron, bottle (shoved into vagina and anus), rats (placed in the heated bucket under victim’s bare buttocks) etc.

Execution by the “court of thieves” sentence in one of ITL’s (Gulag abbreviation for labor penitentiary camps)

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“After we’ll fuck this scoundrel’s ass through, he’ll be quick to remember how to make sabotage against Soviet regime and party in university with his cybernetics!”

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Women “enemies of the people” were inspected naked before being sent to certain labor. Those who agreed to become sex slaves of administration were assigned to easy work. Others were either sent for logging and other heavy labor or put into cells and tortured with hunger.

A traditional Gulag joke for new arrivals – “give’em steam”

i love reading biographies...from any period...about anyone from Joe Stalin to AOC. by the way, AOC is the modern day Stalin!

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