John Stewart, the coward who will hide behind his comedian status when challenged, ambushes another lefty on lies about America and race.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
If someone else has a thread on this, please merge this one...

John Stewart is one of the vile leftists who spouts left wing hate, then, when challenged, holds up his hands and says...hey, I'm just a this interview for his podcast or show or whatever it is...he ambushes another leftist...Andrew Sullivan, about race in the is a description of the ambush by leftist Andrew Sullivan....

I protested to the producers that I’d been ambushed. And to be fair, they gave me the option of backing out at the last minute. But I didn’t want to leave them in the lurch, reassured myself that Stewart was a pro, and said I’d go ahead. I just assumed he wouldn’t demonize or curse at a guest; he would moderate; he would entertain counter-arguments; he would defend fair play. After all, this was the man who had lacerated Crossfire for bringing too much heat and not enough light. He believed in sane discourse. He was a liberal, right?


Jon Stewart’s insistence that Americans had never robustly debated race before 2020 is also, well, deranged. Americans have been loudly debating it for centuries. There was something called a Civil War over it. His claim that white America has never done anything in defense of black Americans (until BLM showed up, of course) requires him to ignore more than 300,000 white men who gave their lives to defeat the slaveholding Confederacy. It requires Stewart to ignore the countless whites (often Jewish) who risked and gave their lives in the Civil Rights Movement. It requires him to erase the greatest president in American history. This glib dismissal of all white Americans throughout history, even those who risked everything to expand equality, is, when you come to think about it, obscene.

Stewart’s claim that whites never tried to ameliorate black suffering until now requires him to dismiss over $19 trillion of public funds spent in the long War on Poverty, focused especially on black Americans. That’s the equivalent of more than 140 Marshall Plans. As Samuel Kronen has shown, it requires the erasure from history of “the Food Stamp Act of 1964, the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, the Social Security Amendments of 1965, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, the Social Security Amendments of 1962, and the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, and on and on.” To prove his point, Stewart has to pretend LBJ never existed. That’s how utterly lost he now is.

Stewart then used crude metrics of inequality to argue, Kendi-style, without any evidence, that the only thing that can possibly explain racial inequality today in America is still “white supremacy.” Other factors — concentrated poverty, insanely high rates of crime and violence, acute family breakdown, a teen culture that equates success with whiteness, lack of affordable childcare — went either unmentioned or openly mocked as self-evident expressions of bigotry. He then equated formal legal segregation with voluntary residential segregation, as if Jim Crow were still in force. And he straw-manned the countering argument thus: white America believes that African-Americans are “solely responsible for their community’s struggles.”

So when I asked Stewart to delineate “structural racism,” he reflexively listed a bunch of “systems” that no longer exist: post-war redlining, the GI bill, and so on. I fumbled in response, to my shame. That’s what happens when you’re rattled and tired and not prepped for an inquisition. But my core point is that in America in 2022, the only formal legal systems that openly advocate race discrimination are discriminating in favor of African-Americans, not against them. Affirmative action was only supposed to be a temporary diversion from liberal principles. It’s now a permanent system of race discrimination to favor blacks over every other demographic, disproportionately harming Asian-Americans. The federal government now enforces it across every department.

And even with past systems, the debate about their impact is still a live one. Take racial redlining. This profoundly hurt African-Americans moving out of the South. But class mattered a lot too. Does Stewart know that 85 percent of households in redlined areas were occupied by whites? Or that the infamous maps with red areas probably had nothing to do with the problem? Or that, even if you go by those maps, the picture today is much more complicated than Stewart would ever acknowledge:

[About 11 million Americans] live in once-redlined areas, according to the latest population data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (2017). This population is majority-minority but not majority-Black, and, contrary to conventional perceptions, Black residents also do not form a plurality in these areas overall. The Black population share is approximately 28%, ranking third among the racial groups who live in formerly redlined areas, behind white and Latino or Hispanic residents.

I found the original link to this story here....

It is funny when a leftist is attacked by another leftist.........
Last edited:
If someone else has a thread on this, please merge this one...

John Stewart is one of the vile leftists who spouts left wing hate, then, when challenged, holds up his hands and says...hey, I'm just a this interview for his podcast or show or whatever it is...he ambushes another leftist...Andrew Sullivan, about race in the is a description of the ambush by leftist Andrew Sullivan....

I protested to the producers that I’d been ambushed. And to be fair, they gave me the option of backing out at the last minute. But I didn’t want to leave them in the lurch, reassured myself that Stewart was a pro, and said I’d go ahead. I just assumed he wouldn’t demonize or curse at a guest; he would moderate; he would entertain counter-arguments; he would defend fair play. After all, this was the man who had lacerated Crossfire for bringing too much heat and not enough light. He believed in sane discourse. He was a liberal, right?


Jon Stewart’s insistence that Americans had never robustly debated race before 2020 is also, well, deranged. Americans have been loudly debating it for centuries. There was something called a Civil War over it. His claim that white America has never done anything in defense of black Americans (until BLM showed up, of course) requires him to ignore more than 300,000 white men who gave their lives to defeat the slaveholding Confederacy. It requires Stewart to ignore the countless whites (often Jewish) who risked and gave their lives in the Civil Rights Movement. It requires him to erase the greatest president in American history. This glib dismissal of all white Americans throughout history, even those who risked everything to expand equality, is, when you come to think about it, obscene.

Stewart’s claim that whites never tried to ameliorate black suffering until now requires him to dismiss over $19 trillion of public funds spent in the long War on Poverty, focused especially on black Americans. That’s the equivalent of more than 140 Marshall Plans. As Samuel Kronen has shown, it requires the erasure from history of “the Food Stamp Act of 1964, the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, the Social Security Amendments of 1965, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, the Social Security Amendments of 1962, and the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, and on and on.” To prove his point, Stewart has to pretend LBJ never existed. That’s how utterly lost he now is.

Stewart then used crude metrics of inequality to argue, Kendi-style, without any evidence, that the only thing that can possibly explain racial inequality today in America is still “white supremacy.” Other factors — concentrated poverty, insanely high rates of crime and violence, acute family breakdown, a teen culture that equates success with whiteness, lack of affordable childcare — went either unmentioned or openly mocked as self-evident expressions of bigotry. He then equated formal legal segregation with voluntary residential segregation, as if Jim Crow were still in force. And he straw-manned the countering argument thus: white America believes that African-Americans are “solely responsible for their community’s struggles.”

So when I asked Stewart to delineate “structural racism,” he reflexively listed a bunch of “systems” that no longer exist: post-war redlining, the GI bill, and so on. I fumbled in response, to my shame. That’s what happens when you’re rattled and tired and not prepped for an inquisition. But my core point is that in America in 2022, the only formal legal systems that openly advocate race discrimination are discriminating in favor of African-Americans, not against them. Affirmative action was only supposed to be a temporary diversion from liberal principles. It’s now a permanent system of race discrimination to favor blacks over every other demographic, disproportionately harming Asian-Americans. The federal government now enforces it across every department.

And even with past systems, the debate about their impact is still a live one. Take racial redlining. This profoundly hurt African-Americans moving out of the South. But class mattered a lot too. Does Stewart know that 85 percent of households in redlined areas were occupied by whites? Or that the infamous maps with red areas probably had nothing to do with the problem? Or that, even if you go by those maps, the picture today is much more complicated than Stewart would ever acknowledge:

[About 11 million Americans] live in once-redlined areas, according to the latest population data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (2017). This population is majority-minority but not majority-Black, and, contrary to conventional perceptions, Black residents also do not form a plurality in these areas overall. The Black population share is approximately 28%, ranking third among the racial groups who live in formerly redlined areas, behind white and Latino or Hispanic residents.

I found the original link to this story here....

It is funny when a leftist is attacked by another leftist.........

Where did Stewart claim he was just a comedian or try to hide behind it? Did you even read your own link? It seems more like Sullivan is trying to justify his own flop on national tv. Here from your own link:

So when I asked Stewart to delineate “structural racism,” he reflexively listed a bunch of “systems” that no longer exist: post-war redlining, the GI bill, and so on. I fumbled in response, to my shame. That’s what happens when you’re rattled and tired and not prepped for an inquisition.

Maybe next time, Sullivan should stay at a Holiday Inn before going on TV.
Asians get passed over for college admissions in favor of the less qualified? That's okay, right?

Math is racist, and IQ tests are racist, right?

Life experiences mean more than a college degree, right?

Standardized tests are a waste because all tests are racist, right?

Schools and grades are racist. CRT and the 1619 project are the truth, right?

The MSM and Hollywood are driving the racist bus and it will bite them like voting for Biden is biting them.
If someone else has a thread on this, please merge this one...

John Stewart is one of the vile leftists who spouts left wing hate, then, when challenged, holds up his hands and says...hey, I'm just a this interview for his podcast or show or whatever it is...he ambushes another leftist...Andrew Sullivan, about race in the is a description of the ambush by leftist Andrew Sullivan....

I protested to the producers that I’d been ambushed. And to be fair, they gave me the option of backing out at the last minute. But I didn’t want to leave them in the lurch, reassured myself that Stewart was a pro, and said I’d go ahead. I just assumed he wouldn’t demonize or curse at a guest; he would moderate; he would entertain counter-arguments; he would defend fair play. After all, this was the man who had lacerated Crossfire for bringing too much heat and not enough light. He believed in sane discourse. He was a liberal, right?


Jon Stewart’s insistence that Americans had never robustly debated race before 2020 is also, well, deranged. Americans have been loudly debating it for centuries. There was something called a Civil War over it. His claim that white America has never done anything in defense of black Americans (until BLM showed up, of course) requires him to ignore more than 300,000 white men who gave their lives to defeat the slaveholding Confederacy. It requires Stewart to ignore the countless whites (often Jewish) who risked and gave their lives in the Civil Rights Movement. It requires him to erase the greatest president in American history. This glib dismissal of all white Americans throughout history, even those who risked everything to expand equality, is, when you come to think about it, obscene.

Stewart’s claim that whites never tried to ameliorate black suffering until now requires him to dismiss over $19 trillion of public funds spent in the long War on Poverty, focused especially on black Americans. That’s the equivalent of more than 140 Marshall Plans. As Samuel Kronen has shown, it requires the erasure from history of “the Food Stamp Act of 1964, the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, the Social Security Amendments of 1965, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, the Social Security Amendments of 1962, and the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, and on and on.” To prove his point, Stewart has to pretend LBJ never existed. That’s how utterly lost he now is.

Stewart then used crude metrics of inequality to argue, Kendi-style, without any evidence, that the only thing that can possibly explain racial inequality today in America is still “white supremacy.” Other factors — concentrated poverty, insanely high rates of crime and violence, acute family breakdown, a teen culture that equates success with whiteness, lack of affordable childcare — went either unmentioned or openly mocked as self-evident expressions of bigotry. He then equated formal legal segregation with voluntary residential segregation, as if Jim Crow were still in force. And he straw-manned the countering argument thus: white America believes that African-Americans are “solely responsible for their community’s struggles.”

So when I asked Stewart to delineate “structural racism,” he reflexively listed a bunch of “systems” that no longer exist: post-war redlining, the GI bill, and so on. I fumbled in response, to my shame. That’s what happens when you’re rattled and tired and not prepped for an inquisition. But my core point is that in America in 2022, the only formal legal systems that openly advocate race discrimination are discriminating in favor of African-Americans, not against them. Affirmative action was only supposed to be a temporary diversion from liberal principles. It’s now a permanent system of race discrimination to favor blacks over every other demographic, disproportionately harming Asian-Americans. The federal government now enforces it across every department.

And even with past systems, the debate about their impact is still a live one. Take racial redlining. This profoundly hurt African-Americans moving out of the South. But class mattered a lot too. Does Stewart know that 85 percent of households in redlined areas were occupied by whites? Or that the infamous maps with red areas probably had nothing to do with the problem? Or that, even if you go by those maps, the picture today is much more complicated than Stewart would ever acknowledge:

[About 11 million Americans] live in once-redlined areas, according to the latest population data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (2017). This population is majority-minority but not majority-Black, and, contrary to conventional perceptions, Black residents also do not form a plurality in these areas overall. The Black population share is approximately 28%, ranking third among the racial groups who live in formerly redlined areas, behind white and Latino or Hispanic residents.

I found the original link to this story here....

It is funny when a leftist is attacked by another leftist.........
Dude, if it is a debate between Stewart and Sullivan, why not just post it and let us decide?

I don't give a shit what Sullivan thinks.

I watched Stewart's episode, "The Problem with White People," and other than the title, and shifting blame to the current generation of white folks, and hinting that reperations are the solution? IT was a pretty good talk.

I will give this one a watch. . . and let you know if he is just bitching. . .

Well. . . I have to admit. . . They were all pretty cringy.

The entire time, Stewart and his guests were being ignorant ideologues, that huge woman was especially irratating. . . the comments in the video busted on her, and none of them could really articulate HOW past policies were defined as "white supremacy," today. . .

And then at the end, Sullivan outs himself as, pretty much a member of the Klan.


I noted several black viewers commented that watched this noted it was just a waste of time, as none of them had policy prescriptions, this is just Apple seeing what Spotify did with Rogan, and brushing off Stewart, trying to get in on the game. If they had really wanted to be productive or serious they would have gotten better guests. . . but they don't care, nor were they serious with what they were trying to do.
Well. . . I have to admit. . . They were all pretty cringy.

The entire time, Stewart and his guests were being ignorant ideologues, that huge woman was especially irratating. . . the comments in the video busted on her, and none of them could really articulate HOW past policies were defined as "white supremacy," today. . .

And then at the end, Sullivan outs himself as, pretty much a member of the Klan.


I noted several black viewers commented that watched this noted it was just a waste of time, as none of them had policy prescriptions, this is just Apple seeing what Spotify did with Rogan, and brushing off Stewart, trying to get in on the game. If they had really wanted to be productive or serious they would have gotten better guests. . . but they don't care, nor were they serious with what they were trying to do.

Andrew Sullivan....a member of the klan?

From the comments of stewart and his guests...they are the actual racists...
American's pursuing false idol comedians.
They ain't no Will Rogers!

I just love how America in it's weakened state turns to comedians; just like Ukraine!! :muahaha:

America has flunked it's IQ test for good.
Where did Stewart claim he was just a comedian or try to hide behind it? Did you even read your own link? It seems more like Sullivan is trying to justify his own flop on national tv. Here from your own link:

So when I asked Stewart to delineate “structural racism,” he reflexively listed a bunch of “systems” that no longer exist: post-war redlining, the GI bill, and so on. I fumbled in response, to my shame. That’s what happens when you’re rattled and tired and not prepped for an inquisition.

Maybe next time, Sullivan should stay at a Holiday Inn before going on TV.
I watched the video. . . All of them looked like clowns.

The title of the video is, "Taking responsibility for systemic racism," but when Sullivan challenged them to actually give an example of systemic racism that exists, officially in today's society? All of them failed at it.

. . . . OTH? When they likewise challenged him to explain why there is such a discrepancy in inequality on American society today? He fell back on typically implicit-biased tropes, if not actually appearing to be explicitly racist in his thinking.

The whole conversion was? Well. . .completely useless.

In fact? It reminded me of 99.99% of the threads on race in the forum here. . .

I watched the video. . . All of them looked like clowns.

The title of the video is, "Taking responsibility for systemic racism," but when Sullivan challenged them to actually give an example of systemic racism that exists, officially in today's society? All of them failed at it.

. . . . OTH? When they likewise challenged him to explain why there is such a discrepancy in inequality on American society today? He fell back on typically implicit-biased tropes, if not actually appearing to be explicitly racist in his thinking.

The whole conversion was? Well. . .completely useless.

In fact? It reminded me of 99.99% of the threads on race in the forum here. . .


I'll take your intelligent word for it.
I didn't watch it. Especially since America is near peak stupidity!
There is about a 95% chance that Stewart lives in a 95% white neighborhood.
BTW, trying to make people feel guilty for things in the past that they have no control of is unfair and despicable.
I watched the video. . . All of them looked like clowns.

The title of the video is, "Taking responsibility for systemic racism," but when Sullivan challenged them to actually give an example of systemic racism that exists, officially in today's society? All of them failed at it.

. . . . OTH? When they likewise challenged him to explain why there is such a discrepancy in inequality on American society today? He fell back on typically implicit-biased tropes, if not actually appearing to be explicitly racist in his thinking.

The whole conversion was? Well. . .completely useless.

In fact? It reminded me of 99.99% of the threads on race in the forum here. . .

And what has any of this to do with the point I made? That Stewart did not hide behind "I am a comedian" or some other BS that the OP posted?
And what has any of this to do with the point I made? That Stewart did not hide behind "I am a comedian" or some other BS that the OP posted?
Read the comments on the video I posted.

They both flopped. :rolleyes:

Thus? As my response to my post pointed out? Your post? Made no point. Much like most of your activity here - it's mostly pointless. Don't worry, it's still nice to have you here to entertain us though.

According to available reaction data, folks just don't agree with you on balance. It is nice to see, that most folks can see through propaganda.
Read the comments on the video I posted.

They both flopped. :rolleyes:

Thus? As my response to my post pointed out? Your post? Made no point. Much like most of your activity here - it's mostly pointless. Don't worry, it's still nice to have you here to entertain us though.

According to available reaction data, folks just don't agree with you on balance. It is nice to see, that most folks can see through propaganda.
Awww... thanks! But, that wasn't the question, moron.

Did Stewart hide behind his comedian status? Yes or no. Let's see how much you flop. Go.
Sadly, Sullivan had the opportunity to shove all that bullshit right back up their asses, and he failed miserably. That's why he wrote the column. "We" have an obligation to fight this garbage when we encounter it.

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