John McCain Blames Arizona Fires on Illegal Immigrants

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
In a news conference Saturday, Senator John McCain blamed the fires that have devastated Arizona, burning through over 700,000 acres so far, on illegal immigrants, CNN reports. When asked how he could explain such record fires and how he would fix them, McCain said he was "concerned about the border." He said that illegal immigrants "set fires because they want to signal each other, they set fires to keep warm, and to divert law enforcement and agencies."

The senator said that "there is substantial evidence that some of these fires have been caused by people who have crossed our border illegally." He did not, however, offer any details of this "substantial" evidence. But he did use this claim as a platform to propose this solution to the fires: "The answer to that part of the problem is to get a secure border," he said.

John McCain Blames Arizona Fires on Illegal Immigrants - National - The Atlantic Wire
John McCain Blames Arizona Fires on Illegal Immigrants

This is the same guy who had the courage to state in a nationally televised presidential debate:

"We cannot deport 8 million illegal mexicans because we do not have 8 million handcuffs." :eek: :eek:

Yeah right... the country that put a man on the moon, has a defence budget larger than the next highest 17 countries combined and is currently occupying two foreign countries located half a world away suddenly don't have the material means to deport illegal immigrants to a neighboring country. This qualifies as a lame excuse even in Haiti.

The fact that a US senator/presidential candidate wasn't even afraid to spew this kind of garbage on primetime TV is a testament to the fact that US politicians wipe their collective arses with any opposition to illegal immigration coming from their constituencies.

And the fact that his political career survived for even 1 second after that statement is proof enough that the american people is not willing to put the necessary pressure on their political representatives to solve the issue.
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It's surprising that after many similar outrageous statements made by prominent american politicians (that weren't even highlighted in the media let alone generate a virulent national reaction as they should) so many people still find it necessary to turn Mexico into a scapegoat.

Human ability to blame their own failures on outside agents and factors does seem to know no boundaries.
SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: Well, because in the question and answer period after our press conference, the issue was raised. Look, this is the toughest year that- in Arizona's history as far as fires are concerned. We're proud of the brave firefighters and all the other men and women involved in rescuing lives and property. But the fact is that as far back as 2006, the Forest Service testified before Congress and I quote "Large numbers of warming and cooking fires built and abandoned by cross border violators have caused wildfires that have destroyed valuable, natural and cultural resources." And go on to say that "armed smugglers have walked through the middle of active fire fighting operations.

The Coronado National Forest," that's where the monument fire is, "must now send armed officers to clear wild land fires or provide security for firefighters." Congressman Flake and I were briefed right at right before that press conference by the Forest Service official that this same situation exists. So, frankly, I'm not sure what all this controversy is about. A group of us senators asked for a GAO study on the same issue, and you just saw Sheriff Larry Dever, who will tell you that the monument fire was started when the park, when the forest was closed so anyone who was in there is illegal. So I'm not sure what all the controversy is about to tell you the truth.

Read more: ABC Freaks Out Over the 'Political Calamity' of John McCain Linking Illegals to Forest Fires |

Raaaaaacist!!!! :cuckoo:
How is it when anyone makes a statement against illegal aliens it is always "outrageous."? It has been a long standing fact that illegal aliens have been starting fires to distract from illegal crossings and drug smuggling.
SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: Well, because in the question and answer period after our press conference, the issue was raised. Look, this is the toughest year that- in Arizona's history as far as fires are concerned. We're proud of the brave firefighters and all the other men and women involved in rescuing lives and property. But the fact is that as far back as 2006, the Forest Service testified before Congress and I quote "Large numbers of warming and cooking fires built and abandoned by cross border violators have caused wildfires that have destroyed valuable, natural and cultural resources." And go on to say that "armed smugglers have walked through the middle of active fire fighting operations.

The Coronado National Forest," that's where the monument fire is, "must now send armed officers to clear wild land fires or provide security for firefighters." Congressman Flake and I were briefed right at right before that press conference by the Forest Service official that this same situation exists. So, frankly, I'm not sure what all this controversy is about. A group of us senators asked for a GAO study on the same issue, and you just saw Sheriff Larry Dever, who will tell you that the monument fire was started when the park, when the forest was closed so anyone who was in there is illegal. So I'm not sure what all the controversy is about to tell you the truth.

Read more: ABC Freaks Out Over the 'Political Calamity' of John McCain Linking Illegals to Forest Fires |

Raaaaaacist!!!! :cuckoo:

LOL @ sarcasm :D
José;3778214 said:
It's surprising that after many similar outrageous statements made by prominent american politicians (that weren't even highlighted in the media let alone generate a virulent national reaction as they should) so many people still find it necessary to turn Mexico into a scapegoat.

Human ability to blame their own failures on outside agents and factors does seem to know no boundaries.

Mexico is beyond scapegoat. It is the most corrupt and violent country in the world. It is a cesspool of corruption and really need to be nuked and start all over. And the corruption is spilling over like a epidemic spreading across the border. Just look at the statistics on illegal aliens and crime.
There is nothing good in Mexico that is way it's people are leaving. and Mexico is it's people. I see the crime, fraud, dishonesty and filth, not dirt, that illegal aliens bring with them. I know a hard working family that need to be in jail. The father works on cars and illegal pass smog. Mother is dealing drugs with daughter. Daughter married into citizenship.
There is nothing positive about illegal immigration.
McCain knows what he is talking about and being from Pinal County Arizona I have know for over 60 years how it affects Arizona.
20 million illegal aliens in this country tells us that ICE is not doing it's job. adn if states don't do it, it will not get done.
Arizona and Ga are well within their right and sooner than later there will be too many state to sue.
Call me a racist, a bigot but protect my country from illegal invaders and occupiers. Racists, bigots, zenophia is just words. I have been called worse. And that family of hard working illegals are my family.
Illegal aliens don't know anything other than dis-honesty and they teach it to their children and handed down from generation to generations.
Originally posted by LilOlLady
Mexico is beyond scapegoat. It is the most corrupt and violent country in the world. It is a cesspool of corruption and really need to be nuked and start all over. And the corruption is spilling over like a epidemic spreading across the border. Just look at the statistics on illegal aliens and crime.
There is nothing good in Mexico that is way it's people are leaving. and Mexico is it's people. I see the crime, fraud, dishonesty and filth, not dirt, that illegal aliens bring with them. I know a hard working family that need to be in jail. The father works on cars and illegal pass smog. Mother is dealing drugs with daughter. Daughter married into citizenship.

You don't even know what the hell you're babbling about, Granny.

Mexico is paradise compared to fourth world shitholes like Cambodia, Laos, Somalia, Bolivia and Haiti. Put any one of those countries south of the border and 90% of their population will be living in the US faster than you can say Pancho Villa. Then you'll be missing the good, old days when Mexico was America's southern neighbor and begging the country to come back to its original geographic location.
Hell... Put Mexico in Africa or Southeast Asia and the country would be the target of massive illegal immigration too!! :eek: :eek:

Mexico's relative prosperity does make illegal immigration a far less serious problem than it could be with another neighbor but this is obviously not a legitimate reason to ignore the problem.
José;3778211 said:
John McCain Blames Arizona Fires on Illegal Immigrants

This is the same guy who had the courage to state in a nationally televised presidential debate:

"We cannot deport 8 million illegal mexicans because we do not have 8 million handcuffs." :eek: :eek:

Yeah right... the country that put a man on the moon, has a defence budget larger than the next highest 17 countries combined and is currently occupying two foreign countries located half a world away suddenly don't have the material means to deport illegal immigrants to a neighboring country. This qualifies as a lame excuse even in Haiti.

The fact that a US senator/presidential candidate wasn't even afraid to spew this kind of garbage on primetime TV is a testament to the fact that US politicians wipe their collective arses with any opposition to illegal immigration coming from their constituencies.

And the fact that his political career survived for even 1 second after that statement is proof enough that the american people is not willing to put the necessary pressure on their political representatives to solve the issue.

We can deport them. And we have deported them.

The effort began in California and Arizona, and coordinated 1075 Border Patrol agents, along with state and local police agencies, to enforce a duly passed law. Tactics employed included going house to house in Mexican-American neighborhoods, and citizenship checks during standard traffic stops.

Some 750 agents targeted agricultural areas with a goal of 1,000 apprehensions per day. By the end of July, over 50,000 illegal aliens were caught in the two states. An estimated 488,000 illegal aliens are believed to have left voluntarily, for fear of being apprehended. By September, 80,000 had been taken into custody in Texas, and the INS estimated that 500,000 to 700,000 had left Texas of their own accord. To discourage illicit re-entry, buses and trains took many deportees deep within Mexican territory before releasing them.

Tens of thousands more were deported by two chartered ships: the Emancipation and the Mercurio. The ships ferried them from Port Isabel, Texas, to Veracruz, Mexico, more than 500 mi (800 km) to the south. Some were taken as far as 1000 mi (1600 km). Deportation by sea was ended after seven deportees jumped overboard from the Mercurio and drowned, provoking a mutiny that led to a public outcry in Mexico.[1]

Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We can do it again. Mexico has nothing to offer so fuck them. They are just a drag on all of North America. Seal the border and let them do what they do.
How is it when anyone makes a statement against illegal aliens it is always "outrageous."? It has been a long standing fact that illegal aliens have been starting fires to distract from illegal crossings and drug smuggling.

It is also a long standing fact that wildfires are caused by Lightning, tossing of cigarette butts out of moving autos, unattended or improperly extinguished campfires, burinig trash in rural areas...ect.

Just because causes are long standing...does not prove any the cause of this wildfire.
Illegal aliens don't know anything other than dis-honesty and they teach it to their children and handed down from generation to generations.

Alliens? How can you call these mexicans "Alliens"?

What would Mexican officials do with you if you left Brazil and were in Mexico illegally ? Lets see what Mr Calderone says about it shall we ? Pay attention to the end of the video.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Pres Calderon interview w Wolf Blitzer‬‏[/ame]

Notice that you would not be allowed to go to Mexico (not like you would) the way all of south America can come into the U.S. ? Calderone protects his southern border better then we do. Does that make him a Neo-con racist ?
Originally posted by Momanohedhunter
We can do it again. Mexico has nothing to offer so fuck them. They are just a drag on all of North America. Seal the border and let them do what they do.

America has both the material means and the legal right to carry out "Operation Wetback II", hunter, but unfortunately the political will on the part of US politicians and the necessary social climate of acceptance of mass deportations in America is simply not there.

But look on the bright side...

Political will can be "created" in democratic countries through strong pressure on politicians and threats to exclude them from the country's political life.

And a "social climate of acceptance" can also be "created" even though it takes a lot of convincing.
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If investigations prove that it was caused by illegal crossers what then??? It's a moot point people. Nothing will be done either way. IF they try to find them OR prove it, the pro-illegal advocates aka ACLU will come out in droves to defend them! So just sit back and 'enjoy the show'.
José;3778550 said:
Originally posted by Momanohedhunter
We can do it again. Mexico has nothing to offer so fuck them. They are just a drag on all of North America. Seal the border and let them do what they do.

America has both the material means and legal right to carry out "Operation Wetback II", hunter, but unfortunately the political will on the part of US politicians and the necessary social climate of acceptance of mass deportations in America is simply not there.

But look on the bright side...

Political will can be "created" in democratic countries through strong pressure on politicians and threats to exclude them from the country's political life.

And a "social climate of acceptance" can also be "created" even though it takes a lot of convincing.

It would not be hard. I have a real frend named Jose. He and his Wife are from Guatemala, and they were illegal in Mexico before here. He got caught once by Fedrallies and got the ever loving shit beat out of him and they raped his wife six times in front of him. His hands are deformed from being broken so that he could not work. That happened to then in 78. Anything we do will be humane compared to how Mexico deports there illegals. Our cops and feds can round them up discreetly, and humanly, put them on Greyhound and send them back. My workmate and friend, waited almost 20 years to get here legally, and he hates illegals to the point that he will not employ or work with them. I think that who ever puts a deportation plan in action will be accepted and appreciated. If not, Bush,McCain and Kennedy would have gotten there amnesty bill through.
José;3778211 said:
John McCain Blames Arizona Fires on Illegal Immigrants

This is the same guy who had the courage to state in a nationally televised presidential debate:

"We cannot deport 8 million illegal mexicans because we do not have 8 million handcuffs." :eek: :eek:

Yeah right... the country that put a man on the moon, has a defence budget larger than the next highest 17 countries combined and is currently occupying two foreign countries located half a world away suddenly don't have the material means to deport illegal immigrants to a neighboring country. This qualifies as a lame excuse even in Haiti.

The fact that a US senator/presidential candidate wasn't even afraid to spew this kind of garbage on primetime TV is a testament to the fact that US politicians wipe their collective arses with any opposition to illegal immigration coming from their constituencies.

And the fact that his political career survived for even 1 second after that statement is proof enough that the american people is not willing to put the necessary pressure on their political representatives to solve the issue.

We can deport them. And we have deported them.

The effort began in California and Arizona, and coordinated 1075 Border Patrol agents, along with state and local police agencies, to enforce a duly passed law. Tactics employed included going house to house in Mexican-American neighborhoods, and citizenship checks during standard traffic stops.

Some 750 agents targeted agricultural areas with a goal of 1,000 apprehensions per day. By the end of July, over 50,000 illegal aliens were caught in the two states. An estimated 488,000 illegal aliens are believed to have left voluntarily, for fear of being apprehended. By September, 80,000 had been taken into custody in Texas, and the INS estimated that 500,000 to 700,000 had left Texas of their own accord. To discourage illicit re-entry, buses and trains took many deportees deep within Mexican territory before releasing them.

Tens of thousands more were deported by two chartered ships: the Emancipation and the Mercurio. The ships ferried them from Port Isabel, Texas, to Veracruz, Mexico, more than 500 mi (800 km) to the south. Some were taken as far as 1000 mi (1600 km). Deportation by sea was ended after seven deportees jumped overboard from the Mercurio and drowned, provoking a mutiny that led to a public outcry in Mexico.[1]

Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We can do it again. Mexico has nothing to offer so fuck them. They are just a drag on all of North America. Seal the border and let them do what they do.

Well, should mexicans visit USA as tourists? This kind of argument makes me feel comfortable to visit Canada and spend my dollars there. Be careful about what you say.

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