John Kerry Says Nuclear Deal With Iran is Possible: "If Allah Wills It"


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Iranians, including their leaders, have continued chanting 'Death to America' and we know they seek to wipe Israel off the map so we already know that Allah wills that. I doubt he'll approve of making deals that would make Israel a safer place to live or leave any infidel alone.

John Kerry Says Nuclear Deal With Iran is Possible: "If Allah Wills It"
Well, let's look at the EVIDENCE, shall we.

The entire article is based on a tweet.

Here is said tweet:

Inszhallah bullshit.png

So, a friend of a colleague of Laura Rozen's (who the hell is Laura Rozen) claims that she ran into John Kerry at a chocolate shop and that he said "inshallah".

He said she said he said.

This is really all the Right can offer these days.

How piss poor of the Right.

So, if this is so important, why didn't Laura Rozen list the actual names of the people making this claim?

Hmmmmm, better yet, where is video? Audio?

I just love it when Righties lie.

This is fun!

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