Secretary Pompeo: Former Obama Officials Are Telling Iran to Wait Out Trump — Then America Will.....

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
....Go Back to Appeasing Iran!!!!

Barack Obama’s former Secretary of State, John Kerry was secretly meeting with Iranian officials to salvage Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

After the news broke last week, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee called on G-men to arrest John Kerry for his treasonous acts.

Kerry was working against the Trump administration to salvage the Iranian nuclear deal.

In May of 2018 former Obama Secretary of State was seen dining with several Iranian regime officials.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Trump’s claim that John Kerry violated the Logan Act is “true.”

“It’s true. I mean I was there in Munich when I saw not only Kerry … the whole gang that crafted that terrible deal…they were there, they met with the Iranian leadership,” Pompeo said during an appearance on “Fox and Friends.”

“It’s unusual, but more importantly, it’s wrong,” said Pompeo.

On Thursday Secretary Pompeo accused the Obama officials of secretly telling Iran to wait out President Trump — then America will go back to appeasing.

Via FOX News:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused members of the Obama administration of undermining President Trump’s maximum pressure campaign on Iran by telling the Iranians to “just hang on” until Trump loses in 2020.

“I’ll be straight up with you,” Pompeo says in an interview for the American Enterprise Institute’s national security podcast “What The Hell Is Going On?,” which I co-anchor with my colleague Dany Pletka, “you have folks who served in the previous administration who are telling the Iranian leaders today, ‘Just hang on. President Trump will lose in the election in November and we’ll go back to appeasement. America will write you a big check, we’ll underwrite your terror campaign around the world, we’ll give you a clear pathway to a nuclear"

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


The coup failed John.

You and Obama ain’t getting your laundered kickbacks.

You’re in stage 3 of 5, bargaining with Iran to be patient and not spend what is rightfully yours.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, Iran is losing hundreds of billions due to Trump tariffs, pressure is building internally for an overthrow and we are blowing up top Iranian officials in Iraq.

11 more months of that, plus Trump’s promise to double down after the Embassy attacks which Obama and Hillary planned hoping for on camera death which failed to happen, should have Rouhani about ready to tell Obama and Kerry and all the other co-conspiritors waiting for their payoff to GFT!

Time to enforce this...Two words: Logan Act

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