John Kerry finds a man who once tried to kill him


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Puts to rest the lies told by the rightwing chickenhawks about his service

Speaking through a translator, Tam said that he had known the man whom Kerry had chased and killed in the firefight of Feb. 28, 1969.

His name was Ba Thanh, and he was 24 years old.

“He was a good soldier,” Tam told Kerry, explaining the training and skill required to handle an R-40 grenade launcher.

Up until that moment, all Kerry knew was that he had shot a Viet Cong soldier. Suddenly, the soldier took shape as a man, with a name and a set of skills that he had used against Kerry and his crew. And Kerry suddenly knew his age.

Back on the Mekong Delta, John Kerry finds a man who once tried to kill him and exoneration
Puts to rest the lies told by the rightwing chickenhawks about his service

Speaking through a translator, Tam said that he had known the man whom Kerry had chased and killed in the firefight of Feb. 28, 1969.

His name was Ba Thanh, and he was 24 years old.

“He was a good soldier,” Tam told Kerry, explaining the training and skill required to handle an R-40 grenade launcher.

Up until that moment, all Kerry knew was that he had shot a Viet Cong soldier. Suddenly, the soldier took shape as a man, with a name and a set of skills that he had used against Kerry and his crew. And Kerry suddenly knew his age.

Back on the Mekong Delta, John Kerry finds a man who once tried to kill him and exoneration

And now back to what really happened....the kid was 15 and had been wounded in the legs by Kerry's PCF-94's M-60...Kerry jumped off the boat and shot the kid in the back. "training and skill" to fire an RPG? hilarious....point and's effective range is maybe 150 meters...wildly inaccurate weapon compared to the M-79 Thumper I carried on occasion. Kerry then returned to the area (which was still HOT) the next day to film a reenactment of his "bravery", endangering his boat and crew. He wrote his own after-action report and put in for a Silver Star.
Puts to rest the lies told by the rightwing chickenhawks about his service

Speaking through a translator, Tam said that he had known the man whom Kerry had chased and killed in the firefight of Feb. 28, 1969.

His name was Ba Thanh, and he was 24 years old.

“He was a good soldier,” Tam told Kerry, explaining the training and skill required to handle an R-40 grenade launcher.

Up until that moment, all Kerry knew was that he had shot a Viet Cong soldier. Suddenly, the soldier took shape as a man, with a name and a set of skills that he had used against Kerry and his crew. And Kerry suddenly knew his age.

Back on the Mekong Delta, John Kerry finds a man who once tried to kill him and exoneration

Swift Boat Vets know Kerry is a piece of shit.
he was a hero not a skivvies inspector in the laundry like some :eusa_whistle:

John "Skull and Bones" Kerry may be a lot of a "brother under the skin" with Bushpuppet but hero isn't one of them. I seem to recall that he threw someone else's purple hearts over the fence while he kept his for a few scratches as mementos. He would have you to believe that he was a 60's version of Rambo. That wimpy sodomite couldn't and wouldn't face anything that could fight back and you can take that to the bank.
Last I heard Kerry recommended himself for a Silver Star for his "heroism" in chasing down the V.C. teenager at the time and killing him. Which is true?

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