John Kass, famous Chicago journalist attacked for stating George Soros bought states attorneys.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
George soros went around the country buying democrat party particular the States Attorneys in Chicago, St. Louis and around the country....the one persecuting the couple in St. Louis was bought and paid for by George Soros, as well as kim foxx inChicago.....

John Kass, a famous Chicago journalist who has been at the Chicago Tribune for 40 years, recently wrote about this.....and is now stripped of his column....

Since 1980, John Kass has been a fixture at the Chicago Tribune, where he writes columns about political topics. The Tribune has labeled him their “lead columnist.” Kass hews conservative but works to be even-handed.

That even-handedness wasn’t enough to save Kass, though, when he asserted, correctly, that prosecutors who got massive election funding from George Soros groups are a big part of the problem with the growing lawlessness in America’s Democrat-run cities. The same leftists who loath Israel sprang to Soros’s defense: Kass, they said, was anti-Semitic, and had to be punished. The Tribune bowed before them.

It all started with a Kass column entitled “Something grows in the big cities run by Democrats: An overwhelming sense of lawlessness.” The first paragraph states facts that all honest people must acknowledge are accurate; the second paragraph explains the Democrat mayors’ dilemma; and the third paragraph brings up George Soros:

Still, the perversity worked. With exquisite timing, the Chicago Tribune’s editor-in-chief, Colin McMahon, announced a formatting change that just coincidentally booted Kass from his “page 2” status (which is apparently a big deal at the Tribune):

John Kass deserves a medal of commendation.

George Soros definitely should declared an enemy of the United States and investigated, extradited, indicted, tried, convicted and imprisoned for life.

George Soros buying district attorneys across America


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