John Brennan Freaks, Continues Meltdown Following Trump’s Declassification Order

he looks like that undertaker dude from "Phantasm"
so if brennen melts down, does that mean hes a witch? didnt some bitch melt down in some movie when this hot white chick threw water at her?
Wasn't that the chick with the dog?

The press serves the Deep State


Before it was written, the American press demanded President Donald John Trump release the Mueller Report. He did.

Before it was written, the American press demanded President Donald John Trump release the Mueller Report. He did.

Now the president plans to release more documents concerning the spying on his campaign by Obama. He has asked Bill Barr to do so.

The press is alarmed.

The Washington Post said, "President Trump's new executive order giving the attorney general broad authority to declassify government secrets threatens to expose U.S. intelligence sources."

That is from the newspaper that published the Pentagon Papers. The story won a Pulitzer.

The New York Times said, "President Trump’s order allowing Attorney General William P. Barr to declassify any intelligence that sparked the opening of the Russia investigation sets up a potential confrontation with the C.I.A., including over the possible implications for a person close to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia who provided information to the C.I.A. about his involvement in Moscow’s 2016 election interference.

"The concern about the source, who is believed to be still alive, is one of several issues raised by Mr. Trump’s decision to use the intelligence to pursue his political enemies. It has also prompted fears from former national security officials and Democratic lawmakers that other sources or methods of intelligence gathering — among the government’s most closely held secrets — could be made public, not because of leaks to the news media that the administration denounces, but because the president has determined it suits his political purposes."

That is from the newspaper that in 2005 published a report on spying on terrorists despite pleas from the Bush administration that people would die. The story won a Pulitzer.

Suddenly keeping secrets matters more than the truth

Presidents can declassify whatever they want. And the CIA, FBI, and all the rest work for the president. He is the nation's chief executive officer. There is no such thing as an independent government agency. The president is at the top of their chain of command.

The president's job is to oversee these agencies. But over the years the lines were blurred as presidents deferred policy decisions to civil service employees.
NYT blows Obama's cover


Plausible deniability was what they called protecting Nixon from the shenanigans at the Watergate apartment complex. Obama thinks he has such protection in his spying on President Donald John Trump.

The newspaper fears President Trump's release of FISA warrants against him and his staff because it will expose the truth about Obama's spying.

David E. Sanger wrote, "Barr’s Newfound Power Could Prompt Clash Between Justice Dept. and C.I.A."

Buried in the report is the admission that yes there was spying on President Trump's campaign.

The argument is that exposing the truth will expose the spies.
Tell you what
Let us see it and if we think it’s too sensitive for us to see; we’ll tell you so.
...Purge that organization right now and hard. Send people to prison, kill their careers and revoke any pension they have.

Remember what happened to the last guy that tried to purge the CIA....

Seeing deep state creeps like Brennan in jail is a nice thought but it isn't going to happen, all this talk about investigating them is just for show.. a deal has already been made behind the scenes.. individual 1 can continue to play pretzeldent and the deep state swamp will stay in place...


Tell you what
Let us see it and if we think it’s too sensitive for us to see; we’ll tell you so.
"Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page are currently the subject of a Justice Department inspector general investigation looking at potential misconduct in the issuance of those warrants. That review also reportedly is scrutinizing the role of an FBI informant who had contacts with Trump advisers in the early stages of the Russia investigation."​

Surveillance is a fancy word for spying.

It is sort of like saying the fecal material just hit the apparatus with rotating blades.

Which is what just happened.
Remember this little DEM talking point?
"If you have nothing to hide what's the problem with having you investigated John?"
There are dozens of copies of ALL the FISA warrants floating around Washington.
The reason the NYT/WP hasn't put the FISA warrants on their front pages is the warrants prove corruption in the top ranks of the CIA/FBI/DOJ.
The reason the NYT/WP hasn't put the FISA warrants on their front pages is the warrants prove corruption in the top ranks of the CIA/FBI/DOJ.

I am sure that is their thinking in the Fake News Media.

But I was advising them, I'd tell them to get in front of the story and release them now. Take the initiative and get in front of the story.

Right now, they know that President Trump is sitting on the FISA warrants too, and is poised to release them at a time which is most advantageous to the President. Putting them out there now would be a bold move that could give them a little bit of lead time to spin it in their favor.
He knows.....Brennan knows he is chopped liver.

he deserves all that's coming to him and then some.

feeling no pity here, for that criminal thug.
Maxine Waters will claim that this dilemma brought on to Brennen is racist being he's black
Maxine is going down for treason herself. She sent in creepy minions to chase down and harass members of the Executive Branch, When a Congressman does that, he's guilty of disobeying the Constitution he agreed to uphold by violating the Separation of States. She also used lies about the President to carry out this little coup d'état of hers. Extraordinary treason is punishable by death, life imprisonment, removal from political office, and payment for court processes needed to remove traitor from public office forever.
when something like this happens to Pelosi, her face will literally melt down and we will see the nancy pelosi version of poltergeist.
Pelosi will be up for conspiracy charges for attempt to destroy a United States President in office. I hope the creepsister gets the red hot seat right after her ill-gotten gains are expropriated by the Treasury for destroying President Trump's chances of funding the wall border states need to prevent usurpation by folks south of the border who perpetrate deadly drugs that have been consistently killing 300 American children and young adults for the past 10 years. Enough is enough. The Treasury also needs to check her out for numbered bank accounts in conspiratorial Carribbean and Swiss banks for corruption receipts of being the chief instigator of the attempt to oust an American President every which way she could usurping her power of the Speaker of the House which she needs to immediately vacate today. Her ninnyhammering days are numbered, and good riddance when they're over.
The cabal will pay for this attempted overthrow. Hell, we didn't even try that when that loser Obama dicked things up so bad.

The machine has gone off the rails and must be sent to the scrap heap

Ex-CIA Officials Fume About Declassification Order,

They demand to see the unredacted Mueller report and don’t bother to actually go to read it.

Ignoring Previous Leaks Of Secret Sources And Methods

Now, when the president tears away the shroud of secrecy, they’re whining about sources being outed.

Do they ever make up their minds?

Former intelligence community officials, including former CIA director John Brennan, have expressed concern over President Donald Trump’s declassification order due the potential release of CIA sources and methods.

The concern is that very, very precious source and methods of the United States intelligence community as well as our partners and allies abroad — those who share this sensitive information with us,” Brennan said on MSNBC on Friday.

You can read all of it @ Ex-CIA Officials Fume About Declassification Order, Ignoring Previous Leaks Of Secret Sources And Methods

Comey Has Temper Tantrum Over Trump Declassifying Documents @ Comey Has Temper Tantrum Over Trump Declassifying Documents

FBI Lawyer Squeals Like A Pig: Implicates Comey, McCabe, And Yates For Mishandling Of FISA Warrant @ FBI Lawyer Squeals Like A Pig: Implicates Comey, McCabe, And Yates For Mishandling Of FISA Warrant - Tea Party News
He knows.....Brennan knows he is chopped liver.

he deserves all that's coming to him and then some.

feeling no pity here, for that criminal thug.

I wish I had your faith. But I don’t hold out any hope that anything will happen to any of them.
Crixus, it will happen and here's why: Democrat insiders conspired before President Trump was elected to have an insurance policy to get rid of him before or after his oath of office was taken. They had to wait until his inauguration day to announce they would seek impeachment the same day that Nancy Pelosi assumed the Speaker of the House seat in January based on the false Steel dossier that made a salacious pee claim about Trump's prostitutes pissing on a bed Hillary Clinton was alleged to have slept on in a foreign country and also for colluding with Russia to win a Presidential election. The Democrats spent the next two years ninnyhammering President Trump, getting a little bonus from his tweets saying he was innocent and that they were acting crazy. He also said the contents of the Steel Dossier was a figment of the imagination and demanded Comey talk to him. Words were said, false allegations were made by Comey, and he was fired from his job of the FBI Trump's first week in office. Thank God that creep was removed from that station, because he planned on getting rid of President Trump asap, because he was so certain the people who proffered to him the Steel dossier, he failed to inspect its origin, which is the first job of the FBI--make sure nobody was trying to harm a sitting President, his first mistake under Trump was also his last, except for one thing. Comey went on a personal campaign filled with hatred to all the willing Press corps, who had their own little hate trip planned for President Trump by being the most hatemongering Press corps in history from the very first moment President Trump took office, they were there for beating him up for everything from being alive and breathing, to being dead politically for "sexual sins." Hillary's people in coordination with the FBI were quick to furnish every deleterious detail of President Trump's life from the time he was born until the time he assumed power of President on Inaugural day. They kept this shit up for 2.5 years until at least a month after the Mueller Report was released, when they started in again about "there's more" and that he was not exonerated (he was exonerated, and he was exonerated fully, and they knew it.)

I hope that in addition to Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Feinstein, Nadler, those who harassed the presidential staff at the behest of Maxine Waters, and every lie the press corps published on that leaked false dossier (also the leakers) are punished by long terms in prison, permanent isolation in prison or death sentences for the worst offences (Obama, Clinton, Biden, and their staffs), all FBI operators who had a hand in painting the Steel Dossier's content all over the internet when many of them knew it was written up illegally and with malice aforethought by creative writers on Hillary's spin room staff who dated back to the days of Bill Clinton coverups for his rapes, sexual abuses of young women he promised to marry as soon as he got rid of Hillary, handling classified secrets to China, and the mystery behind why every one of the suicides committed of people who knew Clinton secrets, happened with one whose family and friends knew he didn't commit suicide, and cops claimed one of them committed suicide but were perplexed how 3 bullets were used to the back of the skull, and the administration issued a few gag orders to local pathologists and other inspectors, a couple of whom also died in peculiar auto accidents.

It's time America stopped the Clinton and Obama worship, wake up and smell the coffee on these criminals who fooled people with their fancy degrees from the once best universities, that today, I wouldn't send a bright young child in my family to . These criminals used the highest offices in the land to sell us out to the Chinese (Chinagate,) to Iran (Obama's Irangate) and to Russia for 20% of our uranium (Clinton and Obama's Russiagate).

I'm sick of the 30 votes to one the Democrats are claiming (vote today, and vote often) over Republicans, and still only running close races. Do the math. They got few votes, but their precinct chairman pact requires them to duplicate votes for Democrats, and duplicate often. Those are there marching orders. Back in the 90s, I was online one night, and to my total horror, I read discussions by them bragging on how many time each of them voted or fixed the count if they were precinct chairmen. That totally opened my eyes to the damage the Democrats were doing all over the USA from Maine to California. I never forgot the horror of that night as I read each post of several precinct chairmen/women in several states, personal brags about who voted the most times in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and several other states, (some of which were borderline states with close elections every 4 years). The forum at Times Magazine was closed several months after the Forum at he new York Times were also closed down. The editors were likely afraid those loose lips would sink ships. They doubled down on omissions of outright revealing crimes at the other places they went to, and I didn't find comfort in any other forums or boards until 2011, which was around 12 - 14 years later. I got kicked out of one the first day for not being an extremist religion fanatic because I come from a moderately conservative religion founded near the time the pilgrim side of my family came over to buy land for trinkets from the Indians, who did not understand European definition of ownership including fencing off farm properties, until it was too late. The settlers were no more wiser to the Indian expectations of land transfers (as temporary as until the friendship, or alliance, was over) Well, it was over pretty quickly once those fences were up and people with guns enforced their remaining up. lol There were multiple misunderstanding in those days, which led to a period of mistrust and "Indian wars" which resulted in the genocide of several unarmed native American tribes and their allies. But that's another chapter in America's story.

We must end all the lying we have been putting up with and destroy the Deep State that is attempting to destroy the Constitutional guarantees of freedom of religion (1) and freedom to bear arms (2) and a few others the Democrats find inconvenient to their takeup. We also need to establish a law against Communism that is being pedaled off as "Socialism," when its very tenets are identical to the communist Bolsheviks of 1917.

Edit: Oh, wait, there already is a law against establishing communism in the government of the usa that was established some years back.
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The cabal will pay for this attempted overthrow. Hell, we didn't even try that when that loser Obama dicked things up so bad.

The machine has gone off the rails and must be sent to the scrap heap

Obama was pretty darn surreptitious about his doings with Iran and others, and miraculously, he went from a net worth of half a million to ten million in 8 years of office, not including any numbered accounts which he may have floating around the world as his insurance policy here is running very thin.
Ex-CIA Officials Fume About Declassification Order,

They demand to see the unredacted Mueller report and don’t bother to actually go to read it.

Ignoring Previous Leaks Of Secret Sources And Methods

Now, when the president tears away the shroud of secrecy, they’re whining about sources being outed.

Do they ever make up their minds?

Former intelligence community officials, including former CIA director John Brennan, have expressed concern over President Donald Trump’s declassification order due the potential release of CIA sources and methods.

The concern is that very, very precious source and methods of the United States intelligence community as well as our partners and allies abroad — those who share this sensitive information with us,” Brennan said on MSNBC on Friday.

You can read all of it @ Ex-CIA Officials Fume About Declassification Order, Ignoring Previous Leaks Of Secret Sources And Methods

Comey Has Temper Tantrum Over Trump Declassifying Documents @ Comey Has Temper Tantrum Over Trump Declassifying Documents

FBI Lawyer Squeals Like A Pig: Implicates Comey, McCabe, And Yates For Mishandling Of FISA Warrant @ FBI Lawyer Squeals Like A Pig: Implicates Comey, McCabe, And Yates For Mishandling Of FISA Warrant - Tea Party News
Longknife, I think they're going down, but I don't think they know how imminent that day is coming. Barr is on it.
As much of a supporter of all things on the Right as I am.......

I can honestly say that if the shoe were on the other foot

I would still want Justice done.......

obozo WEAPONIZED the US Government like a banana republic

to spy on and try and frame a political opponent.

The scary thing is he almost got away with it.....

The Dangerous thing is how the main stream press including pbs

conspired to protect him and demonize Trump.....

It seems “the chickens has come to roost”
As much of a supporter of all things on the Right as I am.......

I can honestly say that if the shoe were on the other foot

I would still want Justice done.......

obozo WEAPONIZED the US Government like a banana republic

to spy on and try and frame a political opponent.

The scary thing is he almost got away with it.....

The Dangerous thing is how the main stream press including pbs

conspired to protect him and demonize Trump.....

It seems “the chickens has come to roost”
Deno you should have seen some of my posts yesterday. I plum ran out of meanspeak. :iyfyus.jpg:On a Sunday, too. :redface:

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