John Boehner's Surrebuttal of 7/25/11

It's funny yet sad at the same time that our potus can't keep up with current events.

The "grand bargain" has been dead for awhile now Mr prez. He said any deal w/o taxes isn't balanced. Apparently he forgot to tell Harry that cause his senate bill has 0 revenues.

He's so stupid, he talks highly of the speaker in one sentence then insults him in the next. Yet expects him to come back to negotiate with him. Tool, you've been benched. Let the big boys iron out the problems.

It's all Boooooosh and those pesky responsible gopers
Who cares who wiped the floor with whom? Has that accomplished anything?

Why is this all about one upsmanship when we have serious problems going. We need to cut spending ASAP. We need to actually pay off our debt without borrowing more money and without burdening the people more with higher taxes. Why the heck are we acting like this is a game when this is the lives of real people?

We shouldn't have to work until April to pay off our obligations to the government. It's morally wrong. Our leaders shouldn't be wasting our money on themselves and their friends. That's also morally wrong.

President Obama was right when he originally said that even having this discussion is a failure of leadership. I wish he was actually sincere about that and remembered that and would actually lead this people. We need to stop kicking this can down the line. It has to be addressed and the sooner it is the less painful it will be.

Stop pretending this is just some game people. This "game" will cost lives if we don't deal with it.
Funny how that wasn't my perception. ;)

So you along with Obama didn't realize the "grand bargain" has been dead for days? And you also didn't realize no matter how much he begs the American people he's not gonna get his tax increase?

It must really suck to be living a week behind the rest of us.
I watched and listened to him. I'm in agreement with him BUT I do have a suggestion for the Washington politicians. The wealthy in this country already pay the biggest portion of taxes collected. Why not begin to tax the nearly 50% of the population that pay no taxes at all? Seems only fair to me.
Who cares who wiped the floor with whom? Has that accomplished anything?

Why is this all about one upsmanship when we have serious problems going. We need to cut spending ASAP. We need to actually pay off our debt without borrowing more money and without burdening the people more with higher taxes. Why the heck are we acting like this is a game when this is the lives of real people?

We shouldn't have to work until April to pay off our obligations to the government. It's morally wrong. Our leaders shouldn't be wasting our money on themselves and their friends. That's also morally wrong.

President Obama was right when he originally said that even having this discussion is a failure of leadership. I wish he was actually sincere about that and remembered that and would actually lead this people. We need to stop kicking this can down the line. It has to be addressed and the sooner it is the less painful it will be.

Stop pretending this is just some game people. This "game" will cost lives if we don't deal with it.

Without the "game" of putting this idiot in his place on national live tv the gop would lose the public. Without the public no reforms will ever come about. That's why the "game" matters.
Obama = Peevish Petulant Lightweight

Boehner = Adult

Nuff said.
I watched and listened to him. I'm in agreement with him BUT I do have a suggestion for the Washington politicians. The wealthy in this country already pay the biggest portion of taxes collected. Why not begin to tax the nearly 50% of the population that pay no taxes at all? Seems only fair to me.

Well, for starters, they don't exist. That's an oft-repeated lie. For one, it uses 2009 as the example - Height of recession and Obama's making work pay credit bumped the numbers. Second, it disregards payroll taxes utterly. Everyone who earns a dollar pays into FICA, and FICA reciepts amount to nearly as much as federal income tax reciepts do.

The truth is you have to be dirt fucking poor and in some dire straits I hope none of you ever experience to truly "pay no taxes." So let's dispense with the bullshit, huh?
Why can't we cut spending? We had a massive set of programs enacted as temporary. They didn't work. Why do we have to continue that level of spending/

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