Joe Manchin Mocked Bernie’s $15 Minimum Wage Bill at Lobbyist Event, says there are other Democrats who agree with him...Joe, name those Democrats!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

here's the money quote:

“We’ve been having meetings on minimum wage, and I can’t for the life of me understand why they don’t take a win on $11,” he said. “Bernie Sanders is totally committed in his heart and soul that $15 is the way to go. Well, it might be the way to go, Bernie, but it ain’t gonna go. You don’t have the votes for it. It’s not going to happen. So they’re going to walk away with their pride, saying we fought for $15, got nothing.”

Manchin said there are other Democrats who agree with him that “the path they’re going down is wrong.”
I'm glad to see some Democrats are still willing to fight against totalitarianism, even though most of their leadership isn't.
How is making a $15/hr minimum wage any business of the NRA? People could afford to buy more guns making $15/hr. Contribute more to the NRA. Attend more NRA gun sale shindigs and hootenannies..
Take a win on $11? Where was this win? When has this bill been presented?

This is also a guy whose own daughter raised prices on lifesaving drugs because millions was not enough.

On occasion if I'm out in the morning I'll run through McD's and get a sausage McMuffin. A pretty good deal for $1. Yesterday I note that they are now $1.39. I pull up to the window and I say to the guy working there "I see the price went up .39 cents. He says "yes sir". I ask him "did you get a raise"? He says "no sir and the price of my meal has gone up also".
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I'm glad to see some Democrats are still willing to fight against totalitarianism, even though most of their leadership isn't.
It's true that 11 dollars an hour is a joke for a living wage.... however that's not the point.... the point is that menial labor is a cornerstone of the economy and it makes other 30, 40 and 50 dollar an hour jobs possible. The person stuck at that wage must be living with others to survive.,....but that is acceptable for a student, a 16 year old kid on his first job or somebody who has no skills and does not intend to get any. The sad fact is that not everyone is capable of supporting themselves and legislating of anything and everything cannot change that. Better be careful Dems...11 bucks an hour is still cheaper than a robot.... 15 is not...sooooooo


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