Joe ‘I’m the Moderate’ Biden: End All Illegal Immigration Detention Across The Board

The only reason Biden remembers his name is so many people tell him so many times a day.
here’s the thing: nominating a candidate like Biden will make it far more difficult to defeat Trump. It will allow Trump to muddy the water, to once again pretend he is the one “draining the swamp”, running against Washington culture. Trump and the Cambridge Analytica of 2020 will campaign, as they did in 2016, on a message of radical nihilism: everybody lies, everybody is corrupt, nothing matters, there is no truth.
If he runs on that bullshit he won't make it to first base. Most Americans want all illegals out of our country. Those illegals cost we tax payers billions every year. Not to mention the rapes, robberies and murders they commit.

Biden sure ain't the brightest bulb in the chandelier and he proves it each times he opens his stupid mouth. What a moron.
Whether or not Biden is making choices to please donors, there is no doubt his record represents the transactional, grossly corrupt culture in Washington that long precedes Trump. We cannot allow Trump to so lower our standards that we aren’t even allowed to call out that culture, which has not only stymied progress but also harmed the Democratic party.

The good news is that we still have time to break with this culture of corruption. We don’t have to choose Biden’s way, which would give Trump a perfect foil. The 2020 election should be about a crystal clear contrast between truth and lies, corruption and integrity, compassion and cruelty.

We have a rare opportunity to end a larger culture of corruption and we should take it – we will regret it forever if we don’t, my friends

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