Joe Biden's legacy.

Well, lets see Biden's administration in action via a few pictures and videos, shall we????

75 % rise in homelessness

Highest gas prices since Obozo's reign of horrors

Highest rate of job loss since Obozo's reign of horrors



LIES, LIES, LIES yeah.............

Lets see

Got us out of Afghanistan
Passed a $1.2 trillion Infrastructure bill
Passed historic Climate Change legislation
Rejoined Paris Climate Accord
Oversaw the distribution of COVID vaccine
Semiconductor bill
Led an international coalition to support Ukraine and sanction Putin
Admitted Sweden and Finland into NATO

Not a bad legacy for only a year and a half
In fairness to Trump, don't forget the N. Korea summit.


Well, lets see Biden's administration in action via a few pictures and videos, shall we????

75 % rise in homelessness
View attachment 687836

Highest gas prices since Obozo's reign of horrors
View attachment 687838

Highest rate of job loss since Obozo's reign of horrors
View attachment 687839



LIES, LIES, LIES yeah.............

Right. Let us have the facts about who lied the most and about what:

In his first 100 days, President Trump had 29 statements assessed by PolitiFact (17 false) compared to 12 statements from President Obama (1 false) and 4 statements from President Biden (2 false). As a raw count, Trump told more falsehoods than Biden and Obama combined.

We can also look at these data as a percent of all fact-checked statements per president, during each 100-day period.

Still, President Trump told more false statements than President Biden and President Obama during their first 100 days. President Obama was the most honest president in the first 100 days compared to Presidents Biden and Trump.

Finally, what did each president lie about during their first 100 days as president? Biden’s false statements discussed the minimum wage and immigration patterns in the US. Trump, on the other hand, falsely discussed US murder rates, immigration and refugees, and that he didn’t know Steve Bannon before his presidential campaign. Finally, Obama’s false statement concerned US math education trends.

Now the Washington Post‘s Fact Checker team has finished its final catalog of the extent of the former president’s efforts to mislead and misinform us. According to its tally, Trump made more than 30,000 “false or misleading” claims during his presidency. Half of those lies were told during his last year in office, according to the Post‘s database:

This astonishing jump in falsehoods is the story of Trump’s tumultuous reign. By the end of his term, Trump had accumulated 30,573 untruths during his presidency—averaging about 21 erroneous claims a day.
What is especially striking is how the tsunami of untruths kept rising the longer he served as president and became increasingly unmoored from the truth.
Trump averaged about six claims a day in his first year as president, 16 claims day in his second year, 22 claims day in this third year—and 39 claims a day in his final year. Put another way, it took him 27 months to reach 10,000 claims and an additional 14 months to reach 20,000. He then exceeded the 30,000 mark less than five months later.
Here’s a chart of the exponential growth of Trump’s cumulative “untruths”:

Spoken like a true conservative
Any legislation that helps Americans more than it helps the wealthy can’t be good

  • Between 69 and 73 percent of the debt forgiven accrues to households in the top 60 percent of the income distribution.

Between 69 and 73 percent of the debt forgiven accrues to households in the top 60 percent of the income distribution.
Seems about right
Roughly 70 percent goes to the top 60 percent in income

Keep in mind that College graduates have more income than HS Dropouts

But they are still saddled with crippling debt
Right. Let us have the facts about who lied the most and about what:

In his first 100 days, President Trump had 29 statements assessed by PolitiFact (17 false) compared to 12 statements from President Obama (1 false) and 4 statements from President Biden (2 false). As a raw count, Trump told more falsehoods than Biden and Obama combined.

We can also look at these data as a percent of all fact-checked statements per president, during each 100-day period.

Still, President Trump told more false statements than President Biden and President Obama during their first 100 days. President Obama was the most honest president in the first 100 days compared to Presidents Biden and Trump.

Finally, what did each president lie about during their first 100 days as president? Biden’s false statements discussed the minimum wage and immigration patterns in the US. Trump, on the other hand, falsely discussed US murder rates, immigration and refugees, and that he didn’t know Steve Bannon before his presidential campaign. Finally, Obama’s false statement concerned US math education trends.

Now the Washington Post‘s Fact Checker team has finished its final catalog of the extent of the former president’s efforts to mislead and misinform us. According to its tally, Trump made more than 30,000 “false or misleading” claims during his presidency. Half of those lies were told during his last year in office, according to the Post‘s database:

Here’s a chart of the exponential growth of Trump’s cumulative “untruths”:

Thanks for acknowledging that Biden lies half the time.
Honestly, that is what historians will give him the most credit for, regardless of what else he accomplishes.

Same goes for Hillary
Regardless of her accomplishments, she will always be remembered as the Presidential Candidate who could not beat the most inept and unqualified candidate in History
Thanks for acknowledging that Biden lies half the time.
What politician does not make promises during their election campaign, or even afterwards, which then cannot be accomplished? There isn't one.

Will anyone acknowledge the 30,000 plus lies, etc Trump told during his 4 years? And what those were about?

Here is another study, it brings to light just how or why some Presidents do not tell the truth and why:

And to be fair:

Counting lies is really not a barometer as to what was accomplished during their administrations. They all do it, the question is How does it affect the security and lives of the population, does it bring war, etc, etc, etc, etc

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