Joe Biden unable to mention Iran or even Hamas as attackers or utter the word terrorists

Good luck in 2024 OP, I'm sure these lies are a winning formula.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #RepublicansAreAJoke

"Joe Biden unable to mention Iran or even Hamas as attackers or utter the word terrorists"​

This reminds me of those annual tard topics claiming Obama didn't mention God in his Thanksgiving speeches. :lol:

Seriously, how is it you tards keep falling for these hoaxes?

The biggest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust as the world cheers on Hamas, along with kids all over the world at major universitates, and the leader of the free world is unable to mention by name and condemn those behind it.

The difference between the national socialists of Germany and the world socialists of today is, the Germans tried to hide their atrocities, but today the Left shows them on Twitter and revels in it and openly celebrates it.
Debunked: the transcript of his speech shows he said Hamas 6 times:
Oh bohoo, Israhell, the apartheid terrorist state is now suffering casualties. When Jewish Zionist occupiers are being killed, you cry foul and start shouting for justice, but when Palestinians are being dehumanized, and losing their lands, homes, and lives, you don't care. What these Israelis are now tasting is what the Palestinians have been experiencing for decades at the hands of the Jewish Apartheid State. The 2.1 million Palestinians in Gaza, have been forced to remain in that city, encircled by the Israeli military for decades. It's an open-air prison, with contaminated water, which the Israelis control, and everything has to come through the Israelis. That's just Gaza, not to speak of all of the other crimes against the Palestinians in the West Bank, Jerusalem and throughout the country.

Bullshit, they're not being 'forced' to do anything, and if they haven't done anything in the 75 years since Israel was given its land back but sit around in pity, then they deserve to be exactly where they are.

Why haven't any of their 'fellow arabs' helped them out in over 75 years? All the money that's been funneled over there, where is it? Tied up in missiles and ammunition and funding terrorist groups. They were placed and kept there for the exact reason we all saw happen last week, to attack Israel, that's their only reason for existence there.
the leader of the free world is unable to mention by name and condemn those behind it.
There are lie and despicable lies, concerted lies of the Neo-GOP propagandist looking to spread discord and lack of unity. That effort helps groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. Surely they applaud your efforts to divide America.

"The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend. The bloody hands of the terrorist organization Hamas — a group whose stated purpose for being is to kill Jews.

This was an act of sheer evil. "

"It’s abhorrent.

The brutality of Hamas — this bloodthirstiness — brings to mind the worst — the worst rampages of ISIS.

This is terrorism.

But sadly, for the Jewish people, it’s not new.

This attack has brought to the surface painful memories and the scars left by a millennia of antisemitism and genocide of the Jewish people.

So, in this moment, we must be crystal clear: We stand with Israel. We stand with Israel. And we will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself, and respond to this attack."

When did the once GOP flip-flop to lying about our common foreign policy goals to score cheap political points?
It is simply amazing how quickly you tards either manufacture or parrot hoaxes. It really is hard to keep up.

Take a look at this, idiot: Remarks by President Biden on the Terrorist Attacks In Israel | The White House

Look at the very first paragraph:

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. Today, the people of Israel are under attack, orchestrated by a terrorist organization, Hamas.


Hamas terrorists
crossing into Israel killing not only Israeli soldiers, but Israeli civilians in the street, in their homes. Innocent people murdered, wounded, entire families taken hostage by Hamas just days after Israel marked the holiest of days on the Jewish calendar. It’s unconscionable.
And Mods don’t think this is Rubber Room junk somehow.
Here is what ACTUAL trolling looks like:

"Joe Biden unable to mention Iran or even Hamas as attackers or utter the word terrorists"​

Your obsession is pretty funny, oh, wait, they are doubling down again! Party on dude.

"Joe Biden unable to mention Iran or even Hamas as attackers or utter the word terrorists"​

This reminds me of those annual tard topics claiming Obama didn't mention God in his Thanksgiving speeches. :lol:

Seriously, how is it you tards keep falling for these hoaxes?
Because these idiots think they're going to win w/them.

#LOLOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #RepublicansAreAJoke
The stuttering shit clown was BBQing while brown people were slaughtering each other "over the horizon".

In all honesty, does anyone really want that drooling fucktard to get involved? Or does the entire planet just hope it writes a check, gets his 10%, and stays in the corner shitting his pants. Be honest.

Let's go brandon!


The biggest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust as the world cheers on Hamas, along with kids all over the world at major universitates, and the leader of the free world is unable to mention by name and condemn those behind it.

The difference between the national socialists of Germany and the world socialists of today is, the Germans tried to hide their atrocities, but today the Left shows them on Twitter and revels in it and openly celebrates it.
No proof about Iran involvement. Terrorists are what they are, and mentioning them by name is not essential.
Bullshit, they're not being 'forced' to do anything, and if they haven't done anything in the 75 years since Israel was given its land back but sit around in pity, then they deserve to be exactly where they are.

Why haven't any of their 'fellow arabs' helped them out in over 75 years? All the money that's been funneled over there, where is it? Tied up in missiles and ammunition and funding terrorist groups. They were placed and kept there for the exact reason we all saw happen last week, to attack Israel, that's their only reason for existence there.
Nobody gave the Israelis their land back. They fought for the land against the Brits and the native Palestinians tooth and nail to re-conquer the land of Canaan. The partition plan could only be enforced with a military campaign and will have to be maintained by a military force. -1937.
"It’s abhorrent.

The brutality of Hamas — this bloodthirstiness — brings to mind the worst — the worst rampages of ISIS.

This is terrorism."
President Biden, 10/10/2023
As for Iran, there is ZERO evidence they funded this attack. That is a lie made out of thin air by the world's biggest fraud, Defendant Donald.

None of the six billion allocated to Iran has been allocated yet.

And yet the tard echo chamber is already parroting Trump's billionth lie as if it were gospel.
There is plenty of evidence. What clowns like you demand as evidence is an Iranian official with a signature on a check.

There are even actual confessions of Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists admitting to it.

You try to take others to task for making shit up, and here you are, making shit up.
There is plenty of evidence. What clowns like you demand as evidence is an Iranian official with a signature on a check.

There are even actual confessions of Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists admitting to it.

You try to take others to task for making shit up, and here you are, making shit up.

Iran has been funding Hamas and Hezbollah for decades. Even while Trump was president.

There is ZERO evidence they used a penny of the $6 billion to fund them.

All caught up now?
There is plenty of evidence. What clowns like you demand as evidence is an Iranian official with a signature on a check.

There are even actual confessions of Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists admitting to it.

You try to take others to task for making shit up, and here you are, making shit up.

"Joe Biden unable to mention Iran or even Hamas as attackers or utter the word terrorists"​

Care to criticize the tard who posted this gaslighting bullshit? Or are you just a one-way hypocrite?

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