Joe Biden does it AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Vice President Biden's visit to Charleston causing traffic hold - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This is the second time in a few weeks this asshole has pulled this shit. Traffic in the Charleston metro was at a gridlock for hours. Why? VP Biden flew into the Charleston IAP, smack dab in the center of the city, then had his personal motorcade take him 25 miles to the beach, for a fundraiser at a millionaire Democrat friends house, on Sullivan's Island, at a multi-million dollar beach house, which of course was private (And he flew AF2, using our tax money to do it). Last time he was at another local beach, Edisto, and had a $35,000-per-plate fundraiser at a high end restaurant (yes, 35K a plate, meaning a local cop would give up a year's salary to eat with the guy who is supposedly fighting the rich to help the mid class).

This clown did it from 2pm-5pm. EVERY single road that had access to or near the main interstates here (26 and 526) were shut down by an army of cops. People were trying to go to school to pick their kids up. A metro area of 700,000 people was shut down. Thousands late for work. THousands of kids waiting 2+ hours late for a ride from school. School buses in traffic for hours. Ambulances, fire trucks and cop cars not able to get to calls. People stranded after work on the roads.

All so this uber rich VP can go to the million dollar beach house owned by his millionaire Democratic fundraiser buddy on the island, to raise millions of dollars to fund a campaign in which he promises to tax the millionaires to help the little guy.

Yeah right. Piss off, we dont need or want your help, and stay the hell out of town when you leave!
The ones who claim to help the little guys make our lives miserable at every turn. There is never a good excuse for delaying emergency vehicles. If a person died because they didn't get help because roads were shut down, I wonder if the media would even tell us.

I think when they are simply fund raising for their own benefit, they should take the long way around and not expect an entire city to suffer just so they can serve themselves.
Guess it shows that when it comes to pleasing and appeasing rich people, both Republicans AND Democrats will bow down!!!

Liberals, stop being ignorant. Obama/Biden are NOT out to help you, or to tax the rich. They nothing more than Republicans.........who lie and call themselves Democrats.
Guess it shows that when it comes to pleasing and appeasing rich people, both Republicans AND Democrats will bow down!!!

...But, mostly.....



I hope they feed him some crayfish and teach him to suck they head off first. :lmao::uhoh3:;)
The ones who claim to help the little guys make our lives miserable at every turn. There is never a good excuse for delaying emergency vehicles. If a person died because they didn't get help because roads were shut down, I wonder if the media would even tell us.

I think when they are simply fund raising for their own benefit, they should take the long way around and not expect an entire city to suffer just so they can serve themselves.

Guess it shows that when it comes to pleasing and appeasing rich people, both Republicans AND Democrats will bow down!!!

Liberals, stop being ignorant. Obama/Biden are NOT out to help you, or to tax the rich. They nothing more than Republicans.........who lie and call themselves Democrats.

Was this the dinner being co-hosted by looney George Cloony? I heard that one (also a $35K/plate extravaganza) was to raise money for ADS TO SAY THAT ALL OUR TROUBLES ARE BUSHES FAULT!!

Poor Obama....just has nothing honorable to run on!
I hope they feed him some crayfish and teach him to suck they head off first. :lmao::uhoh3:;)

It's 'crawfish'. Get it right, skank.

Crayfish: Crustaceans: Animal Planet

now stick that up your cum filled ass and spin

Crawfish or Crayfish?

Crawfish, or Crayfish? There are heated arguments about which is the correct name. The name crawfish was used in 1817 by Thomas Say, the first American zoologist to study these animals. Crayfish was coined by the English scientist, Thomas Huxley, about 50 years later.
I was in Charleston once when Dan Quale was visiting and had things fouled up.

Politicians fouling up things is non partisan.

People who think only dems do it are fouled up themselves with their partisan blinders.

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