Jobs Joe! Economy is defying naysayers and added a whopping 372k Jobs in June!!

I do not give a fuck what the point of the thread it, neither does the data. The data does not care about your feelings or your opinions.

Data is neither Repub nor Dem, it is just data, it is my life and my livelihood.

I agree 100% that Biden sucks, but that does not mean I am going to lie about the data to try and make it even worse than it is.
WHOA! no need for profanity (unless you're trying to show how young you are)

But you DID LIE about the data, in your cherry picking , even after I had explained to you repeatedly that Trump's oil production numbers were far greater than Biden, and you tried to wiggle out of that by changing the subject to something that benefits Biden.

Now, I'm tired of tutoring you, and Faun, and citygator,and I am going to have some DINNER.

WHOA! no need for profanity (unless you're trying to show how young you are)

Words are words, they are all the same. Why do you let others tell you which words are bad and which are not?

But you DID LIE about the data, in your cherry picking , even after I had explained to you repeatedly that Trump's oil production numbers were far greater than Biden,

Yes, we agree that in 2019 Trump numbers were better than what Biden has now. But Trump did not leave office in 2019, he left in 2021. And since that time Oil production is up 34% and active wells are up 108%.

This refutes your lie that the numbers took a "nosedive" after Biden took office.
Uh... where do you see only illegals getting jobs besides in your head when you close your eyes? Maybe you can link that data?
Presuming you are right that illegal aliens are not getting jobs, what are they doing to survive? Living on tax payer dollars or stealing?
I do not give a fuck what the point of the thread it, neither does the data. The data does not care about your feelings or your opinions.
Presuming you are right that illegal aliens are not getting jobs, what are they doing to survive? Living on tax payer dollars or stealing?
The statement was that only illegal immigrants were getting jobs. Only. I am asking to see data that only illegal immigrants are getting jobs.
5th post

Profanity is a made up thing to control people.

Why is one word bad and another one not?

Why do words that are "profane" change over time?

Why do you let other people tell you what fucking words to use?
The forum is learning you're senile.

The 2.4 Millon illegal aliens he has brought into the country (unvetted, untested, unvaccinated), to become VOTES for him

a) illegal aliens can't vote for president; and

b) voting for him now if they could doesn't help since he's already president and won't be running again; and

c) you're senile.
Wow, are you trying hard to show how moronic you are ?

a) EARTH TO FAUN: Illegals have been voting by the millions for 70 years. It's one of the reasons why Eisenhower was so adamant to get rid of them, with Operation Wetback in 1954. And did just that, with over a million of them.

Well, so illegals can't vote for president huh, Faun ? LOL. Well, they know that they aren't allowed BY LAW to vote in presidential elections. And oh yeah, now there's a big obstacle for them, right ? ... :right:

After all, we all know how scrupulously law-abiding, illegal aliens are, right, Faun ? :right: :rolleyes:

b) And who told you Biden won't be running again ? Are Democrats smart enough to vote him down in the primary ? They were dumb enough vote for him once. Might have known what a zero he is. Just look at his long record (of nothing)
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10th post
Wow, are you trying hard to show how moronic you are ?

a) EARTH TO FAUN: Illegals have been voting by the millions for 70 years. It's one of the reasons why Eisenhower was so adamant to get rid of them, with Operation Wetback in 1954. And did just that, with over a million of them.

Well, so illegals can't vote for president huh, Faun ? LOL. Well, they know that they aren't allowed BY LAW to vote in presidential elections. And oh yeah, now there's a big obstacle for them, right ? ... :right:

After all, we all know how scrupulously law-abiding, illegal aliens are, right, Faun ? :right: :rolleyes:

b) And who told you Biden won't be running again ? Are Democrats smart enough to vote him down in the primary ? They were dumb enough vote for him once. Might have known what a zero he is. Just look at his long record (of nothing)

Prove illegal aliens voted in the 2020 election....
It certainly does exist. It is simply a continuation of the rising line on the graph to 2022. That was tough, huh ?

You're utterly insane, gramps. To invent your number of 550....

You cherry pick the best month under Trump as a starting point...

You ignore the next couple of pre-covid months when production dropped 7.4%...

You ignore the next 11 months during covid when production dropped another 25.4%...

You ignore the next month when production dropped another 19.4% due to a snow storm...

And you ignore the month a year later when another another snow storm caused production to drop another 10.1%

You're so senile, you literally, conveniently, ignore 62.3% decreases in oil production in order to make up a 36.8% increase in oil production that never actually occurred.

Congrats, gramps! You proved you're even more batshit senile than I previously gave you credit for. I didn't know you had it in ya.

Uh... where do you see only illegals getting jobs besides in your head when you close your eyes? Maybe you can link that data?
what exactly do you think the millions of illegals in our country are doing? the vast majority of them are working off the book and getting paid in cash which they send home to mexico or central america. The big money corporations are benefitting from the cheap labor and the Biden family is getting paid by the cartels. This will all come out in investigations next year when the republicans take congress. Your eyes will be opened to the corruption your party has instigated.
Wow, are you trying hard to show how moronic you are ?

a) EARTH TO FAUN: Illegals have been voting by the millions for 70 years. It's one of the reasons why Eisenhower was so adamant to get rid of them, with Operation Wetback in 1954. And did just that, with over a million of them.

Well, so illegals can't vote for president huh, Faun ? LOL. Well, they know that they aren't allowed BY LAW to vote in presidential elections. And oh yeah, now there's a big obstacle for them, right ? ... :right:

After all, we all know how scrupulously law-abiding, illegal aliens are, right, Faun ? :right: :rolleyes:

b) And who told you Biden won't be running again ? Are Democrats smart enough to vote him down in the primary ? They were dumb enough vote for him once. Might have known what a zero he is. Just look at his long record (of nothing)
this is exactly why I put he/she/it on ignore. nothing posted by this clown is worthy of reading or responding to.
what exactly do you think the millions of illegals in our country are doing? the vast majority of them are working off the book and getting paid in cash which they send home to mexico or central america.

Which means they would not be included in any job number.
the Biden family is getting paid by the cartels. This will all come out in investigations next year when the republicans take congress.

You willing to wager on this coming out in 2023?
15th post
Which means they would not be included in any job number.

You willing to wager on this coming out in 2023?
the Biden admin counts illegals in the job numbers

the allegations and evidence will come out in 2023, whether the prosecution and conviction will happen is doubtful. However, the allegations and evidence will be a factor in the 2024 elections.
this is exactly why I put he/she/it on ignore. nothing posted by this clown is worthy of reading or responding to.

Liar. You put me on ignore when I showed the forum you were posting on this forum after welshing on a bet you lost where the terms of the bet were for you to leave the forum forever.

This is why I never bet with conservatives. They never pay up when they lose if the terms are too hard for them to deal with.

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