Jobless rate is worse than you think

The top 7% wage earners...on average make 28% more now than 2009.
The entire rest of the EMPLOYED nation...on average make 5% less.
67% of the job growth in 2013 has been part-time employment.
Part-timers all over the nation are facing an epidemic of hour cuts.
I can go on.
When taking facts into context, the employment situation is abysmal.

American firms exist because of American culture. They benefit from it so they should contribute to it.

No, they don't. They exist because they have consumers who are willing to buy their goods and services. They owe you nothing.

American firms benefit from American law, American tastes and American standards. Their executive and administrative staffs live in America and enjoy all the benefits and stability of life in America. While these are intangibles, they nevertheless are substantial privileges which deserve consideration.
The top 7% wage earners...on average make 28% more now than 2009.
The entire rest of the EMPLOYED nation...on average make 5% less.
67% of the job growth in 2013 has been part-time employment.
Part-timers all over the nation are facing an epidemic of hour cuts.

I can go on.
When taking facts into context, the employment situation is abysmal.
Yet another dishonest stat. More than half of those new part-timers only want to work part-time, mostly Boomers who want to work less hours in their golden years.!!!!
According to this article... if job growth stays the same, it will still take us 6 years to get back to a healthy job market. Not good.


Editor's note: Heidi Shierholz is a labor market economist with the Economic Policy Institute in Washington. She is a co-author of "The State of Working America."

(CNN) -- On Labor Day, we celebrate the American worker. And more than four years since the Great Recession ended in June 2009, the unemployment rate is 7.4%, a big improvement from the high of 10% in the fall of 2009. Unfortunately, the rate is hugely misleading: Most of that improvement was for all the wrong reasons.

Remember, jobless workers are not counted as being part of the labor force unless they are actively looking for work, and the decline in the unemployment rate since its peak has mostly been the result of workers dropping out of -- or not entering -- the labor force.

According to Congressional Budget Office estimates, if the labor market were healthy, the labor force would number about 159.2 million. But the actual labor force numbers just 155.8 million. That means about 3.4 million "missing workers" are out there -- jobless people who would be in the labor force if job opportunities were strong.

Given the weak labor market, they're not actively looking for work and so aren't counted. If those missing workers were actively looking, the unemployment rate would be 9.4%.

We need 8.3 million jobs to get back to the prerecession unemployment rate, considering the 2 million jobs we are still down from the start of the Great Recession in December 2007 plus the 6.3 million jobs we should have added since just to keep up with normal growth in the potential labor force.

Opinion: Jobless rate is worse than you think -

And yet corporate America is sitting on >$100 Trillion in cash. Maybe we should cut taxes for business.....:lol:

This is the occupy wall street ignorance that plagues mindless America youth to seek socialism and not a true betterment of their lives.
The top 7% wage earners...on average make 28% more now than 2009.
The entire rest of the EMPLOYED nation...on average make 5% less.
67% of the job growth in 2013 has been part-time employment.
Part-timers all over the nation are facing an epidemic of hour cuts.

I can go on.
When taking facts into context, the employment situation is abysmal.
Yet another dishonest stat. More than half of those new part-timers only want to work part-time, mostly Boomers who want to work less hours in their golden years.!!!!

Dishonest? Or perhaps you cannot think clearly?
Doesn't matter who wants what...does not change the fact that 67% of new jobs created in 2013 was part-time jobs. That is a terrible figure. In fact, it is the worst full/part time ratio in over 50 years.
American firms exist because of American culture. They benefit from it so they should contribute to it.

No, they don't. They exist because they have consumers who are willing to buy their goods and services. They owe you nothing.

American firms benefit from American law, American tastes and American standards. Their executive and administrative staffs live in America and enjoy all the benefits and stability of life in America. While these are intangibles, they nevertheless are substantial privileges which deserve consideration.

Executives and administrators are not responsible in ensuring you have laws, taste or standards. Their sole responsibility are to it's customers only. No where is it stated that these people are contractually obligated to support your way of life.
The top 7% wage earners...on average make 28% more now than 2009.
The entire rest of the EMPLOYED nation...on average make 5% less.
67% of the job growth in 2013 has been part-time employment.
Part-timers all over the nation are facing an epidemic of hour cuts.

I can go on.
When taking facts into context, the employment situation is abysmal.
Yet another dishonest stat. More than half of those new part-timers only want to work part-time, mostly Boomers who want to work less hours in their golden years.!!!!

Dishonest? Or perhaps you cannot think clearly?
Doesn't matter who wants what...does not change the fact that 67% of new jobs created in 2013 was part-time jobs. That is a terrible figure. In fact, it is the worst full/part time ratio in over 50 years.
Yeah, lets FORCE those lazy seniors to work full-time, it's not like they worked their entire life already. The fact that over 300,000 people who want to work part-time and can find those part-time jobs speaks well of the economy.
A part-time job is good if you are trying to pursue other goals, or just merely trying to put some extra cash in your pocket. Not so much for building savings or a standard of living.
American firms benefit from American law, American tastes and American standards. Their executive and administrative staffs live in America and enjoy all the benefits and stability of life in America. While these are intangibles, they nevertheless are substantial privileges which deserve consideration.

Executives and administrators are not responsible in ensuring you have laws, taste or standards. Their sole responsibility are to it's customers only. No where is it stated that these people are contractually obligated to support your way of life.

As I said earlier, this is about morality not law. Americans believe American firms which earn profits by using resources developed in America should pay for them. Microsoft bought Nokia with offshore money but it earned that money by selling products which reflect the many years Americans supported the company. DOS, Windows and all the other products reflect the many years Americans supported the company. It was that support which built Microsoft and made it competitive and profitable in world markets.
American firms benefit from American law, American tastes and American standards. Their executive and administrative staffs live in America and enjoy all the benefits and stability of life in America. While these are intangibles, they nevertheless are substantial privileges which deserve consideration.

Executives and administrators are not responsible in ensuring you have laws, taste or standards. Their sole responsibility are to it's customers only. No where is it stated that these people are contractually obligated to support your way of life.

As I said earlier, this is about morality not law.

If it's not about the law, then why bother to mention it...

Americans believe American firms which earn profits by using resources developed in America should pay for them.

In regards to Microsoft, we can look at one of their products, 'The Xbox.' Microsoft pays IBM to use the Xenon processor for its console. In many variations of its DVD hardware, its used a version TS-H943 DVD model from Samsung, and in its newer models it uses a GPU for its HDMI called Corona.

American firms do pay for the resources they develop. It's called 'commerce.'

Microsoft bought Nokia with offshore money but it earned that money by selling products which reflect the many years Americans supported the company. DOS, Windows and all the other products reflect the many years Americans supported the company. It was that support which built Microsoft and made it competitive and profitable in world markets.

Microsoft has many other consumers besides Americans. Fewer and fewer of the profits American Firms make originate in America. Why do you believe it makes sense for a corporation with foreign profits to repatriate those profits to America, simply to pay taxes on those profits?

Americans supported Microsoft by becoming their customers, and in return, Microsoft still finds newer ways to innovate all of the products we love. They produce the goods and services we enjoy, we provide them with our business. They help us by making our lives better off. We help them by providing the sales needed to operate as a company.

It's about as fair an exchange as you are going to get. I don't see what avoiding taxes have to do with this...
A part-time job is good if you are trying to pursue other goals, or just merely trying to put some extra cash in your pocket. Not so much for building savings or a standard of living.
For a retired senior like myself, it is also useful to force one to keep a schedule and get out of bed on a regular basis. Many of my friends who retired fully became less and less active and died a short time later. A part-time job is perfect for keeping you busy without wearing you out.
For a retired senior like myself, it is also useful to force one to keep a schedule and get out of bed on a regular basis. Many of my friends who retired fully became less and less active and died a short time later. A part-time job is perfect for keeping you busy without wearing you out.

I've heard that. Maintaining a higher level of physical and mental activity is good for retired persons.
Executives and administrators are not responsible in ensuring you have laws, taste or standards. Their sole responsibility are to it's customers only. No where is it stated that these people are contractually obligated to support your way of life.

As I said earlier, this is about morality not law.

If it's not about the law, then why bother to mention it...

I didn't. I was responding do a comment on the morality of offshore bank accounts. I, along with millions of other Americans, find them immoral because the holders of the accounts are not carrying their share of the burden. America costs money. They should pay everything they owe.

Americans believe American firms which earn profits by using resources developed in America should pay for them.

In regards to Microsoft, we can look at one of their products, 'The Xbox.' Microsoft pays IBM to use the Xenon processor for its console. In many variations of its DVD hardware, its used a version TS-H943 DVD model from Samsung, and in its newer models it uses a GPU for its HDMI called Corona.

American firms do pay for the resources they develop. It's called 'commerce.'

That's not what I meant. Microsoft became successful because it could tap the talents and energy of American workers. It took advantage of the technical innovations developed by Americans in America. It was protected by American laws. The staff, from Bill Gates to the guy holding the lowest paying job, were able to enjoy an American lifestyle and standard of living in America. They have to contribute to the cost of all that.
A part-time job is good if you are trying to pursue other goals, or just merely trying to put some extra cash in your pocket. Not so much for building savings or a standard of living.

Part time jobs have had, and will always have a valuable place in society.
Course the point that is flying over the head of edthecynic (by choice I am sure) is that full-time jobs are obviously the backbone of a capitalist society. Part times jobs cannot and will never replace the value of a fulltime job with bene's for those needing and wanting a full job.
So the fact that nearly 70% of all new jobs created is a HUGE blow to the economy.
I realize he is being obtuse to protect the dear leader.
... So the fact that nearly 70% of all new jobs created is a HUGE blow to the economy.

I realize he is being obtuse to protect the dear leader.

Are you suggesting the President is responsible for the relatively high number of part-time jobs?
Of course he is. That is what he does.
Consider more rational thought:
To drive this point home, consider the following question. What’s the difference between an economy in which men all work about 40 hours a week for pay, relying on women to stay home and tend to family needs, and an economy in which most men and women work about 30 hours a week for pay, sharing responsibilities for family care?
From an economist who studies the subject. And many others.
There is a major change close to happening. Do you, or I, or any others know the proportion of our citizens who work for health care?? Those who must work, not want to work, full time in order to provide health care coverage??
The affordable care act is kicking in in October as far as allowing people to sign up for new health insurance options. In a close friend's case, it means that now there is a new choice. Continue at a job that has already required ankle replacement and partial knee replacement, quit and pay Cobra $650 per month for medical insurance, or look at affordable care options. Quiting and taking an aca option at $240 per month allows a better quality of life. Or, another option under aca would be to take a part time job, and get coverage at no cost. She chose to quit. Paid $650 per month for 6 months, but now can cancel Cobra, and save $450 per month for a year, then get medicare coverage in a year or so.
Only in america. In any other industrialized nation, that coverage would be at no additional cost. And the monthly cost would be half that of the US. But in general, much of the reason that we will see a reduction in hours worked is because of VOLUNTARY elimination of hours worked, because of the new ability to cut health care costs.

While every single conservative sight out there is breathlessly claiming that the aca is going to cause huge losses of employment and employment hours, that remains to be seen. Forgotten by them is the fact that in many cases, the cost to the employer of supplying health care insurance is decreasing for employers as a result of the aca.
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A part-time job is good if you are trying to pursue other goals, or just merely trying to put some extra cash in your pocket. Not so much for building savings or a standard of living.

Part time jobs have had, and will always have a valuable place in society.
Course the point that is flying over the head of edthecynic (by choice I am sure) is that full-time jobs are obviously the backbone of a capitalist society. Part times jobs cannot and will never replace the value of a fulltime job with bene's for those needing and wanting a full job.
So the fact that nearly 70% of all new jobs created is a HUGE blow to the economy.
I realize he is being obtuse to protect the dear leader.
Again, the majority of those part-time jobs are by people who only want to work part=time and those people are able to find jobs. I know that you want to say that people finding jobs is a bad thing because you are not allowed to see anything good in the economy until a Republican is president, when suddenly people finding the type of job they want will again be a good thing.
... So the fact that nearly 70% of all new jobs created is a HUGE blow to the economy.

I realize he is being obtuse to protect the dear leader.

Are you suggesting the President is responsible for the relatively high number of part-time jobs?

Well first, it is not relatively high number of part-time jobs, it is historically high part-time jobs.
Secondly, the President has little to do with it - what I was referring to was the apparent lack of edthecynic to admit that this is a very bad thing...and likely sheepihsly going along with the administrations fantasy land stories of an improving economy.
And if you need proof of that - just look at the laughable post immediately above this one...holy cow.
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... So the fact that nearly 70% of all new jobs created is a HUGE blow to the economy.

I realize he is being obtuse to protect the dear leader.

Are you suggesting the President is responsible for the relatively high number of part-time jobs?

SUGGESTING,it's not suggestion it's fact,due to his stupid health insurance plan employers are changing to part timers to avoid the high cost of insurance coverage.I voted for Obama in 2008 because he promised single payer,reasonably priced insurance .And then he sells us out by letting in expensive middle man(insurance co.)costs.
As I said earlier, this is about morality not law.

If it's not about the law, then why bother to mention it...

I didn't. I was responding do a comment on the morality of offshore bank accounts. I, along with millions of other Americans, find them immoral because the holders of the accounts are not carrying their share of the burden. America costs money. They should pay everything they owe.

The burden of what? America is merely a territory made up of 315 Million Citizens. It doesn't cost money to run. The country is not going to disappear simply because people decide to leave, or if people decide to participate in a different economy all together.

That's not what I meant. Microsoft became successful because it could tap the talents and energy of American workers. It took advantage of the technical innovations developed by Americans in America. It was protected by American laws. The staff, from Bill Gates to the guy holding the lowest paying job, were able to enjoy an American lifestyle and standard of living in America. They have to contribute to the cost of all that.

Microsoft did tap the talents and energy of American workers. They have already paid for that. It's called 'wages' and 'salaries.' They have taken advantage of technical innovations of other Americans in Americans. And as a result, they were able to innovate more powerful products of their own. It's called 're-inventing the wheel.' We are all protected by American laws. It's called 'equal protection under the law.' Whether you are a Fat Cat, or dirt poor, everyone is protected by American laws, and we should not have to pay a cent for it. And with the property taxes Microsoft pays at it's many facilities in America, it has certainly contributed more to the cost of your way of life than you.
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