Job Creation: Reagan vs. Obama


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
I originally posted this as a comment in another thread, but given the Cold Civil War underway between those who wish to preserve our Constitution and Liberty vs. those who promote Statism-Socialism, I am posting it again.

If the true test of an ideology and political system is the welfare of those who live in it, the job creation of Reagan vs Obama highlights how Capitalism and Free Markets are far more effective.

Obama's Reign of Incomptence resulted in the Weakest Recovery on record. Trump is less than two years into his two terms, so it's too soon to do a complete comparison between Obama and Trump, although the signs so far favor the latter. For a true understanding of the Truly Horrendous impact of Obama's policies, here is a comparison of the job creation effectiveness of Reagan vs. Obabble. The bottom line is that Reagan created 16.8 jobs, which is 108% of the 16.1M increase in the adult Civilian Population. Obama created only 9.9M jobs while the adult Civilian population increased

by 19.2M, a dismal ratio of 52%. (data sources: Also note the drop in the Labor Force Participation Rate during Obama's era. If it had just stayed flat, we would have seen 7.1M additional jobs. Instead, his Big Government agenda squashed the private sector, resulting in Very Anemic Growth.

RvO final.jpeg

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