Jindal Recall


MeBelle 4 Prez 2024
Jul 16, 2011

Angie Bonvillain and Brenda Romero, teachers in Calcasieu Parish, have launched recalls for both over the education reform policies recently passed by the legislature. The policies include relaxing teacher tenure rules, increased power for school administrators to fire teachers, tying test scores to teacher performance and the promotion of school vouchers, along with the creation of new charter schools.

"He waited until he was elected for a second term and then unleashed this entire change of the education system. Now he is going after the retirement system," Romero told HuffPost. "This is all very fascist to me."

Bobby Jindal Recall: Teachers Seek To Oust Louisiana Governor

Some teachers MUST go, period!

Angie Bonvillain and Brenda Romero, teachers in Calcasieu Parish, have launched recalls for both over the education reform policies recently passed by the legislature. The policies include relaxing teacher tenure rules, increased power for school administrators to fire teachers, tying test scores to teacher performance and the promotion of school vouchers, along with the creation of new charter schools.

"He waited until he was elected for a second term and then unleashed this entire change of the education system. Now he is going after the retirement system," Romero told HuffPost. "This is all very fascist to me."

Bobby Jindal Recall: Teachers Seek To Oust Louisiana Governor

Some teachers MUST go, period!

So should some fascist governors. Can't stand that gweeb.
why do you think he is a fascist?
Jindal is the best. First he gets on Obama about Stimulus. Then he ran around Louisiana handing out big stimulus checks.

What a great guy!

After Handing Out Jumbo Stimulus Checks, Jindal Still Refuses To Give Obama Any Credit For Stimulus | ThinkProgress

Jindal hands out stimulus checks he once railed against*|*Raw Replay

Raise and call:

Jindal takes credit for stimulus, presents constituents with jumbo-sized stimulus check. | ThinkProgress

See how the stim money (he didn't 'take' the entire amount offered) went to. Read why he didn't 'take' all of it. Read about the strings attached to the stim funds, for a state that has been ravished by Mother Nature several times in the last decade.
I double dog dare you! :D
Bobby Jindal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take a look at the good things he has done for his state.
I double dog dare you! :D

I may not agree with some of his stances, but it appears that overall he has done well for his people.

Angie Bonvillain and Brenda Romero, teachers in Calcasieu Parish, have launched recalls for both over the education reform policies recently passed by the legislature. The policies include relaxing teacher tenure rules, increased power for school administrators to fire teachers, tying test scores to teacher performance and the promotion of school vouchers, along with the creation of new charter schools.

"He waited until he was elected for a second term and then unleashed this entire change of the education system. Now he is going after the retirement system," Romero told HuffPost. "This is all very fascist to me."

Bobby Jindal Recall: Teachers Seek To Oust Louisiana Governor

Some teachers MUST go, period!

So should some fascist governors. Can't stand that gweeb.

There's no way a recall of BJ will have any type of traction. He's popular in his his State.

Angie Bonvillain and Brenda Romero, teachers in Calcasieu Parish, have launched recalls for both over the education reform policies recently passed by the legislature. The policies include relaxing teacher tenure rules, increased power for school administrators to fire teachers, tying test scores to teacher performance and the promotion of school vouchers, along with the creation of new charter schools.

"He waited until he was elected for a second term and then unleashed this entire change of the education system. Now he is going after the retirement system," Romero told HuffPost. "This is all very fascist to me."

Bobby Jindal Recall: Teachers Seek To Oust Louisiana Governor

Some teachers MUST go, period!
Causing leftist butthurt is not a cause for recall.

Man, some teachers sure don't want to be held accountable for the work they do, do they?

Angie Bonvillain and Brenda Romero, teachers in Calcasieu Parish, have launched recalls for both over the education reform policies recently passed by the legislature. The policies include relaxing teacher tenure rules, increased power for school administrators to fire teachers, tying test scores to teacher performance and the promotion of school vouchers, along with the creation of new charter schools.

"He waited until he was elected for a second term and then unleashed this entire change of the education system. Now he is going after the retirement system," Romero told HuffPost. "This is all very fascist to me."

Bobby Jindal Recall: Teachers Seek To Oust Louisiana Governor

Some teachers MUST go, period!

So should some fascist governors. Can't stand that gweeb.

Mindless knee-jerk. You won't get a rational explanation. Pay it no mind.
How dare he demand performance from schools. Doens't he know that the purpose of schools is to provide a lot of cush for the teachers, not to teach the students.

Angie Bonvillain and Brenda Romero, teachers in Calcasieu Parish, have launched recalls for both over the education reform policies recently passed by the legislature. The policies include relaxing teacher tenure rules, increased power for school administrators to fire teachers, tying test scores to teacher performance and the promotion of school vouchers, along with the creation of new charter schools.

"He waited until he was elected for a second term and then unleashed this entire change of the education system. Now he is going after the retirement system," Romero told HuffPost. "This is all very fascist to me."

Bobby Jindal Recall: Teachers Seek To Oust Louisiana Governor

Some teachers MUST go, period!

So should some fascist governors. Can't stand that gweeb.

Acknowledging the damage done over the years by the teachers' union and an out of control system of tenure is not fascist you twit. I know several teachers, all of whom have no issues with the reforms that the people of the great state of Louisiana have supported.
Anyone who is willing to teach in Calcasieu (‘Cal-ka-shoe’) Parish should be paid as much a possible and left alone by the government.

why do you think he is a fascist?

He’s not a fascist, he’s a coward to attack teachers and use education as a political football.

Greedy teacher unions are gay.

Now there’s an intelligent response from the right.
Anyone who is willing to teach in Calcasieu (‘Cal-ka-shoe’) Parish should be paid as much a possible and left alone by the government.

why do you think he is a fascist?

He’s not a fascist, he’s a coward to attack teachers and use education as a political football.

Greedy teacher unions are gay.

Now there’s an intelligent response from the right.

Excellent responses from a 'legal' professional. :cuckoo:

Anyone who is willing to teach in Calcasieu (‘Cal-ka-shoe’) Parish should be paid as much a possible and left alone by the government.

Left alone by the government? :clap2: Implying teachers should have no accountability and should work for free. Good job!
Jindal is the best. First he gets on Obama about Stimulus. Then he ran around Louisiana handing out big stimulus checks.

What a great guy!

After Handing Out Jumbo Stimulus Checks, Jindal Still Refuses To Give Obama Any Credit For Stimulus | ThinkProgress

Jindal hands out stimulus checks he once railed against*|*Raw Replay

Raise and call:

Jindal takes credit for stimulus, presents constituents with jumbo-sized stimulus check. | ThinkProgress

See how the stim money (he didn't 'take' the entire amount offered) went to. Read why he didn't 'take' all of it. Read about the strings attached to the stim funds, for a state that has been ravished by Mother Nature several times in the last decade.
I double dog dare you! :D
Bobby Jindal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take a look at the good things he has done for his state.
I double dog dare you! :D

I may not agree with some of his stances, but it appears that overall he has done well for his people.

crickets chirping, Sallow...

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