Jindal: people are ready for a hostile takeover of D.C.

Ralph Reed of Jack Abramoff fame? Who rehabilitated his career?

hostile take over and armed rebellion are not the same thing. I suggest you consult your Websters before continuing to make yourself look stupid.

Since I referenced neither, you might want to consult the Dick and Jane books until you have learned to read.

you quoted JED. his words, you supported them in your post.

dick sticks his dick in jane, jane likes it. dick and jane make joe and mary. :D
I think it would be really cool to have a reality TV show called "Bricks and Bats Day." Travel to different towns and pit the local nastiest leftist trash VS the local Tea Party in a street brawl. No knives, guns, etc. Just bricks and bats. I'd watch.

You are advocating for physical violence on an open forum.

Are you sick? Do you need medical attention? Or are you just plain old fucking mental?

Christ, how the Right has lowered the bar... really...

And you're an idiot. Nowhere did he "advocate violence". He said that it would be cool to have a reality show.

Frankly, I'd LOVE to watch such a show. Watch the Nazis get the hell kicked out of them. Geezzz. It would HAVE to be better than "Honey Boo Boo". :D:D

And in the reality show, people would beat the fuck out of each other with bricks and bats.

You are advocating for physical violence on an open forum.

Are you sick? Do you need medical attention? Or are you just plain old fucking mental?

Christ, how the Right has lowered the bar... really...

And you're an idiot. Nowhere did he "advocate violence". He said that it would be cool to have a reality show.

Frankly, I'd LOVE to watch such a show. Watch the Nazis get the hell kicked out of them. Geezzz. It would HAVE to be better than "Honey Boo Boo". :D:D

And in the reality show, people would beat the fuck out of each other with bricks and bats.


Yeah, you're right. Can't have that now, can we? I'd rather watch the Syrian people beat the hell out of each other (while you Nazi's feign "concern") or the Egyptian people, or the Iraqi people or the Iranian people.

No, come to think of it, I'd rather watch right wingers beat the hell out of left wing Nazis.

It would probably have more of a "folksy" feel to it, don't you think?
What does it say when a Republican 'leader' won't take his own advice?

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal tells GOP: ?Stop being the stupid party.?* - NY Daily News

The potential 2016 presidential contender gave the keynote speech at a meeting of the Republican National Committee on Thursday, arguing that the party must adjust its message to attract a broader segment of the country.

“We’ve got to stop being the stupid party. It’s time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults,” he said. “We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I’m here to say we’ve had enough of that.”

Do you think they expect us to keep track of what they say????? :eek:
And you're an idiot. Nowhere did he "advocate violence". He said that it would be cool to have a reality show.

Frankly, I'd LOVE to watch such a show. Watch the Nazis get the hell kicked out of them. Geezzz. It would HAVE to be better than "Honey Boo Boo". :D:D

And in the reality show, people would beat the fuck out of each other with bricks and bats.


Yeah, you're right. Can't have that now, can we? I'd rather watch the Syrian people beat the hell out of each other (while you Nazi's feign "concern") or the Egyptian people, or the Iraqi people or the Iranian people.

No, come to think of it, I'd rather watch right wingers beat the hell out of left wing Nazis.

It would probably have more of a "folksy" feel to it, don't you think?

Alone the fact that you are stupid enough to actually think that people on the American left are "Nazis" pretty much disqualifies you from any kind of real debate. Your brain is shut-down already. Poor thing. :eusa_boohoo:

Now, go drink some more of your beloved tea.

The bolded: was that a threat?

Countdown to Tea-Party pussy answer in 5...4....3....2....1
What does it say when a Republican 'leader' won't take his own advice?

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal tells GOP: ?Stop being the stupid party.?* - NY Daily News

The potential 2016 presidential contender gave the keynote speech at a meeting of the Republican National Committee on Thursday, arguing that the party must adjust its message to attract a broader segment of the country.

“We’ve got to stop being the stupid party. It’s time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults,” he said. “We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I’m here to say we’ve had enough of that.”

Do you think they expect us to keep track of what they say????? :eek:


Ahhh, the GOP: a gift that just keeps giving.
And in the reality show, people would beat the fuck out of each other with bricks and bats.


Yeah, you're right. Can't have that now, can we? I'd rather watch the Syrian people beat the hell out of each other (while you Nazi's feign "concern") or the Egyptian people, or the Iraqi people or the Iranian people.

No, come to think of it, I'd rather watch right wingers beat the hell out of left wing Nazis.

It would probably have more of a "folksy" feel to it, don't you think?

Alone the fact that you are stupid enough to actually think that people on the American left are "Nazis" pretty much disqualifies you from any kind of real debate. Your brain is shut-down already. Poor thing. :eusa_boohoo:

Now, go drink some more of your beloved tea.

The bolded: was that a threat?

Countdown to Tea-Party pussy answer in 5...4....3....2....1

A threat to watch it? HELL YES!!!! I'd PAY for that!! Unfortunately, your cheap attempt at luring me into some of your legalese bullshit is a waste of your time and, especially mine.

I'm 70 years old, sonny. My ass kicking days are WELL behind me. But I wouldn't mind say, the DNC in 68 again. Now THAT was good times!

Nice try Sonny.
Yeah, you're right. Can't have that now, can we? I'd rather watch the Syrian people beat the hell out of each other (while you Nazi's feign "concern") or the Egyptian people, or the Iraqi people or the Iranian people.

No, come to think of it, I'd rather watch right wingers beat the hell out of left wing Nazis.

It would probably have more of a "folksy" feel to it, don't you think?

Alone the fact that you are stupid enough to actually think that people on the American left are "Nazis" pretty much disqualifies you from any kind of real debate. Your brain is shut-down already. Poor thing. :eusa_boohoo:

Now, go drink some more of your beloved tea.

The bolded: was that a threat?

Countdown to Tea-Party pussy answer in 5...4....3....2....1

A threat to watch it? HELL YES!!!! I'd PAY for that!! Unfortunately, your cheap attempt at luring me into some of your legalese bullshit is a waste of your time and, especially mine.

I'm 70 years old, sonny. My ass kicking days are WELL behind me. But I wouldn't mind say, the DNC in 68 again. Now THAT was good times!

Nice try Sonny.

70 is the new 50.

My, oh my, the young man gets all testy. Calls people nazis and then when called on the carpet, whines like a little pussy.

carry on. It's all good in the hood.

Yeah, you're right. Can't have that now, can we? I'd rather watch the Syrian people beat the hell out of each other (while you Nazi's feign "concern") or the Egyptian people, or the Iraqi people or the Iranian people.

No, come to think of it, I'd rather watch right wingers beat the hell out of left wing Nazis.

It would probably have more of a "folksy" feel to it, don't you think?

Alone the fact that you are stupid enough to actually think that people on the American left are "Nazis" pretty much disqualifies you from any kind of real debate. Your brain is shut-down already. Poor thing. :eusa_boohoo:

Now, go drink some more of your beloved tea.

The bolded: was that a threat?

Countdown to Tea-Party pussy answer in 5...4....3....2....1

A threat to watch it? HELL YES!!!! I'd PAY for that!! Unfortunately, your cheap attempt at luring me into some of your legalese bullshit is a waste of your time and, especially mine.

I'm 70 years old, sonny. My ass kicking days are WELL behind me. But I wouldn't mind say, the DNC in 68 again. Now THAT was good times!

Nice try Sonny.

You mean Daly's Police Riot.

You probably enjoyed Kent State too.
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Now they're fanning the flames talking about a "hostile" takeover of DC hahahaha!!!!

Well what are you pussy right wingers waiting for, DO IT!!!!!

GO AHEAD...you've been threatening it for 6 years now....fucking DO IT!!!

Ok. Gotta call them fools out once in a while. Now that they realize they are too chicken shit to actually...well, do it...we can talk about stupid this comment by Jindal was, and how sad it is that to win in the GOP now, you must cater to a base that LIKES THAT KINDA OF SPEECH. Otherwise, they wouldn't say shit like that.
I mean, God dang, at least Occupy Wall Street had the balls to TRY their plan of a takeover of Wall Street.

Right wingers are like the teenagers on the corner who talk a lot of shit...but mostly just annoy the adults and never back up anything they say. Well, other than those Bundy ranch terrorist right wingers who ambushed and murdered 2 police officers in Vegas. But 99.9% of right wingers...all talk.
Alone the fact that you are stupid enough to actually think that people on the American left are "Nazis" pretty much disqualifies you from any kind of real debate. Your brain is shut-down already. Poor thing. :eusa_boohoo:

Now, go drink some more of your beloved tea.

The bolded: was that a threat?

Countdown to Tea-Party pussy answer in 5...4....3....2....1

A threat to watch it? HELL YES!!!! I'd PAY for that!! Unfortunately, your cheap attempt at luring me into some of your legalese bullshit is a waste of your time and, especially mine.

I'm 70 years old, sonny. My ass kicking days are WELL behind me. But I wouldn't mind say, the DNC in 68 again. Now THAT was good times!

Nice try Sonny.

70 is the new 50.

My, oh my, the young man gets all testy. Calls people nazis and then when called on the carpet, whines like a little pussy.

carry on. It's all good in the hood.


Nice try again. You have a rather high opinion of yourself, don't you? Sorry, I don't share your opinion of yourself. Yes - you are a piece of gutter trash liberal Nazi. Don't like it? Kiss my ass and put me on ignore. Makes absolutely no difference to me big shot.
Alone the fact that you are stupid enough to actually think that people on the American left are "Nazis" pretty much disqualifies you from any kind of real debate. Your brain is shut-down already. Poor thing. :eusa_boohoo:

Now, go drink some more of your beloved tea.

The bolded: was that a threat?

Countdown to Tea-Party pussy answer in 5...4....3....2....1

A threat to watch it? HELL YES!!!! I'd PAY for that!! Unfortunately, your cheap attempt at luring me into some of your legalese bullshit is a waste of your time and, especially mine.

I'm 70 years old, sonny. My ass kicking days are WELL behind me. But I wouldn't mind say, the DNC in 68 again. Now THAT was good times!

Nice try Sonny.

You mean Daly's Police Riot.

You probably enjoyed Kent State too.

I used to love it when you punk-assed Brownshirts (who have grown into full fledged Nazis - like yourself) got their collective asses handed to them by construction workers. Loved it.

When told to disperse, get your spoiled ass out of the area or suffer the consequences.

Daly's "police riot"? You mean when the naked, spoiled, rich kids tried to interrupt the DNC? Got their asses kicked, didn't they. Loved it. Or, do you mean when Pete Townshend of "The Who" kicked the shit out of Abbey Hoffman when he tried to take the stage at Woodstock?

Or, are you talking about that gutter trash who destroys cities at G8 summits - covering their faces like the terrorists that they are?

Oh, you must be talking about the gutter trash Eco-terrorists that destroy private property that they "deem" worthy of attack?

And those 4 at Kent State? Should have left when they were asked to. You Nazis (at least since that BS artist Obama has been in office) claim that "we are a nation of laws" - and I call Bullshit. What YOU really mean is CONFORM.

I got your number and you know it.
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Alone the fact that you are stupid enough to actually think that people on the American left are "Nazis" pretty much disqualifies you from any kind of real debate. Your brain is shut-down already. Poor thing. :eusa_boohoo:

Now, go drink some more of your beloved tea.

The bolded: was that a threat?

Countdown to Tea-Party pussy answer in 5...4....3....2....1

A threat to watch it? HELL YES!!!! I'd PAY for that!! Unfortunately, your cheap attempt at luring me into some of your legalese bullshit is a waste of your time and, especially mine.

I'm 70 years old, sonny. My ass kicking days are WELL behind me. But I wouldn't mind say, the DNC in 68 again. Now THAT was good times!

Nice try Sonny.

You mean Daly's Police Riot.

You probably enjoyed Kent State too.

See the RNC Tampa 2012, random arrests, most did not result in charges. A police state, and it went on past the convention, DUI checkpoints were pulled back along the way up out of Florida. Thank Rick Scott for the highway deaths. The drunken partiers plowed through my town for days, some lost, many belligerent, and demanding.
A threat to watch it? HELL YES!!!! I'd PAY for that!! Unfortunately, your cheap attempt at luring me into some of your legalese bullshit is a waste of your time and, especially mine.

I'm 70 years old, sonny. My ass kicking days are WELL behind me. But I wouldn't mind say, the DNC in 68 again. Now THAT was good times!

Nice try Sonny.

You mean Daly's Police Riot.

You probably enjoyed Kent State too.

See the RNC Tampa 2012, random arrests, most did not result in charges. A police state, and it went on past the convention, DUI checkpoints were pulled back along the way up out of Florida. Thank Rick Scott for the highway deaths. The drunken partiers plowed through my town for days, some lost, many belligerent, and demanding.

I'd like to see some proof with links that people died due to Rick Scott and a "Police State" in Fla during the RNC..
I'd say he's just pandering to the extremists in the GOP base, but it seems that there are nothing but extremists in their base these days. They've taken over the GOP to the extent that a mainstream politician thinks it's normal to call for armed revolution over democratic rule.

Bobby Jindal Says Rebellion Brewing Against Washington

Jindal spoke at the annual conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a group led by longtime Christian activist Ralph Reed. Organizers said more than 1,000 evangelical leaders attended the three-day gathering. Republican officials across the political spectrum concede that evangelical voters continue to play a critical role in GOP politics."I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States," Jindal said, "where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren."

This is not the way Christians are to respond. We are under judgment and to rebel against this govt would only hasten America's demise. Russia and China would leap on such an opportunity to blindside us. Rebelling against the judgment of God? Should not be mentioned once among us who call ourselves Christians. God forbid!
I'd say he's just pandering to the extremists in the GOP base, but it seems that there are nothing but extremists in their base these days. They've taken over the GOP to the extent that a mainstream politician thinks it's normal to call for armed revolution over democratic rule.

Bobby Jindal Says Rebellion Brewing Against Washington

Jindal spoke at the annual conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a group led by longtime Christian activist Ralph Reed. Organizers said more than 1,000 evangelical leaders attended the three-day gathering. Republican officials across the political spectrum concede that evangelical voters continue to play a critical role in GOP politics."I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States," Jindal said, "where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren."

Jindal is right.
A threat to watch it? HELL YES!!!! I'd PAY for that!! Unfortunately, your cheap attempt at luring me into some of your legalese bullshit is a waste of your time and, especially mine.

I'm 70 years old, sonny. My ass kicking days are WELL behind me. But I wouldn't mind say, the DNC in 68 again. Now THAT was good times!

Nice try Sonny.

70 is the new 50.

My, oh my, the young man gets all testy. Calls people nazis and then when called on the carpet, whines like a little pussy.

carry on. It's all good in the hood.


Nice try again. You have a rather high opinion of yourself, don't you? Sorry, I don't share your opinion of yourself. Yes - you are a piece of gutter trash liberal Nazi. Don't like it? Kiss my ass and put me on ignore. Makes absolutely no difference to me big shot.

It wasn't about me. It was about you.
I'd say he's just pandering to the extremists in the GOP base, but it seems that there are nothing but extremists in their base these days. They've taken over the GOP to the extent that a mainstream politician thinks it's normal to call for armed revolution over democratic rule.

Bobby Jindal Says Rebellion Brewing Against Washington

Jindal spoke at the annual conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a group led by longtime Christian activist Ralph Reed. Organizers said more than 1,000 evangelical leaders attended the three-day gathering. Republican officials across the political spectrum concede that evangelical voters continue to play a critical role in GOP politics."I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States," Jindal said, "where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren."

Jindal is right.

Thad Cochran vs. Chris McDaniel: A closer look at the ad wars - POLITICO.com

A key statistic that’s cited in some of the anti-Cochran ads is his number of years in Washington: 41. The figure seems to suggests to voters that they should think Cochran, at 76, is too old for another term, although the ads don’t say that outright because Cochran is personally very likeable in the state.

Very conservative groups such as Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Senate Conservatives PAC, Family Research Council’s PAC and The Madison Project have also jumped into the action against him.

The Cochran campaign source said that outside groups were attempting a “hostile takeover of the state so they can own it.” But Cochran has received outside support too.

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