Jimmy Dore - Brainless Babbling Biden.......

Trump stated MANY, MANY times during his first run as President, he was going to run a solid transparent Presidency.......and thats what he's done, and he's STILL transparent! The Demoicreeps just don't comprehend what a TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION is or means.....so they are lying out every pore of their bodies, in order to come up with ANYTHING that will stick to Trump........but something else they don't comprehend........

Trump is coated in TEFLON!!!! NOTHING STICKS!
This is what a transparent administration does for him......it makes him INVULNERABLE. (well, pretty much....you know what I mean)

As long as Trump is completely transparent and honest about everything, which he has been.......theres nothing they can do or say that will ever stick to him.

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