Jihadists Win. Thank Conservative Hysterics

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
When a terrorist plot fails, but gets the amount of hysterics conservatives and Obama haters have lobbed over the last week...the Jihadists win. Terrorists want to terrify, and the constant whining and blame game coming from the right...turns a loss into a win.

Thank you GOP and American conservatives. You have handed the Jihadists another win.

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Actually, when you consider how many al Qaeda Obama has successfully had killed since he's been in office, and then look how well they are training "new recruits" (come on, fire crackers and the wrong fertilizer? Did he poop half of it himself?), you have to applaud the great job Obama is doing.

WASHINGTON - Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani set off a tempest about terrorism yesterday with his claim that this nation “had no domestic attacks” under President George W. Bush.

Rudy Giuliani: No terror attacks under Bush - BostonHerald.com

No wonder the right is "scared". It's the delusions. The imaginings. Terrorists living thousands of miles away are "scary".
Dante said:
Jihadists Win. Thank Conservative Hysterics

When a terrorist plot fails, but gets the amount of hysterics conservatives and Obama haters have lobbed over the last week...the Jihadists win. Terrorists want to terrify, and the constant whining and blame game coming from the right...turns a loss into a win.

Thank you GOP and American conservatives. You have handed the Jihadists another win.

No problem. Our pleasure. Have a good day.

and Tim McVeigh sends his best wishes...from Hell. HE says it's great over there. Lots of Christian conservatives hanging around the fire, toasting marshmallows and telling racist jokes in the safety of numbers.
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Face the hard truth here.

The reasons the last 2 notable terrorist attempts, the underwear bomber and this latest idiot, failed were technical malfunctions.

neither were stopped because of any type of brilliant intelligence or police work.

We got fucking lucky is all and one of these times (soon I would say) our luck will run out.
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Face the hard truth here.

The reasons the last 2 notable terrorist attempts, the underwear bomber and this latest idiot, failed were technical malfunctions.

neither were stopped because of any type of brilliant intelligence or police work.

We got fucking lucky is all and one of these times (soon I would say) our luck will run out.

same with the shoe bomber,,,but conservatives using these terrorist attempts to score cheap political points are causing hysteria incommensurate with the incident.

The Jihadists win when conservatives play disgraceful political games with national security threats.
Face the hard truth here.

The reasons the last 2 notable terrorist attempts, the underwear bomber and this latest idiot, failed were technical malfunctions.

neither were stopped because of any type of brilliant intelligence or police work.

We got fucking lucky is all and one of these times (soon I would say) our luck will run out.
Bullshit, Skull!!

You didn't read this?

Actually, when you consider how many al Qaeda Obama has successfully had killed since he's been in office, and then look how well they are training "new recruits" (come on, fire crackers and the wrong fertilizer? Did he poop half of it himself?), you have to applaud the great job Obama is doing.

Apparently Obamessiah is so awesome he effects even training methods!!
Face the hard truth here.

The reasons the last 2 notable terrorist attempts, the underwear bomber and this latest idiot, failed were technical malfunctions.

neither were stopped because of any type of brilliant intelligence or police work.

We got fucking lucky is all and one of these times (soon I would say) our luck will run out.

same with the shoe bomber,,,but conservatives using these terrorist attempts to score cheap political points are causing hysteria incommensurate with the incident.

The Jihadists win when conservatives play disgraceful political games with national security threats.
Short of spying on all American citizens 24/7, what could the police in this country do to prevent someone from building a bomb, putting it together, driving into time square of all places and blowing it up?

As much as our freedoms put us in such situations, at the end of the day, is it worth shredding the constitution? Benjamin Franklin and the other founders didn't think so, I don't think so either.

Because once you give up one freedom in this respect, you open the door for all freedoms to be taken away. Besides, once you begin losing freedom after freedom in exchange for what you may consider "safety", the terrorists have already won.
Short of spying on all American citizens 24/7, what could the police in this country do to prevent someone from building a bomb, putting it together, driving into time square of all places and blowing it up?

As much as our freedoms put us in such situations, at the end of the day, is it worth shredding the constitution? Benjamin Franklin and the other founders didn't think so, I don't think so either.

Because once you give up one freedom in this respect, you open the door for all freedoms to be taken away. Besides, once you begin losing freedom after freedom in exchange for what you may consider "safety", the terrorists have already won.

thank you. fuck the terrorists..domestic and foreign
When a terrorist plot fails, but gets the amount of hysterics conservatives and Obama haters have lobbed over the last week...the Jihadists win. Terrorists want to terrify, and the constant whining and blame game coming from the right...turns a loss into a win.
Are you terrified?

Don't be afraid...odds are, the next attack won't kill you.
When a terrorist plot fails, but gets the amount of hysterics conservatives and Obama haters have lobbed over the last week...the Jihadists win. Terrorists want to terrify, and the constant whining and blame game coming from the right...turns a loss into a win.
Are you terrified?

Don't be afraid...odds are, the next attack won't kill you.

I can't be terrified, I'm a liberal. :eusa_whistle:
Viacom censoring the South Park episode showing Muhammad because of some lame ass threat--or "warning"--from a fundamentalist blog that nobody reads was, to me, a more disturbing terroristWin than this shit.
I can't be terrified, I'm a liberal. :eusa_whistle:
Course not...


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