Jews are whining that EU summit timing is during their holiday

Jewish leaders question timing of EU summit

GET OVER IT! Its Europe not Israel,don't like it THEN LEAVE EUROPE! These fucking slimey fuckers think the world revolves around them.

We say to the Muslim Snowflake Bedwetters don't like something on OUR Continent then fuck off to Saudi Arabia, same with the Jewish Snowflake Bedwetters don't like something then fuck off to Israel. This crowd does not dictate what we do or when we do it WE are the MAJORITY, THEY are the MINORITY. They certainly DO NOT dictate what OUR Government does or when we do it, we want a Summit on a set date, WE decide the date.

From the OP article:


^^^^ None of the 28 EU leaders is Jewish. End. Of.


^^^^ STFU Commie human filth, Viktor Orbán has your number already. You remember that 24/7.


^^^^ We are HISTORICALLY a MAJORITY Christian Continent, we now have Christian unity, we have an HISTORICAL Christian Culture, we worship Our Lord Jesus Christ. They don't like it then they know what they can do. In Israel they celebrate and respect THEIR Jewish unity and Jewish culture, in Islamic nations they celebrate THEIR Muslim unity and Muslim culture, when in Rome do as the Romans, THEY are on OUR Continent, THEY do NOT dictate what happens on OUR Continent, when WE have meetings or when we DON'T have meetings. Get. Used. To. It. Already. Period. Don't like it then GTFO.


^^^^ They should take the advice of Alex Benjamin, he is sensible and NOT a SCREAMING Snowflake Bedwetter.

Here are just two of the Comments that come with the article:


^^^^ Excellent! Yes WJC stop meeting on Sikh Holidays, WTF are you BIGOTS why do you disrespect the Sikhs?! Also yes do Israel schedule meetings and summits based on Christian holidays? NO they do NOT. Exactly what is wrong with RISING pro-Christian rhetoric? We ARE Christian, we are NOT Muslim OR Jewish. Excellent Peter Lintner for illustrating the HYPOCRISY of this crowd in your comments.

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